• Andrea Sloan
  • 85 Points
  • Member since 2014
  • Project Lead
  • Abercrombie & Kent

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Our opportunities are entered strictly though an integration. Our business does not always contain a Closed Date field. This  causes many issues because the Closed Date field is mandatory in Salesforce and thus an empty Close Date field prevents the opoprtunity from either being created or updated in Salesoforce from our integration. We get errors point that the Close Date is missing. Create a Process Builder or Workflow to automatically insert "Today's Date" inside that field doesn't help because the trigger only fires off once the record is saved to perform my workflow. However, the record won't save if the Close Date field is empty. I cannot ask the business to have a date value populated for me for all the cases. What can I do? I need to somehow tell salesforce to force a date in for any given record for the field. We don't care what it is as we don't use that field. We just want the record to get into Salesforce. Is there some visualForce page or Apex trigger that could be created to have this performed? Again, our records are integrated and there are no manual entries. I am a system admin and don't know too much about how to write the correct syntax of a code if something could be done. I would require help with the syntax if possible.
I'm in Eclipse. I've set up a Force.com project labeled hard coded links. The metadata refereces my CS21 instance of my Sandbox. I'm trying to see if it'll pull up any hard coded links with that org reference. I type in CS21 but no results come up. Since CS21 is not a field or a report but just an instance name, I don't know how to make sure that gets included in my metadata. how would I even go back to edit the metadata to make sure?  I know I have a few hard coded linkes as I had ran a lightning test.
I'm not sure how to run a query to find my hard coded links in Eclipse and then what do to repalce them  replace them so they are  no longerhard coded to the instance?  know it's best for the hard codes not to point directly to an instance in case salesforce doesn an instance refresh and put it on another server but I don't know how to change the pointing to what? I also read up about creating my own salesforce domain which would handle this but I still don't know how to direct my hard coded links to a new domain and what to do if I remove the instance name (i.e. CS21)
Revenue by Contact for three years
I need to track revenue information based on the name of contacts who placed an opportunity. Revenue by Contact name. The catch is that our Opportunity screen and Contact objects are not related in any way (and will not be for various reasons) BUT they are both children of the Accounts object.
If Formula Field name "Booking Agent Name" in Opportunities contains the same name as the standard  "Name" field inside Contacts (we are not include Title, just first and last name) then DO not create a record in Contacts screen but add the expected revenue amount of the opportunities screen field to the Contact's "Contact Revenue" field (needs to be created) provided the Contact and the Opportunity share the same CRM ID Account AND provided the Opportunity's "File Status" picklist type field reads "Confirmed/Traveled"
We would like to tally the revenue by Contact for all travel Dates (found in opportunities) of This year ,last year and two years ago. This is based on the Opportunity's Travel Date  field.

New Contact Fields will need to be created labeled:
Revenue this year
Revenue last year
Revenue two years ago

If the Booking Agent Name in the Opportunity's object does not exist inside the Contact's object for that same CRM ID Account, then the first and last name of the "Booking agent name" of opportunities should be used to create a new Contact name for that account with matching First and Last name (from the opportunities screen). The rest of the above should then apply once the Contact record is created. Please see screenshots of Contacts and Opportunities screen.

In Parallel to this, I wold like to create a child object for contacts that houses the list of all opportunities fore ach contact where I can later created a rollup count of how many opportunties the contact has brought in based on the opportunity's Travel date field as well as the total revenue figure.

I don't know anything about creating APEX or codig with classes. If anyone can help me with the sample code, that would be great help.

User-added imageUser-added image
I've developed a VisualForce page which I'm adding as a Salesforce homepage component. It all works fine. The only issue is that from a layout persepctive, there's not enough room vertically between one component and the next  and the content in my VF compoent (which are links) are not starting from the top of the component but lower down. Therefore it could be easy for the user to miss. I'm attaching screenshot of the compoentn and my VisualForce page code is below. If any additional coding is required to enhance, I would appreciate if someone can provide this for me as I'm a salseforce admin and don't know much of development language. You'll see that my first screenshot has the link Passwords:SouthAfrica at the bottom of the component. I'd like it further up to allow room t view additional links. My second screeshot (with the "sanctuary" link includes to links where you need to scroll down to view because there's not enough room on the component. The size of this component is too small if I can't fit at least 3 links without having to scroll. How can i make it so that we can enlarge it to fit three links?

<apex:page >
.linksWrap a {color:#1797c0; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none;}

<div class="linksWrap">
        <apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == 'robrien@abercrombiekent.com', true, false)}" value="/005?setupid=ManageUsers&isUserEntityOverride=1&fcf=00BE0000003ly4M">Passwords: Active Users</apex:outputLink>
        <apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == 'robrien@abercrombiekent.com', true, false)}" value="/005?setupid=ManageUsers&isUserEntityOverride=1&fcf=00BE0000004MnFD">Users' Time Zones</apex:outputLink>
        <apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == 'robrien@abercrombiekent.com', true, false)}" value="https://abercrombiekentgroup.sharepoint.com/sites/DBA/Lists/TS%20%20IT%20Admins/AllItems.aspx">IT and Travel Studio TS Admins</apex:outputLink>
        <!-- this is here b/c this user is not a Local admin profile so wouldnt see the link if it was with the others in the outputpanel below where 2 conditions need to be meet Local admin and username -->
     <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!IF($Profile.Name == 'Source Market Local Admin', true, false)}">
         <apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == 'afadmin1@abercrombiekent.com', true, false)}" value="/005?setupid=ManageUsers&isUserEntityOverride=1&fcf=00B44000004O0Wy" >Passwords: European and Sanctuary</apex:outputLink>
<apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == 'afadmin1@abercrombiekent.com', true, false)}" value="https://abercrombiekentgroup.sharepoint.com/sites/DBA/Lists/TS%20%20IT%20Admins/AllItems.aspx">IT and Travel Studio TS Admins</apex:outputLink>

<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!IF($Profile.Name == 'Source USA Non Retail Local Admin', true, false)}">
        <apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == 'lsayers@akdmc.com', true, false)}" value="/005?setupid=ManageUsers&isUserEntityOverride=1&fcf=00BE0000002uKbi">Passwords: USA Non Retail</apex:outputLink>
      <apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == 'lsayers@akdmc.com', true, false)}"  value="https://abercrombiekentgroup.sharepoint.com/sites/DBA/Lists/TS%20%20IT%20Admins/AllItems.aspx">IT and Travel Studio TS Admins</apex:outputLink>
 <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!IF($Profile.Name == 'Source USA Retail Local Admin', true, false)}">
        <apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == 'plangeloh@abercrombiekent.com', true, false)}" value="/005?setupid=ManageUsers&isUserEntityOverride=1&fcf=00BE0000002uKbn">Passwords: USA Retail</apex:outputLink>
        <apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == 'kaylward@abercrombiekent.com', true, false)}" value="/005?setupid=ManageUsers&isUserEntityOverride=1&fcf=00BE0000002uKbn">Passwords: USA Retail</apex:outputLink>
 <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!IF($Profile.Name == 'DMC Local Admin', true, false)}">
        <apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == 'zsogoni@abercrombiekent.co.za', true, false)}" value="/005?setupid=ManageUsers&isUserEntityOverride=1&fcf=00BE0000003mw49">Passwords: Southern Africa</apex:outputLink>

        Here is a sample link broken down, copy this link and put it under the last link above and change the data to match.
        - [USERNAME OF USER] replace this with the username of the user you want to be able to see the link.
        - [LIST VIEW ID] replace this with the Id of the List view you want it to show.
          Remember that when you navigate to the Manage Users page, you will need to re-select the group you want from the picklist so it will show the ID of the listview
          at the end of the URL. Just copy everything after the &fcf= in the URL and that should be the Group ID) (after the last = sign)
        - [LINK TEXT] replace this with whatever text you want to show for the link.
        - target="_blank" means the link will open in a new tab or window

        <apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == '[USERNAME OF USER]', true, false)}" value="/005?setupid=ManageUsers&isUserEntityOverride=1&fcf=[LIST VIEW ID]">[LINK TEXT]</apex:outputLink>      
User-added image

User-added image
I've already activated  "Clean Rules " Geocodes for Contact mailing Address in Salesforce. I understand from the links I've read that the geocodes don't actually show up unless through a custom field.
1. How would I then create a custom field that shows the goelocations of my contacts' mailing address?
2. My Sales people want to go on roadshows and have contacts that are close to one another show up in the Google map if they show to be the Contact owner. How exactly do I achieve this? Can this be done on the UI through Geocodes? How? If this can't be done by showing up on a map then simply getting a list of the nearby contacts would be the second alternative.

I also saw another posting quoting below that has API code which I believe can achieve something in the lines of what I want. I'm not a developer and I don't fully grasp the  coding nor would I know how to put this inside a Visualforce page. in my case, my object would be Contacts and the geocodes would be that of the mailng Address.
Please help! thank you

<apex:map width="600px" height="400px" mapType="roadmap"

    <apex:repeat value="{! MyObj__c.Addresses }" var="addr">
      <apex:mapMarker title="{! addr.Name }"

I've tried this declaratively and it did not work so I'm hoping someone can help me do this through VisualForce or Appx. Please keep in mind that I'm not familiar with the developer coding so any samples you could provide for me to try out would be great.
My_Account__c :  (API name) is a custom checkbox field that I'm trying to set to true based on certain conditions described below. This field is under the standard Account object.

To determine whether My_Account__c   field is true, we want ot look at the field values specified below residing within two objects that are NOT related objects:

Standard Object 1: Account
Field 1: Billing Country (standard text type field, part of the address component)

Custom Object 2: Territory_Ownerships__c (API name)
Field 1: Name (API name and it's text type) but I've relabeled the name of the custom field to Owner SourceCountry (the label name)
Field 2: Opportunity_Owner_Sanctuary_Director__c (API name and it's a lookup type)

My_Account__c should equal true when

Account's Billing Country value is the same as ( Name field value  in Territory_Ownerships__c object AND Opportunity_Owner_Sanctuary_Director__c in Territory object is the same as the name of the Salesforce user currently logged in) All else, the checkbox field should be false.

For example, my name is Andrea Sloan and I'm looking at a record in the Account's object whch has France listed as the billincountry name.
The territory record table shows that there's a record where the Name field contains France as a value and for that record the Opportunity Owner Sanctuary Director field has Andrea Sloan listed  as a value. When I log in, if I run a report with MyAccount checkbox field as a filter value to true, I should be able to see the given account record that had shown France as the billing country.

This checkbox field, should refresh for each user login. When I tried this declaratively, once the field was checked, it remained checked under a user who should have had theirs checked off. In other words, if your name is not listed as the owner for France as per my example then that field should not be checked.

Also, this verification should take into effect anytime an account record is created but also anytime any of the fields in question that I mentioned above from either of the objects are edited. Therefore, the account may move and no longer be in France and Andrea's name may no longer belong to France in the Territories object.

Any help someone could provide hopefully with the syntaxed code would be great! Thank you in advance!
Part of my information within my Visualforce page applies to a subset of users and the other part applies to all users. I'm trying to avoid having to create two VisualForce pages where I would provide access to some users to one VisualForce page and access to the other users to the second page seeing that part of my VF table applies to all users. Can specific permissions be applies to one table for a specific Public Group of users and the other table to another Public Group? If so, what would the coding be and where within my table would I put it in?
I've saveed my company logo in the Documents object of Salesforce. I want to insert this as the very first thing inside my VisualForce page on the Top Left and the have the line "Hello ...." appear (per the  coding below. I don't know how to insert an image. Do I needto reference the entire URL that the image is under within the Documents object? I know relative URLs would be better.  A_K_Logo_png is the name of my image /01523000000I3N9 is the relative URL  that it's found under.  How can I best accomlish this? Can someone  please repost my code for it to show up accordingly? I don't know how the syntax is to do this. I did not insert the entire code following hte beginning of a table that I posted but this is probably enough.

<apex:Page >
<apex:image url="{/01523000000I3N9}"></apex:image>
{apex:image:url"("A_K_Logo_png")" ;


        <link rel="stylesheet" href="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css"/>
        <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
        <script src="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.js"></script>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/demos/style.css"/>
            $(function() {
                $("#pv2").datepicker({changeMonth: true, changeYear: true});
                 $("#pv12").datepicker({changeMonth: true, changeYear: true});          
                $(".datepick").datepicker({changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, constrainInput: false});      

   <FONT Size="3"><i> Hello  {! $User.FirstName}</i></FONT>
    <FONT Size="3"> <i>Please use the fields below to enter your desired dates for the specified reports.</i></FONT>
    <TABLE Border= "3" CELLSPACING="1" CELLPADDING="1" >
        <CAPTION><B> <FONT Size="4">Salesforce Reports</FONT> </B></CAPTION>
        <TR style="text-align:center;font-size:12pt;background-color:#ADD8E6;">
            <TD  >

I have a Visualforce page with a table and would like to add color to my cells and in some cases to my entire row. I don't know what the syntax is to insert the color and what it is I need to insert and where in my table to indicate that I want a particular color either for a cell or for the entire row. Cna someone help me by posting the syntax in the exact format opening and closing statements that I must include for this to go through? Perhaps include a sample color that I could test out.
I have a picklist field called Account Category which I would like to make invisible on my pae layout under the scenario when user selcts the following to picklist fields with the show values

Account classification field = retail
Source market field = USA

Only once they have selected values for those two fields must the account category field appear on my screen under accoutns screen provided the populated values are not the ones above. I don't know any JAVA but I'm guessing this might be able to be done with JAVA? Can someone help me with the appropriate coding?

thank you
I am an admin and have been requrested to introduce a picklist field called Account Category on my Accounts screen but to be made visible only under particular record type combinations. I truly want to stay away from creating new record types as well as new page layouts for users to not see this one field under a differenet page layout. From a system admin maintenance perspective for just one field, a record type with additional page layouts is not worth the future maintenance trouble.
I would in an ideal world like to have this newAccount Category field viewable to all users under the scenarios below but all under the SAME default account page layout that I use for all my reocrds. Is there any way this could be accomlished with VisualForce as it apepars it's not possible to ahve the field invisible in Salesforce unless I introduce record types and diffferent page layouts.

Below are my scenarios:

1. Account Classification: Retail 
Source Market: Mexico
Account Category: Show 4 out of 4 possible values (would be dependent field to above fields)

2. Account Classification Non Retail
Source Market : Mexico
Account category: Show 4 out fo 4 possible values (same as above f or Mexico)

3. Account Classification: Non-Retail
Source Market :USA or Canada (canada is a separate value from USA)
Account Category: 3 out of 4 possible values

4. Account Classification: Retail
Source Market :USA or Canada (canada is a separate value from USA)
Account Category: User should not have the ability to  select anything and field should look white blank. Ideally, if field could even be invisible, that would be great (without creating a record type that is)

Any other combination of Account Classification with Source Market, user should ideally not see anything under Account Categry OR at least have that field display as blank,.

Account Category would only be dependent on source market but the only scenario where it's values are dependent on source market as well as account classification choice is under combination 4.

Can this be accomplished with just one page layout view? Either have the field hidden when not applicalbe OR have it there but have it greyed out with a white display (I don't want the word "None" as an option)
I need to figure out how to create a formula field to reside in the User object that will indicate the user's current time based on the populated timezone from the user's timezone field. I don't know how to calculate a timezone offset and I understand that this will ned to be done first through an Apex trigger. I don't know hoow to code any APEX and I'm looking for help and coding syntax in the actual steps for the end result to sit inside the user's profile.
I've  created a visualForce page which pulls a list of all my Salesforce users with a few fields included. I need help with two things.
1. The profile in the list view pops up as the CRM ID. This is not helpful for my user to view it this way. How can I get the profile that includes the field Profile to display by the label name of the actual profile and not the code?

2. I need to add a filter to my list view to ensure it only displays Active Salesforce users. Can someone help me as to how and where I should be including this? I'm pasting my current code below

3. The reason behind this Visual Force creation is to allow my Trainer access to this user information as she does not have permission access to the actual user page. Once my VisualForce is done, how do I ensure that she could have access to this data? Is there something I need to add to the coding of this visual force page to ensure she could access it even though she has no access to the user object - based on her profile? Also, where would I display this VisualForce page for her to view? I cannot think of any current object where this would be apropriate to place for her as part of a page layout unless I create a new object just to place this for her? Or would a link on the home page work?

<apex:page standardcontroller="User" recordSetvar="Users">

 <apex:pageBlock title="List of Users">
    <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Users}" var="listofusers" >
        <apex:column headerValue="Name">
         <apex:column headerValue="Office">
         <apex:column headerValue="Profile">
        <apex:column headerValue="Time Zone ">
        <apex:column headerValue="Email Address ">
        <apex:column headerValue="Account Owner ">
I am trying to create a VisualForce page for our Trainer who requires visibility of a few fields from the user object but she does not have permissions to enter hte user objct and perform edits. I'm not sure how to create this page and need some help. With what I've tried, when I hit the preview icon I only get information returned related to the one custom fild I've inserted in my VisualForce coding. The two standard fields don't return antying. I should  ideally have a populated list with such information for all my users and not just one (unless the view mode will only show one?)The other fields don't return anything. Below is my coding and attached is a screenshot of what it retruns.

<apex:page standardcontroller="User " >

    <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!User}" var="user">
        <apex:column headerValue="Name">
            {!user.FirstName} {!user.LastName}
        <apex:column headerValue="Time Zone ">
        <apex:column headerValue="Account Owner ">

User-added image
I continue to have the problem that my VisualForce page Form does not pass onto my report's P2 filter the onchange="getComboA value selected on the form. The form passes on my calendar dates for P0 and P1 so this issue is specific to the GetCombo values not passing through correctly. Can someone please help me and suggest how I can tweak the Get Combo settings so this could pass through correctly?

   <apex:Page >
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css"/>
        <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
        <script src="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.js"></script>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/demos/style.css"/>
            $(function() {
                $("#pv2").datepicker({changeMonth: true, changeYear: true});
                 $("#pv12").datepicker({changeMonth: true, changeYear: true});          
                $(".datepick").datepicker({changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, constrainInput: false});      
           function getComboA(sel,inputId) {
                document.getElementById(inputId).value = sel.value;
                <form method="get" action="/00OE0000002ujMC" >           
                <B>New Confirmed/Travels (This Month)</B>
                <b>Date Ranges:</b>
               Travel Date From (MM/DD/YYYY):
                <input type="text" name="pv0" id="pv0" class="datepick" /> <br/>
                Travel Date To (MM/DD/YYYY):
                <input type="text" name="pv1" id="pv1" class="datepick" />
                <br />
                Confirm Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
                <select name ="pv2" id="pv3" onchange="getComboA(pv2,'pv3')">
                    <option value="This Month">This Month</option>
                    <option value="Last Month">Last Month</option>
                    <option value="This Year">This Year</option>
                    <option value="Last Year">Last Year</option>
                    <option value="Today">Today</option>
                    <option value="Yesterday">Yesterday</option>
                    <option value="This Quarter">This Quarter</option>
                    <option value="Last Quarter">Last Quarter</option>
                     <option value="   ">Blank </option>
                <input type="submit" value="My Confirmed Travels" class="submit" />

I am trying to develop a form whereby users can select values for the following filters inside a Visualforce form and then have their entry passed onto my report filter fields in their correct locations. I absolutely need this exercise to be done on the backend through a form as for security reasons, I otherwise have the front end filters of my reports locked up to users.
1. Trave Date From   (designed as a calendar picker or date entry field)
2. Travel Date: To
(designed as a calendar picker or date entry field)
3. Confirm Date (designed to be entered as an option text value such as "This month" or like the other two fileds - calendar picker or date entry)

You will see in my attached form a table with six cells. Let's just focus on the first one labeled "New Confirmed/Travels (This Month) and once it works I'll need the other ones to work as well.

My form data input all works great. There are no issues in inputting the values in the form as desired. The form value entries also pass onto the correct filter value of my report as long as I've entered the date values as dates and not the text value option in the Confirm Date part of the form. If I enter the Confirmed date, the value passes onto PV2 filter in my report which is what I want. If I however enter "Last month", "This Year" etc., although it passes on this word to the report, it doesn't pass it onto the PVS report filter location as it should. Travel Date From is PV0, Travel Date To is PV1 and Confirm Date is PV2. Why does it not pass on my text entry of confirm date correctly inside my report? Can you help me with the coding part which may be incorrect?
I am pasting my code as well as a screenshot of my form and the New Confirmed/Travels (This Month) report which goes with the first cell of the form.

<apex:Page >
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css"/>
        <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
        <script src="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.js"></script>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/demos/style.css"/>
            $(function() {
                $("#pv2").datepicker({changeMonth: true, changeYear: true});
                 $("#pv12").datepicker({changeMonth: true, changeYear: true});         
                $(".datepick").datepicker({changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, constrainInput: false});     
           function getComboA(sel,inputId) {
                document.getElementById(inputId).value = sel.value;
    Hello  {! $User.FirstName}
    <B>Use the date fields below to view Travel Dates for a specific time period</B>
    <TABLE Border= "3" CELLSPACING="1" CELLPADDING="1" columnClasses="red,green,blue">
        <CAPTION><B> Salesforce Reports </B></CAPTION>
            <TD ALIGN = "Center">
                <B>Opportunity Reports</B>
            <TD ALIGN = "Center">
                <B> Visit Summary Reports</B>
                <form method="get" action="/00OE0000002ujMC" >          
                <B>New Confirmed/Travels (This Month)</B>
                <b>Date Ranges:</b>
               Travel Date From (MM/DD/YYYY):
                <input type="text" name="pv0" id="pv0" class="datepick" /> <br/>
                Travel Date To (MM/DD/YYYY):
                <input type="text" name="pv1" id="pv1" class="datepick" />
                <br />
                Confirm Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
                <input type="text" name="pv2" id="pv2" style="width: 90px;" onchange="getComboA(pv2,'pv3')"/>
                <select name ="pv2" id="pv2" onchange="getComboA(pv2,'pv1')">
                    <option value="This Month">This Month</option>
                    <option value="Last Month">Last Month</option>
                    <option value="This Year">This Year</option>
                    <option value="Last Year">Last Year</option>
                    <option value="Today">Today</option>
                    <option value="Yesterday">Yesterday</option>
                    <option value="This Quarter">This Quarter</option>
                    <option value="Last Quarter">Last Quarter</option>
                     <option value="   ">Blank </option>
                <input type="submit" value="My Confirmed Travels" class="submit" />
                 <form method="get" action="/00OE0000002us1h" >
                    <B>C- New Visits</B>
                    <B>Date Ranges:</B>
                    Travel Date From (MM/DD/YYYY):
                    <input type="text" name="pv0" id="pv4" class="datepick" /><br />
                    Travel Date To (MM/DD/YYYY):
                    <input type="text" name="pv1" id="pv5" class="datepick" />
                    <br />
                    <input type="submit" value="My Visits" class="submit" />
                <form method="get" action="/00OE0000002uD4A" >          
                <B>A- Account Yearly Revenue (by Bus Unit)</B>
                <b>Date Ranges:</b>
                Travel Date From (MM/DD/YYYY):
                <input type="text" name="pv0" id="pv6" class="datepick" /> <br/>
                Travel Date To (MM/DD/YYYY):
                <input type="text" name="pv1" id="pv7" class="datepick" />
                <br />
                <input type="submit" value="Account Yearly Revenue" class="submit" />
                <form method="get" action="/00OE0000002uHmV" >
                    <B>C- Conversion Rate by Source</B>
                    <B>Date Ranges:</B>
                    Travel Date From (MM/DD/YYYY):
                    <input type="text" name="pv0" id="pv8" class="datepick"/><br />
                    Travel Date To (MM/DD/YYYY):
                    <input type="text" name="pv1" id="pv9" class="datepick"/>
                    <br />
                    <input type="submit" value="Conversion Rate" class="submit" />

User-added image
User-added image
I need to create a view either as a list view or as a report for a set of users who don't own accounts or oportunities. They want to see  a list of accounts that have their first opportunity created for the account but for their country of responsibility. Again, they don't own the account. I've done this same request for account owners by creating a roll up summary field on accounts, counting the number of opportunities. The field I used was "Count of Opportunities" I then created a report and list filtering all the accounts where the Count of Opportunities = 1 for Date= TODAY. And the report would show "My accounts" or "My List View"

The catch here is that these employees are responsible for oportunities that are created in their office referenced by a country name. Inside the Opportunities screen, we have a field called "A&K Reporting Company" This is a picklist field with 23 different countries. Jack wants to see a list view or report of the accounts that created their first opportunity so long as the opportunity was created in his office, France (one of the A&K Reporting company field picklist options). In the meantime, the account per se may already have hundreds of opportunities elsewhere. So the count of opportunities has to be filtered where A&K Reporting company = France. That could be included in the roll up summary field in accounts. The problem  is that the reps from the other 23 offices want the same thing and I can't be creating 23 roll up summary fields of filtered opportuinities for each to equal to 1 opportunity within their picklist option. Most of the sales reps own one country/office with two or three exceptions who may own two or three but they would still want to know the first opportunity made to each separate office established by the field's picklist value. I'm picking my head not knowing how to do this in a clean way.
As an FYI- not sure if this helps in any way, I already have a multipicklist field under the user object where I've selected for each user the countries that each user is responsbile for. Would anyone know of a clean way of doing this? I'm not a developer so any development suggestions if not declarative, I would require some hints with the coding towards it or a screenshot.
I started the Spring release Trailhead module yesterday but did not finish it. How do I go to it to continue where I left off? When I go to the module in my developer's org, it only gives me the option to start all over again.
I tried starting the Release Spring 2016 trailhead and when I wanted to answer the challenge questions, it asked me to log into trailhead. I was already logged into the Developer's Community. I clicked on the loggin button and it would not let me login telling me to contact my admin. I am the admin! I can do these trailheads if it's not letting me log in. Any ideas why?
I am gettng VisualForce errors and don't know where I'm going wrong. I'm creating a Salesforce Visualforce page to allow user to alter the filter dates on reports even though I technically have these permissions closed down in Salesforce. Everything works except instead of asking users to insert their dates in the form which then inputs the result in Salesforce report Filter Fields, I 'd like them to select the calendar date through  a calendar picker which will get the results to the notes input location in the Salesforce report. (<input type="text" name="pv1" id="pv1" /> <br/>) This is the code I have which works without "input field" calendar picker code. I don't know how to incorporate this to the input field code. Also, within all my playing around with the coding, there were times when the system did not recognize my Opportunity.trave Date field from Opportunites. ( <apex:inputField value="{!Opportinity.Travel Date}" />) Probably a syntax error I don't know how to fix.
I understand I can do this either through a controller or through a salesforce binding date field.
I can't do this either way.

The latest message I got was this:
Error: Cyclic page or component references '/apex/Report_filtering_Form1' are not allowed

This message does not appear when I don't insert calendar picker coding. I need to call the report as that's where the dates will be inputted by the user.
I also added:

<apex:page standardController="Opportunity"> guessing that's it's required for the opportunity input field. Not sure if that is so or if I should take that out. It works fine without it if I remove the calendar pickiner coding out and just have ethe "insert text field" code.

I don't know how to write this. For now, I've only tried inserting the calendar picker coding in the first form below. The second one you'll see doesn't have it yet. Can someone please help me sort this out?
<apex:page >
  <B>Use the date fields below to view Travel Dates for a specific time period</B>
  <CAPTION><B> Salesforce Reports </B></CAPTION>
  <TD ALIGN = "Center">
  <B>Opportunity Reports</B>
  <TD ALIGN = "Center">
  <B> Visit Summary Reports</B>
 <apex:page standardController="Opportunity">
  <form method="get" action="/00OE0000002ujMC" >
  <B>New Confirmed/Travels (This Month)</B>
    <B>Date Ranges:</B>
    Travel Date From (MM/DD/YYYY):
       <input type="text" name="pv1" id="pv1" /> <br/>
    Travel Date To (MM/DD/YYYY):
   <apex:inputField value="{!Opportinity.Travel Date}" />
       <input type="text" name="pv2" id="pv2" />
       <br />
       <input type="submit" value="My Confirmed Travels" class="submit" />
  <form method="get" action="/00OE0000002us1h" >
   <B>New Visits</B>
    <B>Date Ranges:</B>
    Visit Activity Date From (MM/DD/YYYY):
       <input type="text" name="pv0" id="pv0" /><br />
    Visit Activity Date To (MM/DD/YYYY):
       <input type="text" name="pv1" id="pv1" />
       <br />
       <input type="submit" value="My Visits" class="submit" />



I'm in Eclipse. I've set up a Force.com project labeled hard coded links. The metadata refereces my CS21 instance of my Sandbox. I'm trying to see if it'll pull up any hard coded links with that org reference. I type in CS21 but no results come up. Since CS21 is not a field or a report but just an instance name, I don't know how to make sure that gets included in my metadata. how would I even go back to edit the metadata to make sure?  I know I have a few hard coded linkes as I had ran a lightning test.
I'm not sure how to run a query to find my hard coded links in Eclipse and then what do to repalce them  replace them so they are  no longerhard coded to the instance?  know it's best for the hard codes not to point directly to an instance in case salesforce doesn an instance refresh and put it on another server but I don't know how to change the pointing to what? I also read up about creating my own salesforce domain which would handle this but I still don't know how to direct my hard coded links to a new domain and what to do if I remove the instance name (i.e. CS21)
I've developed a VisualForce page which I'm adding as a Salesforce homepage component. It all works fine. The only issue is that from a layout persepctive, there's not enough room vertically between one component and the next  and the content in my VF compoent (which are links) are not starting from the top of the component but lower down. Therefore it could be easy for the user to miss. I'm attaching screenshot of the compoentn and my VisualForce page code is below. If any additional coding is required to enhance, I would appreciate if someone can provide this for me as I'm a salseforce admin and don't know much of development language. You'll see that my first screenshot has the link Passwords:SouthAfrica at the bottom of the component. I'd like it further up to allow room t view additional links. My second screeshot (with the "sanctuary" link includes to links where you need to scroll down to view because there's not enough room on the component. The size of this component is too small if I can't fit at least 3 links without having to scroll. How can i make it so that we can enlarge it to fit three links?

<apex:page >
.linksWrap a {color:#1797c0; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none;}

<div class="linksWrap">
        <apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == 'robrien@abercrombiekent.com', true, false)}" value="/005?setupid=ManageUsers&isUserEntityOverride=1&fcf=00BE0000003ly4M">Passwords: Active Users</apex:outputLink>
        <apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == 'robrien@abercrombiekent.com', true, false)}" value="/005?setupid=ManageUsers&isUserEntityOverride=1&fcf=00BE0000004MnFD">Users' Time Zones</apex:outputLink>
        <apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == 'robrien@abercrombiekent.com', true, false)}" value="https://abercrombiekentgroup.sharepoint.com/sites/DBA/Lists/TS%20%20IT%20Admins/AllItems.aspx">IT and Travel Studio TS Admins</apex:outputLink>
        <!-- this is here b/c this user is not a Local admin profile so wouldnt see the link if it was with the others in the outputpanel below where 2 conditions need to be meet Local admin and username -->
     <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!IF($Profile.Name == 'Source Market Local Admin', true, false)}">
         <apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == 'afadmin1@abercrombiekent.com', true, false)}" value="/005?setupid=ManageUsers&isUserEntityOverride=1&fcf=00B44000004O0Wy" >Passwords: European and Sanctuary</apex:outputLink>
<apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == 'afadmin1@abercrombiekent.com', true, false)}" value="https://abercrombiekentgroup.sharepoint.com/sites/DBA/Lists/TS%20%20IT%20Admins/AllItems.aspx">IT and Travel Studio TS Admins</apex:outputLink>

<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!IF($Profile.Name == 'Source USA Non Retail Local Admin', true, false)}">
        <apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == 'lsayers@akdmc.com', true, false)}" value="/005?setupid=ManageUsers&isUserEntityOverride=1&fcf=00BE0000002uKbi">Passwords: USA Non Retail</apex:outputLink>
      <apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == 'lsayers@akdmc.com', true, false)}"  value="https://abercrombiekentgroup.sharepoint.com/sites/DBA/Lists/TS%20%20IT%20Admins/AllItems.aspx">IT and Travel Studio TS Admins</apex:outputLink>
 <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!IF($Profile.Name == 'Source USA Retail Local Admin', true, false)}">
        <apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == 'plangeloh@abercrombiekent.com', true, false)}" value="/005?setupid=ManageUsers&isUserEntityOverride=1&fcf=00BE0000002uKbn">Passwords: USA Retail</apex:outputLink>
        <apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == 'kaylward@abercrombiekent.com', true, false)}" value="/005?setupid=ManageUsers&isUserEntityOverride=1&fcf=00BE0000002uKbn">Passwords: USA Retail</apex:outputLink>
 <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!IF($Profile.Name == 'DMC Local Admin', true, false)}">
        <apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == 'zsogoni@abercrombiekent.co.za', true, false)}" value="/005?setupid=ManageUsers&isUserEntityOverride=1&fcf=00BE0000003mw49">Passwords: Southern Africa</apex:outputLink>

        Here is a sample link broken down, copy this link and put it under the last link above and change the data to match.
        - [USERNAME OF USER] replace this with the username of the user you want to be able to see the link.
        - [LIST VIEW ID] replace this with the Id of the List view you want it to show.
          Remember that when you navigate to the Manage Users page, you will need to re-select the group you want from the picklist so it will show the ID of the listview
          at the end of the URL. Just copy everything after the &fcf= in the URL and that should be the Group ID) (after the last = sign)
        - [LINK TEXT] replace this with whatever text you want to show for the link.
        - target="_blank" means the link will open in a new tab or window

        <apex:outputLink target="_blank" rendered="{!IF($User.Username == '[USERNAME OF USER]', true, false)}" value="/005?setupid=ManageUsers&isUserEntityOverride=1&fcf=[LIST VIEW ID]">[LINK TEXT]</apex:outputLink>      
User-added image

User-added image
I've already activated  "Clean Rules " Geocodes for Contact mailing Address in Salesforce. I understand from the links I've read that the geocodes don't actually show up unless through a custom field.
1. How would I then create a custom field that shows the goelocations of my contacts' mailing address?
2. My Sales people want to go on roadshows and have contacts that are close to one another show up in the Google map if they show to be the Contact owner. How exactly do I achieve this? Can this be done on the UI through Geocodes? How? If this can't be done by showing up on a map then simply getting a list of the nearby contacts would be the second alternative.

I also saw another posting quoting below that has API code which I believe can achieve something in the lines of what I want. I'm not a developer and I don't fully grasp the  coding nor would I know how to put this inside a Visualforce page. in my case, my object would be Contacts and the geocodes would be that of the mailng Address.
Please help! thank you

<apex:map width="600px" height="400px" mapType="roadmap"

    <apex:repeat value="{! MyObj__c.Addresses }" var="addr">
      <apex:mapMarker title="{! addr.Name }"

I've tried this declaratively and it did not work so I'm hoping someone can help me do this through VisualForce or Appx. Please keep in mind that I'm not familiar with the developer coding so any samples you could provide for me to try out would be great.
My_Account__c :  (API name) is a custom checkbox field that I'm trying to set to true based on certain conditions described below. This field is under the standard Account object.

To determine whether My_Account__c   field is true, we want ot look at the field values specified below residing within two objects that are NOT related objects:

Standard Object 1: Account
Field 1: Billing Country (standard text type field, part of the address component)

Custom Object 2: Territory_Ownerships__c (API name)
Field 1: Name (API name and it's text type) but I've relabeled the name of the custom field to Owner SourceCountry (the label name)
Field 2: Opportunity_Owner_Sanctuary_Director__c (API name and it's a lookup type)

My_Account__c should equal true when

Account's Billing Country value is the same as ( Name field value  in Territory_Ownerships__c object AND Opportunity_Owner_Sanctuary_Director__c in Territory object is the same as the name of the Salesforce user currently logged in) All else, the checkbox field should be false.

For example, my name is Andrea Sloan and I'm looking at a record in the Account's object whch has France listed as the billincountry name.
The territory record table shows that there's a record where the Name field contains France as a value and for that record the Opportunity Owner Sanctuary Director field has Andrea Sloan listed  as a value. When I log in, if I run a report with MyAccount checkbox field as a filter value to true, I should be able to see the given account record that had shown France as the billing country.

This checkbox field, should refresh for each user login. When I tried this declaratively, once the field was checked, it remained checked under a user who should have had theirs checked off. In other words, if your name is not listed as the owner for France as per my example then that field should not be checked.

Also, this verification should take into effect anytime an account record is created but also anytime any of the fields in question that I mentioned above from either of the objects are edited. Therefore, the account may move and no longer be in France and Andrea's name may no longer belong to France in the Territories object.

Any help someone could provide hopefully with the syntaxed code would be great! Thank you in advance!
Part of my information within my Visualforce page applies to a subset of users and the other part applies to all users. I'm trying to avoid having to create two VisualForce pages where I would provide access to some users to one VisualForce page and access to the other users to the second page seeing that part of my VF table applies to all users. Can specific permissions be applies to one table for a specific Public Group of users and the other table to another Public Group? If so, what would the coding be and where within my table would I put it in?
I've saveed my company logo in the Documents object of Salesforce. I want to insert this as the very first thing inside my VisualForce page on the Top Left and the have the line "Hello ...." appear (per the  coding below. I don't know how to insert an image. Do I needto reference the entire URL that the image is under within the Documents object? I know relative URLs would be better.  A_K_Logo_png is the name of my image /01523000000I3N9 is the relative URL  that it's found under.  How can I best accomlish this? Can someone  please repost my code for it to show up accordingly? I don't know how the syntax is to do this. I did not insert the entire code following hte beginning of a table that I posted but this is probably enough.

<apex:Page >
<apex:image url="{/01523000000I3N9}"></apex:image>
{apex:image:url"("A_K_Logo_png")" ;


        <link rel="stylesheet" href="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css"/>
        <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
        <script src="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.js"></script>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/demos/style.css"/>
            $(function() {
                $("#pv2").datepicker({changeMonth: true, changeYear: true});
                 $("#pv12").datepicker({changeMonth: true, changeYear: true});          
                $(".datepick").datepicker({changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, constrainInput: false});      

   <FONT Size="3"><i> Hello  {! $User.FirstName}</i></FONT>
    <FONT Size="3"> <i>Please use the fields below to enter your desired dates for the specified reports.</i></FONT>
    <TABLE Border= "3" CELLSPACING="1" CELLPADDING="1" >
        <CAPTION><B> <FONT Size="4">Salesforce Reports</FONT> </B></CAPTION>
        <TR style="text-align:center;font-size:12pt;background-color:#ADD8E6;">
            <TD  >

I have a Visualforce page with a table and would like to add color to my cells and in some cases to my entire row. I don't know what the syntax is to insert the color and what it is I need to insert and where in my table to indicate that I want a particular color either for a cell or for the entire row. Cna someone help me by posting the syntax in the exact format opening and closing statements that I must include for this to go through? Perhaps include a sample color that I could test out.