• Denis Vakulishin
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  • Member since 2014

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Hi ,
           I created one batch class like below .I have one object like Renual__c,This object consist of two fields startdate__c and Enddate__c.How to run my batchclass between these two dates?

global class ExpiryDateBatchCls implements Database.Batchable<sObject>
    String query;
    global Database.querylocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC)
        query = 'Select id,Expire_Date__c from Sales_Order__c';
        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);

    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Sales_Order__c> scope)
    Date tempdate = system.today() + 90;
      list<Opportunity> OppList = new list<Opportunity>();
       for( Sales_Order__c ob1 : scope){
        if(ob1.Expire_Date__c == tempdate)

            Opportunity op = new Opportunity();
             op.Name = op.Name+'Renual';
             op.ForecastCategoryName = 'Pipeline' ;
                op.CloseDate = System.today() + 15 ;
               op.StageName = 'Prospecting';
            insert OppList;


   global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC)


please help me.......


I'm attempting to add a new field to a VisualForce page but I am receiving this Error Message:

System.SObjectException: SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested field: Contract.X18_Digit_Account_Id__c

X18_Digit_Account_Id__c is a custom field on the contract object.

Here's where I'm trying to add it  (in bold):

<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
    <apex:outputLabel value="Demo ID" for="DemoIDNumber"/>
    <apex:outputText value="{!DemoIDNumber}" id="DemoIDNumber"/>   

<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
    <apex:outputLabel value="Account ID" for="BOAccountID"/>
    <apex:outputText value="{!contract.BO_Account__c}" id="BOAccountID"/>

<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
    <apex:outputLabel value="18 Digit Account ID" for="X18_Digit_Account_Id__c"/>
    <apex:outputText value="{!contract.X18_Digit_Account_Id__c}" id="X18_Digit_Account_Id__c"/>

<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
    <apex:outputLabel value="Creator ID" for="BO_User_ID__c"/>
    <apex:outputText value="{!user.BO_User_ID__c} ({!user.Name})" id="BO_User_ID__c"/>

<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
    <apex:outputLabel value="Account Name" for="contractAccountName"/>
    <apex:outputText value="{!contract.Account.Name}" id="contractAccountName"/>

I've also attached a screenshot of how the page looks before my change.

I'm a new Developer - can anyone help me sort out the syntax? This is my first alteration to a VF page. I've searched for this error message and have reviewed the resulting posts but am having difficulty applying the info. to my situation.


User-added image


How can I make a custom field only required for U.S. user creating campaigns using a validation rule? The custom field is textarea (string - max 255 characters) field. I need to make it required for U.S. users creating campaigns and NOT required for NON-US users creating campaign.

The following pieces of code both below fail


    ISPICKVAL(Type, "Webinar"),
    ISPICKVAL($User.Country__c, "United States")

    ISPICKVAL(Type, "Webinar"),
    ISPICKVAL($User.Country__c, "United States")
Hi Gurus,

we are using IBM B2B integration as middleware to connect SAP with Saleforce. I have given the IBM team the WSDL file and the login credentials needed they came back with a request asking me to generate an XSD file from WSDL file and give them. Can you plz temme how do I generate an XSD file from The partner.wsdl. I am running short of time any suggestion would help.


I'm trying to generate from WSDL. Once the WSDL is parsed and before Generation the Apex code, I'm getting the following error. Please guide.

Unsupported schema type: {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}String

Earlier i got this error.. 
Unsupported schema type: {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}Anytype

Based on this post i have made the following changes. 


A profile was created that was designed to provide read only access to Accounts and Opportunities.

I wanted to make a custom VisualForce (VF) page that displays Account and Opportunity fields that are references in ready only. How can I do this with a VF page?

For example,

I wanted to display the following:

  • Account Owner (lookup/reference field) as read only so it is not a clickable link
  • Opportunity Owner (lookup/reference field) as read only so it is not a clickable link

Hey All,

I'm trying to have an Opportunity Field (Has_Attentively__c) updated to True if any of my of my Opportunity Products contain "Social CRM". I can't seem to get this workflow to fire...any thoughts?

CONTAINS(Product2.Name, "social")


Hi, I'm creating a new VF page, it queries some records based on user inputs.  Then it searches for those records and displays the results.  It would be really nice if there was a "New" button in this page where if the user couldn't find the item they were looking for they could create it.  I guess it wouldn't technically be a New Record button as much as it would take them to a new record creation screen.  Anyone know how to do this?  I can't find anything.
Hi all,

i´ll try describe my problem. I have 2 objects, Standart (Opportunity) and Custom (Point_of_delivery__c). Both have same fields (EIC_code__c, Number_code__c). but value are only in custom object (Point_of_delivery__c).

In Opportunity IF i set  EIC_code__c, then I need retrieve Number_code__c  
FROM custom object Point_od_delivery__c which have right EIC_code__c. 

My code is right. 

trigger T22 on Opportunity (before insert, before update) {
    Opportunity[] opportunity = Trigger.new;

Point_of_delivery__c Number_code;

Number_code = 
[SELECT Number_code__c
FROM  Point_of_delivery__c
WHERE Point_of_delivery__c.EIC_code__c = :opportunity[0].EIC_code__c

opportunity[0].Number_code__c = Number_code.Number_code__c;


If I set  wrong EIC_code__c which doesnt exist, I have error. I need set default value if Number_code is null. 

<apex:page standardController="Account" showHeader="true">
<p>Hello {! $User.FirstName}!</p>
<p>You are viewing the {! account.name} account.</p>
<apex:outputLink value="{! $Page.MyFormContact}">Create New Contact!</apex:outputLink>

<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{! account.contacts}" var="item">
<apex:column value="{! item.name}"/>

 i have added this accountdisplay in the page layout.
when account details open and when  i click  create new contact (in accountdiaplay section ), the window for contact opens but its size is small(section specified ) , how to make it open in a new window when i click create new contact

i want to add 100 records to opportunit and 100 records to opportunityrole
Here is my code

for (Integer i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
    opportunity = null;
    role = null;
    opportunity = new Opportunity();
    role = new OpportunityContactRole();
    opportunity.name = account.name + ' Donation (' + i + ' of 5) ' + current_date;
    opportunity.Donation_Type__c = contact.Donation_Type__c;
    opportunity.Payment_Type__c = payment_type;
    opportunity.amount = Integer.valueof(contact.Donataion_Amount__c);
    opportunity.CloseDate = re_today_date;
    opportunity.stageName = 'Pledged';
    insert opportunity;
    // Then create opportunity role
    role.opportunityId = opportunity.id;
    if(is_anonymous == false)
        role.contactId = contact.id;
        role.contactId = prev_contact_id;
    role.Role = '10';
    insert role;

With this code i got the following exception.

User-added image

Please let me know the best way how to fix this.

Thanks in advance
Our organization recently had the Middle Name and Suffix Fields beta enabled for our Contact records. Those fields are available now within our organization.

We are now working on an integration project to initially load data into Salesforce and eventually to synchronize it with another back end system. We are using a combination of REST API and Bulk API to load and synchronize data with our SF organization.

The issue is, we do not see the Middle Name and Suffix fields through the API. I can query the Middle Name and Suffix fields within the Developer Console, but they are not visible through the API.

Why are these fields not available through the API?
I created the below code for an email template. I get misc errors regarding closing tags for certain opening tags. The closing tags are present. I am not sure why this is happening.

<body style="margin: 0; padding: 0;">
	<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">	
			<td style="padding: 10px 0 30px 0;">
				<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="600" style="border: 1px solid #cccccc; border-collapse: collapse;">
						<td align="center" bgcolor="#fff" style="padding: 40px 0 30px 0; color: #153643; font-size: 28px; font-weight: bold; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">
							<img src="21CT_Color_75x75.png" alt="21CT Support" width="75" height="75" style="display: block;" />
						<td bgcolor="#ffffff" style="padding: 40px 30px 40px 30px;">
							<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
									<td style="color: #153643; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 24px;">
										<b>A new case has been opened for you</b>
									<td style="padding: 20px 0 30px 0; color: #153643; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; line-height: 20px;">
										Dear {!Case.Contact,Sir or Madam}, </p>

  										Thank you for contacting 21CT Support. </p>

  										A new case has been created and assigned to a member of the 21CT Support team. Your case number is {!Case.Id}. </p>

 										If this case was opened via email, a member of the 21CT Support team will be contacting you shortly. If you have already spoken with a member of our support team, please feel free to respond to this email with any additional information or questions you may have regarding your support issue. </p>


  										<small >**When responding, please do not edit any existing text already placed in the email as this helps us track of your case.</small>

						<td bgcolor="#159C91" style="padding: 30px 30px 30px 30px;">
							<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
									<td style="color: #ffffff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;" width="75%">
										&reg; 21CT 2014<br/>
									<td align="right" width="25%">
										<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
												<td style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;">
													<a href="http://www.21ct.com" style="color: #ffffff;">
														<img src="lynxeonlogo" alt="Twitter" width="38" height="38" style="display: block;" border="0" />
												<td style="font-size: 0; line-height: 0;" width="20">&nbsp;</td>
												<td style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;">
													<a href="http://www.21ct.com" style="color: #ffffff;">
														<img src="torchlogo" alt="Facebook" width="38" height="38" style="display: block;" border="0" />

I have written the code below to stop any users from deleting a record on my custom object (Service Items) if the related Opportunity is Closed Won. This is within another trigger that I have already developed and tested but now when I try to save I get a error message 'Error: Compile Error: line breaks not allowed in string literals at line 36 column -1'. I'm not even sure if the new piece of code will do what I want.

if(Trigger.isDelete && Trigger.isBefore){
        for (Service_Item__c si: trigger.old){
        if(si.Opportunity__c!= null){
            system.debug('oqppid++'+ qoppIds);
      qoppdetails = [select Id,StageName from Opportunity where Id in : qoppIds];
        system.debug('qoppdetails++'+ qoppdetails);           
       for(Opportunity q : qoppdetails){
       if(q.StageName=='Closed Won') - this is line 36 in my code.
       q.adderror(‘Do Not Delete.Thank you.');

This is the trigger erroHI  this code makes me hell..
This is the trigger code on my opportunity but throwing above exception can you please help me... Let me give you detail explination.

I am new to triggers..the trigger is when I insert an opportunity a new opportunity should be created automatically on the opportunity  I write the trigger is below..but it is throwing exception as screen shot..


trigger new_oppy on Opportunity (after insert)
        opportunity o=new opportunity();
        o.name = 'vamshi opportunity';
        o.closedate = date.today();
        insert o;



Error: Invalid Data.
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger wrehoue.new_oppy caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: wrehoue.new_oppy: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, wrehoue.new_oppy: maximum trigger depth exceeded Opportunity trigger event AfterInsert for [0069000000LVsuf] Opportunity trigger event AfterInsert for [0069000000LVsug] Opportunity trigger event AfterInsert for [0069000000LVsuh] Opportunity trigger event AfterInsert for [0069000000LVsui] Opportunity trigger event AfterInsert for [0069000000LVsuj] Opportunity trigger event AfterInsert for [0069000000LVsuk] Opportunity trigger event AfterInsert for [0069000000LVsul] Opportunity trigger event AfterInsert for [0069000000LVsum] Opportunity trigger event AfterInsert for [0069000000LVsun] Opportunity trigger event AfterInsert for [0069000000LVsuo] Opportunity trigger event AfterInsert for [0069000000LVsup] Opportunity trigger event AfterInsert for [0069000000LVsuq] Opportunity trigger event AfterInsert for [0069000000LVsur] Opportunity trigger event AfterInsert for [0069000000LVsus] Opportunity trigger event AfterInsert for [0069000000LVsut] Opportunity trigger event AfterInsert for [0069000000LVsuu]: []: Trigger.wrehoue.new_oppy: line 11, column 1

I would like to send an email containing the error message if the wrong type a User request (example: select name from cont or selecttttttttttttttttttttttt).

I tried the above code but not get the email when the request is wrong.
Help me!

if I submit one request that returns empty value, it sends email
if I submit one request that returns values, it sends email
if I report a wrong request, it does not send email ... WHY????????????
string queryResultatString = '';
    list<sObject> queryResultat;
    System.QueryException q;
    try {
        queryResultat = (List<sObject>)database.query(requete);
        if (queryResultat.isEmpty()){
              String errMsg = 'EMPTY';
              Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email =new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
              String[] adressMail = new list<string> {mail};
              String subject = Label.StreamReport+' - '+Date.today().format();
              email.setPlainTextBody(Label.Hi+'\n\n'+errMsg );   
              Messaging.SendEmailResult [] envoyer = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {email});
        if (!queryResultat.isEmpty()){
            for(sObject a: queryResultat)
                queryResultatString = queryResultatString + string.valueof(a);
    catch (System.QueryException e){
        if (e.getMessage() != null){
        String error = e.getMessage();
        Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email =new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
        String[] adressMail = new list<string> {mail};
        String subject = Label.StreamReport+' - '+Date.today().format();
        email.setPlainTextBody(Label.Hi+'\n\n'+error );   
        Messaging.SendEmailResult [] envoyer = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {email});

trigger AccountDuplicatePreventer on Account(before insert,before update)
    Set<String> vSetNewPersonEmail = new Set<String>();
    Map<String, Account> OldAccounttMap = new Map<String, Account>();
    Map<String, Account> NewAccountMap = new Map<String, Account>();
    for(Account a: trigger.new){
    List<Account> vLstOldAccount = [SELECT Id,name,PersonEmail FROM Account WHERE isPersonAccount = true AND PersonEmail in: NewAccountMap.keyset() ];
    system.debug('this is test'+vLstOldAccount );
    for(Account b: vLstOldAccount){
    for(Account a: trigger.new){
           a.PersonEmail.adderror('There is already another Account with the same PersonEmail.' +
                'Refer: <a href=\'/' +
                OldAccounttMap.get(a.PersonEmail) + '\'>' +
                OldAccounttMap.get(a.PersonEmail).Name + '</a>',


Test Class

Public Class TestcontactDuplicatePreventer
Static testMethod Void contactDuplicatePreventer()
   Account ac= new Account();
I'm trying to populate a field from Opportunity to my custom object using a trigger and receiving the following error;

Error: Compile Error: Illegal assignment from LIST<Opportunity> to MAP<Id,Opportunity> at line 13 column 7

My code;

trigger populateAccountfromOpp on Service_Item__c(after insert, after update){

      Set<Id> oppIds = new Set<Id>();
      Map<Id, Opportunity> oppMap;
      for(Service_Item__c ser : trigger.new){
        if(ser.Opportunity__c!= null){
      oppMap = [select Id, Account_Type__c from Opportunity where Id in : oppIds];
      for(Service_Item__c ser : trigger.new){
        if(ser.Opportunity__c != null && oppMap.containsKey(ser.Opportunity__c)){  
         ser.Account__c = oppMap.get(ser.Opportunity__c).Account_Type__c;

Thanks in advance for any help that can be provided
1)Does anyone know some manual or article about SFDC data migration with external apps connected(e.g. Marketo)
Or maybe someone can tell me how Marketo maps SFDC records(does it use Id field)?

2) Also is there a way to migrate data and save the same Ids?

Thanks in advance for your answers.
Could you tell me if there's some way to get rendered documents? As I understand from API documentation we can get image only for the first page of PDF document, but I need all pages.

I'm trying to implement document viewer inside my Salesforce1 application and I want to create customized viewer insted of default document viewr of SF1.

Hi all,
I' trying to add custom field to object via Metadata API. But I'm getting FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION (Could not resolve standard field's name).
I have no clue why this can happen.
Here's some of my .Net code
var cf = new CustomField()
            fullName = "object__c.testfield__c",
            type = FieldType.Text,
            label = "Field",
            length = 42,
            lengthSpecified = true,
            description = "Test",

var res = await client.createMetadataAsync(new SessionHeader() { sessionId = loginResp.result.sessionId }, null, new Metadata[]{cf});

Thanks in advance.
I have a trigger on Opportunity and it creates child objects after closing the Opp, but there's a rare problem which results wrong logic workflow - trigger logic executes twice. Furthermore, it executes with the same values in Trigger.new and Trigger.old(I have field difference check in trigger). I don't know the original cause of it, maybe it's because browser sends request twice due to network problems.
Now I implemented 2 workarounds:
1) Added static boolean to the handler class and check it before firing logic
2) Added locking the OPP. It's updating after creaton of child objects

So, can enyone suggets more solutions for this problems?

Hi all,
I' trying to add custom field to object via Metadata API. But I'm getting FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION (Could not resolve standard field's name).
I have no clue why this can happen.
Here's some of my .Net code
var cf = new CustomField()
            fullName = "object__c.testfield__c",
            type = FieldType.Text,
            label = "Field",
            length = 42,
            lengthSpecified = true,
            description = "Test",

var res = await client.createMetadataAsync(new SessionHeader() { sessionId = loginResp.result.sessionId }, null, new Metadata[]{cf});

Thanks in advance.
Ive  a form and there are some fields and submit button  in that form. Every time whenever i insert values in the field and there occure internet failure and every time when i am trying to open that form i should get the earlier filled form which i dont submit.
Can someone please tell me how to store browser values in cache?

Thanks in advanced
I install survey force app on production & created site for customer feedback. I am testing it for dummy record. after clicking on link shows me authentication required. Can you let me know how to give access ? The site is active.

why did we are mention @symbol in test class and also why did we have mentioned istest(seealldata=true ) in test class ?Could you pls expalin me ?what is the reason ?

Hi ,
           I created one batch class like below .I have one object like Renual__c,This object consist of two fields startdate__c and Enddate__c.How to run my batchclass between these two dates?

global class ExpiryDateBatchCls implements Database.Batchable<sObject>
    String query;
    global Database.querylocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC)
        query = 'Select id,Expire_Date__c from Sales_Order__c';
        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);

    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Sales_Order__c> scope)
    Date tempdate = system.today() + 90;
      list<Opportunity> OppList = new list<Opportunity>();
       for( Sales_Order__c ob1 : scope){
        if(ob1.Expire_Date__c == tempdate)

            Opportunity op = new Opportunity();
             op.Name = op.Name+'Renual';
             op.ForecastCategoryName = 'Pipeline' ;
                op.CloseDate = System.today() + 15 ;
               op.StageName = 'Prospecting';
            insert OppList;


   global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC)


please help me.......
I have created a force.com site and have added the deployment script as well as the code for buttons into my sites homepage
But when i click on my button the chat window pops up with an error as:


Problem accessing /content/s/prechatVisitor. Reason:

    This is not a JSON Array.
Powered by Jetty://


I'm attempting to add a new field to a VisualForce page but I am receiving this Error Message:

System.SObjectException: SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested field: Contract.X18_Digit_Account_Id__c

X18_Digit_Account_Id__c is a custom field on the contract object.

Here's where I'm trying to add it  (in bold):

<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
    <apex:outputLabel value="Demo ID" for="DemoIDNumber"/>
    <apex:outputText value="{!DemoIDNumber}" id="DemoIDNumber"/>   

<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
    <apex:outputLabel value="Account ID" for="BOAccountID"/>
    <apex:outputText value="{!contract.BO_Account__c}" id="BOAccountID"/>

<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
    <apex:outputLabel value="18 Digit Account ID" for="X18_Digit_Account_Id__c"/>
    <apex:outputText value="{!contract.X18_Digit_Account_Id__c}" id="X18_Digit_Account_Id__c"/>

<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
    <apex:outputLabel value="Creator ID" for="BO_User_ID__c"/>
    <apex:outputText value="{!user.BO_User_ID__c} ({!user.Name})" id="BO_User_ID__c"/>

<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
    <apex:outputLabel value="Account Name" for="contractAccountName"/>
    <apex:outputText value="{!contract.Account.Name}" id="contractAccountName"/>

I've also attached a screenshot of how the page looks before my change.

I'm a new Developer - can anyone help me sort out the syntax? This is my first alteration to a VF page. I've searched for this error message and have reviewed the resulting posts but am having difficulty applying the info. to my situation.


User-added image

I have a checkbox named Views in Contact and Account. I would like the checkbox in Account to be checked if one of the Contacts have that checkbox checked.  I know about the cross object formula but that only seem to work from Parent to Child object not the other way around. Is there any way to do this except for creating a trigger? If the trigger is only the solution, can you give me an idea what to do? I'm not very familiar with trigger yet. I would need help with this. Thank you!
To participate in the final pitch for the summer of hacks, you need to register your team on challenge post


You also need to email your github accout name (or all your teams Github account names) to summerofhacks@bemyapp.com.  If you do not have a Github account, you can create one for free at https://github.com/

Installing Git

You can install Git from http://git-scm.com/ or if you prefer a GUI tool you can use Github for windows (https://windows.github.com/) / mac (https://mac.github.com/) or you can use MavensMate.com or Force.com IDE.

Getting your app data out of your Salesforce org (metadata)

As part of the challenge you need to regularly submit your code and all the metadata (metadata is generated when you click to create objects and other things in the Org).

To get your metadata, you can download it with tools like MavensMate.com or the Force.com IDE.  If you are not using either of those you can the Force.com CLI (command line interface).  For details of getting your metadata with the Force.com CLI, follow this detailed guide (http://www.scribd.com/doc/233908496/Force-com-CLI-Submitting-Metadata).

Completing the Git Challege

Once you have the metadata and code in the same folder then you are ready for your git challenge.  First of all, add the private repository given to you by BeMyApp and pull down the contents of that repository (if using a GUI tool you do the same actions below, these are the command line actions).
git clone <address given to you by bemyapp> path/to/your/metadata-and-code>
git pull origin master

Now you are ready to add all your App code and metadata.  The easiest way is to use the fullstop to say add everything

git add .

You can check you have added everything using the git status command.  If there are untracked files, then add those files using their filename

Now create a commit of everything you have added

git commit -m "git challenge X"

Then you send all the code & metadata in that commit to the repository that BeMyApp gave to you.

git push origin master

Now get on with bulding your app.

For the next git challenge it is even easier

git add .
git commit -m "
git challenge X"
git push origin master

If you have any questions then ask the evangelist - John & Christophe.  There is also a more detailed Git workshop at http://jr0cket.co.uk/git-workshop/

Thank you

Today we’re excited to announce the new Salesforce Developers Discussion Forums. We’ve listened to your feedback on how we can improve the forums.  With Chatter Answers, built on the Salesforce1 Platform, we were able to implement an entirely new experience, integrated with the rest of the Salesforce Developers site.  By the way, it’s also mobile-friendly.

We’ve migrated all the existing data, including user accounts. You can use the same Salesforce account you’ve always used to login right away.  You’ll also have a great new user profile page that will highlight your community activity.  Kudos have been replaced by “liking” a post instead and you’ll now be able to filter solved vs unsolved posts.

This is, of course, only the beginning  and because it’s built on the Salesforce1 Platform, we’re going to be able to bring you more features faster than ever before.  Be sure to share any feedback, ideas, or questions you have on this forum post.

Hats off to our development team who has been working tirelessly over the past few months to bring this new experience to our community. And thanks to each of you for helping to build one of the most vibrant and collaborative developer communities ever.