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Trigger works but new field value is not save???
I wrote a trigger so that when the Account Name is updated, the Subgrantee Profile (custom object, linked by look up relationship) Name is also updated.
For example: Account name is ABC, and Subgratee Profile name is 123-ABC. When the Account name is updated to EFG, Subgrantee Profile name should become 123-EFG.
I checked the debug pritn out, and all the values is as it should be, but the new name for the subgrantee profile is not being save???
trigger updateAcountNameonSubProfile on Account(after update) { for (Account a:Trigger.new) { try { //select the related Subgrantee Profile List<Subgrantee_Profile__c> lstRR=[Select r.Id,r.Name, r.Subgrantee__c from Subgrantee_Profile__c r where r.Subgrantee__c in : Trigger.newMap.keyset()]; system.debug('>>>list size: '+lstRR.size()); for(Subgrantee_Profile__c objRR : lstRR) { system.debug('>>>updating this sub profile:'+objRR.name); if(Trigger.newMap.containskey(objRR.Subgrantee__c) ) objRR.Name=Trigger.newMap.get(objRR.Subgrantee__c).Mailing_State__c + Trigger.newMap.get(objRR.Subgrantee__c).Associated_Project_Number__c+' - '+Trigger.newMap.get(objRR.Subgrantee__c).Name; system.debug('>>>New subgrantee profile name:'+objRR.Name); } update lstRR; //the new name is correct, but the record in Salesforce is not updated???? System.debug('>>>after updating list - new sub profile name: '+ lstRR.get(0).name ); }catch(Exception ex) { Trigger.new[0].addError('Error in resource request updates --'+ ex.getMessage()); } } }
- Long Truong
- April 02, 2015
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Only top-level class methods can be declared static
I copy and paste this sample code from Salesforce into the execute anonymous, but I get this error:
Line: 4, Column: 34
Only top-level class methods can be declared static
Why would a sample code from Salesforce not work? Thanks!
@isTest private class TestRunAs { public static testMethod void testRunAs() { // Setup test data // This code runs as the system user Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='Standard User']; User u = new User(Alias = 'standt', Email='standarduser@testorg.com', EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8', LastName='Testing', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US', LocaleSidKey='en_US', ProfileId = p.Id, TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles', UserName='standarduser@testorg.com'); System.runAs(u) { // The following code runs as user 'u' System.debug('Current User: ' + UserInfo.getUserName()); System.debug('Current Profile: ' + UserInfo.getProfileId()); } } }
- Long Truong
- March 30, 2015
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Visualforce page keeps loadingand freeze
- Long Truong
- March 30, 2015
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Increase Code Coverage
public with sharing class CRequestForm_Wrapper { public List<ContactReq> wrapperList {get;set;} public Contact cContact=new Contact(); public Contact_Request_Form__c cRForm=new Contact_Request_Form__c(); public Contact_Request_Form__c cRFormNotes {get;set;} public boolean errormsg=false; public boolean ApprovalFormShowChangeDetails {get;set;} public String errorDetail=''; public Boolean isPartnerSubgrantee {get;set;} public Boolean noRoleFound {get;set;} public List<SelectOption> subgranteeRolesList {get;set;} public List<SelectOption> partnerProfilesList {get;set;} public CRequestForm_Wrapper(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { String id=ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('cid'); if(id!=null) { cContact=[select Id,LastName,FirstName,MI__c,Fax,MobilePhone,HomePhone,OtherPhone,Email,Title,Department,Contact_Mailing_Street_1__c ,Contact_Mailing_Street_2__c ,Contact_Mailing_City__c ,Contact_Mailing_Zip_Code__c ,SSAI_Sponsors__c,SSAI_Directors__c, SSAI_Fiscals__c,D2D_Contacts__c,Contact_Shipping_Street_1__c, SSAI_SCSEP_Role__c ,Contact_Shipping_Street_2__c ,Contact_Shipping_City__c ,Contact_Shipping_Zip_Code__c , Contact_Fax__c , Contact_Mailing_State__c ,Contact_Shipping_State__c,Shipping_Organization__c,Mailing_Organization__c,Shipping_Department__c,AccountId from Contact where id =:id limit 1]; wrapperList=new List<ContactReq>(); wrapperList.add(new ContactReq( NewCRequest(cContact), cContact)); } String cRid=ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); if(cRid!=null) { cRForm=[select Id, Subgrantee_Name__c, Subgrantee_Name__r.IsPartner,Last_Name__c,First_Name__c,MI__c, SSAI_SCSEP_Role__c, Fax_Phone__c, Mobile_Phone__c, Home_Phone__c, Business_Phone__c, Email_Address__c, Job_Title__c, Department_B__c, Department_S__c, Organization_S__c, Organization_B__c, Address_Line_1B__c, Address_Line_2B__c, City_B__c, Zip_Code_B__c, Business_State__c, SSAI_Fiscal__c, SSAI_Spon__c, SSAI_Directors__c, D2D_Contacts__c, Address_Line_1S__c, Address_Line_2S__c, City_S__c, Zip_Code_S__c, Shipping_State__c, Notes__c, Is_Create_User__c, Role__c, Profile__c, Contact__c, Forms_and_Information__c,Pay_by_Pay__c,Report_of_Costs_SA1_and_SA2__c,Salesforce_Portal_Account__c,SCSEP_Eligibility_Determination__c, SPARQ__c,Is_Delete_Request__c from Contact_Request_Form__c where id =:cRid limit 1]; cRFormNotes=cRForm; if(CRFormNotes.Subgrantee_Name__c!=null && CRFormNotes.Contact__c==null) { ApprovalFormShowChangeDetails = false; isPartnerSubgrantee = CRFormNotes.Subgrantee_Name__r.IsPartner; noRoleFound = false; subgranteeRolesList = getPartnerRoles(CRFormNotes.Subgrantee_Name__c); partnerProfilesList = getPartnerProfiles(); } else{ ApprovalFormShowChangeDetails = true; cContact=[select Id,LastName,FirstName,MI__c,Fax,MobilePhone,HomePhone,OtherPhone,Email,Title, SSAI_SCSEP_Role__c,Department,Contact_Mailing_Street_1__c ,Contact_Mailing_Street_2__c ,Contact_Mailing_City__c ,Contact_Mailing_Zip_Code__c ,SSAI_Sponsors__c,SSAI_Directors__c, SSAI_Fiscals__c,D2D_Contacts__c,Contact_Shipping_Street_1__c ,Contact_Shipping_Street_2__c ,Contact_Shipping_City__c ,Contact_Shipping_Zip_Code__c , Contact_Fax__c , Contact_Mailing_State__c ,Contact_Shipping_State__c,Shipping_Organization__c,Mailing_Organization__c,Shipping_Department__c,AccountId from Contact where id =:CRFormNotes.Contact__c limit 1]; wrapperList=new List<ContactReq>(); wrapperList.add(new ContactReq( cRFormNotes, cContact)); } } } public Contact_Request_Form__c NewCRequest(Contact cContact) { System.debug('Inside shree'); Contact_Request_Form__c c = new Contact_Request_Form__c(); c.Subgrantee_Name__c =cContact.AccountId; c.Last_Name__c =cContact.LastName ; c.First_Name__c =cContact.FirstName ; c.MI__c =cContact.MI__c ; c.Fax_Phone__c =cContact.Fax ; c.Mobile_Phone__c =cContact.MobilePhone; c.Home_Phone__c =cContact.HomePhone ; c.Business_Phone__c =cContact.OtherPhone ; c.Email_Address__c =cContact.Email ; c.Job_Title__c =cContact.Title; c.SSAI_SCSEP_Role__c =cContact.SSAI_SCSEP_Role__c; c.Department_B__c =cContact.Department; c.Department_S__c =cContact.Shipping_Department__c; c.Organization_S__c =cContact.Shipping_Organization__c; c.Organization_B__c =cContact.Mailing_Organization__c; c.Address_Line_1B__c =cContact.Contact_Mailing_Street_1__c; c.Address_Line_2B__c =cContact.Contact_Mailing_Street_2__c ; c.City_B__c =cContact.Contact_Mailing_City__c ; c.Zip_Code_B__c =cContact.Contact_Mailing_Zip_Code__c ; c.Business_State__c =cContact.Contact_Mailing_State__c ; c.SSAI_Fiscal__c =cContact.SSAI_Fiscals__c ; c.SSAI_Spon__c =cContact.SSAI_Sponsors__c ; c.SSAI_Directors__c =cContact.SSAI_Directors__c ; c.D2D_Contacts__c =cContact.D2D_Contacts__c ; c.Address_Line_1S__c =cContact.Contact_Shipping_Street_1__c; c.Address_Line_2S__c =cContact.Contact_Shipping_Street_2__c ; c.City_S__c =cContact.Contact_Shipping_City__c ; c.Zip_Code_S__c =cContact.Contact_Shipping_Zip_Code__c; c.Shipping_State__c =cContact.Contact_Shipping_State__c ; //c.Fax_Phone__c =cContact.Contact_Fax__c ; c.Fax_Phone__c =cContact.Fax ; c.Contact__c =cContact.Id; c.Notes__c =''; return c; } public boolean geterrormsg() { return errormsg; } public String geterrorDetail() { return errorDetail; } public class ContactReq{ public Contact_Request_Form__c CReq{get;set;} public Contact c{get;set;} public ContactReq(Contact_Request_Form__c CReq , Contact c) { this.CReq = CReq; this.c = c; } } public Pagereference Save() { Pagereference p =new Pagereference('/a02/o'); Contact_Request_Form__c NewContactRequest= wrapperList[0].CReq; NewContactRequest.Status__c='New'; List <String> checkStatus=new List<string>() ; checkStatus.add('New'); checkStatus.add('Submitted'); List<Contact_Request_Form__c> ExistingCRform=[select Id,Subgrantee_Name__c,Email_Address__c,Status__c from Contact_Request_Form__c where Email_Address__c =:NewContactRequest.Email_Address__c and Subgrantee_Name__c =:NewContactRequest.Subgrantee_Name__c and Status__c IN :checkStatus limit 1]; if(ExistingCRform.size()!=0) { errorDetail='Contact Request Form with status [ '+ExistingCRform[0].Status__c +']already exists for the email id ['+ExistingCRform[0].Email_Address__c+']and Sub-Garentee['+ExistingCRform[0].Subgrantee_Name__c+']'; errormsg=true; return null; } else { insert NewContactRequest; return p; } } public Pagereference Submit() { Pagereference p =new Pagereference('/a02/o'); Contact_Request_Form__c NewContact= wrapperList[0].CReq; NewContact.Status__c='Submitted'; upsert NewContact; return p; } public Pagereference onApprove() { if(validate()) { Id CRequestId=ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); Pagereference p =new Pagereference('/'+CRequestId); Contact_Request_Form__c editCrForm= new Contact_Request_Form__c(Id=CRequestId); editCrForm.Status__c='Approved'; editCrForm.Notes__c=cRForm.Notes__c; if(CRForm.IS_Create_User__c && CRFormNotes.Contact__c==null) { editCRForm.IS_Create_User__c = CRForm.IS_Create_User__c; editCRForm.Role__c = CRForm.Role__c; editCRForm.Profile__c = CRForm.Profile__c; } List<RecordType> recordTypeVals= [select Id from RecordType where Name = 'Form Approver' limit 1]; editCrForm.RecordTypeId=recordTypeVals[0].id; upsert editCrForm; return p; } else { return null; } } public Pagereference onReject() { Id CRequestId=ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); Pagereference p =new Pagereference('/'+CRequestId); Contact_Request_Form__c editCrForm= new Contact_Request_Form__c(Id=CRequestId); editCrForm.Status__c='Rejected'; editCrForm.Notes__c=cRForm.Notes__c; List<RecordType> recordTypeVals= [select Id from RecordType where Name = 'Form Approver' limit 1]; editCrForm.RecordTypeId=recordTypeVals[0].id; upsert editCrForm; return p; } public Pagereference onSubmit() { Id CRequestId=ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); Pagereference p =new Pagereference('/'+CRequestId); Contact_Request_Form__c editCrForm= new Contact_Request_Form__c(Id=CRequestId); editCrForm.Status__c='Submitted'; upsert editCrForm; return p; } public List<selectOption> getPartnerRoles(Id accId) { List<UserRole> urList = new List<UserRole>(); List<SelectOption> rolesList = new List<SelectOption>(); rolesList.add(new SelectOption('','--None--')); if(isPartnerSubgrantee) { urList = [Select Id, Name from UserRole where PortalType = 'Partner' and PortalAccountId = :accId]; if(urList.size()>0) { for(UserRole ur : urList) { rolesList.add(new SelectOption(ur.Id,ur.Name)); } } else { noRoleFound = true; //ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO, 'No Role found. The user will be created with default Role')); } } /*else { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'No Role found. Please enable the Subgrantee for Partner Portal')); }*/ return rolesList; } public List<selectOption> getPartnerProfiles() { List<Profile> prList = new List<Profile>(); prList = [Select Id, Name from Profile where UserType = 'PowerPartner' and Name != 'Gold Partner User' order by Name]; List<SelectOption> profilesList = new List<SelectOption>(); profilesList.add(new SelectOption('','--None--')); if(prList.size()>0) { for(Profile pr : prList) { profilesList.add(new SelectOption(pr.Id,pr.Name)); } return profilesList; } else { System.debug('No Partner Profile found'); ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'No Partner Profile found')); return null; } } public Boolean validate() { System.debug('*****'+CRForm.Is_Create_User__c+'*****'+CRForm.Profile__c+'*****'+CRForm.Role__c); if(CRForm.Is_Create_User__c) { if(noRoleFound && CRForm.Profile__c==null) { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Please choose a profile')); return false; } else if(!noRoleFound && CRForm.Profile__c==null && CRForm.Role__c==null) { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Please choose role & profile')); return false; } } return true; } }
and this is the test class:
@isTest private class CRequestForm_Wrapper_Test { static testmethod void constructor_Test() { Test.startTest(); PageReference pageRef = Page.CRequestModify; Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); SFDC_IDs__c SSAIIDs = SFDC_IDs__c.getValues('SSAI'); Id saProfileId = SSAIIDs.System_Administrator_Profile_ID__c; User sau = [select UserRoleId from User where ProfileId = :saProfileId and isActive = true limit 1]; System.runAs(sau) { Account newAcc=new Account(Name='Test Account'); insert newAcc; Contact newContact=new Contact(); newContact.LastName='Last Name'; newContact.FirstName='First Name'; newContact.AccountId=newAcc.Id; insert newContact; ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('cid', newContact.Id); Contact_Request_Form__c newRec1 =new Contact_Request_Form__c( Contact__c = newContact.Id,Last_Name__c='Last Name Test',First_Name__c='First Name Test',Email_Address__c='TEST2@MAIL.COM',Status__c='Submitted'); insert newRec1; ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('Id', newRec1.Id); ApexPages.StandardController controller = new ApexPages.StandardController(newRec1); CRequestForm_Wrapper WrapperC=new CRequestForm_Wrapper(controller); //String nextPage = WrapperC.save().getUrl(); //System.assertNotEquals(nextPage, ''); String nextPage = WrapperC.onApprove().getUrl(); System.assertNotEquals(nextPage, ''); nextPage = WrapperC.onSubmit().getUrl(); System.assertNotEquals(nextPage, ''); nextPage = WrapperC.onReject().getUrl(); Contact_Request_Form__c newRec2 =new Contact_Request_Form__c( Contact__c = newContact.Id); ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('Id', newRec2.Id); ApexPages.StandardController controller2 = new ApexPages.StandardController(newRec2); CRequestForm_Wrapper WrapperC2=new CRequestForm_Wrapper(controller2); nextPage = WrapperC2.save().getUrl(); System.assertNotEquals(nextPage, ''); } Test.stopTest(); } }
- Long Truong
- March 26, 2015
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Trigger to update record name
- when the Name field in Subgrantee is updated
- The Subgrantee Profile name is also update (it's not the same, you have to append something to it)
- Long Truong
- March 11, 2015
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Two almost indentical test class, one passed one failed
I made some edits to the class in sandbox, and copied the test class, so now I have a new class and a new test class: TESTCRequestForm_SearchController and TESTCRequestForm_SearchController_test. But I can't push it to production because the code coverage is only 68%. I have mannually tested it as an end-user and it works fine. Can anyone please help?
- Long Truong
- October 07, 2014
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Multiple Visualforce page layout for a Custom Object
I have changed the setting under:
- Profile > Enable Visualforce Page
- changed the Page Layout Assignment
- changed the Security setting of the Visualforce Page 2.
But when I log in as a profile A user, I can only see page 1. The only way I can make page 2 show, is to go Create > Object > Subgrantee Profile > Buttons, Links, and Action > View, and change the content source to page 2. But this change the view to page 2 for ALL profiles, which I don't want.
So in short, my question is: can I assign 2 visualforce pages of the same custom object to different profiles?
- Long Truong
- July 21, 2014
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Trigger works but new field value is not save???
I wrote a trigger so that when the Account Name is updated, the Subgrantee Profile (custom object, linked by look up relationship) Name is also updated.
For example: Account name is ABC, and Subgratee Profile name is 123-ABC. When the Account name is updated to EFG, Subgrantee Profile name should become 123-EFG.
I checked the debug pritn out, and all the values is as it should be, but the new name for the subgrantee profile is not being save???
trigger updateAcountNameonSubProfile on Account(after update) { for (Account a:Trigger.new) { try { //select the related Subgrantee Profile List<Subgrantee_Profile__c> lstRR=[Select r.Id,r.Name, r.Subgrantee__c from Subgrantee_Profile__c r where r.Subgrantee__c in : Trigger.newMap.keyset()]; system.debug('>>>list size: '+lstRR.size()); for(Subgrantee_Profile__c objRR : lstRR) { system.debug('>>>updating this sub profile:'+objRR.name); if(Trigger.newMap.containskey(objRR.Subgrantee__c) ) objRR.Name=Trigger.newMap.get(objRR.Subgrantee__c).Mailing_State__c + Trigger.newMap.get(objRR.Subgrantee__c).Associated_Project_Number__c+' - '+Trigger.newMap.get(objRR.Subgrantee__c).Name; system.debug('>>>New subgrantee profile name:'+objRR.Name); } update lstRR; //the new name is correct, but the record in Salesforce is not updated???? System.debug('>>>after updating list - new sub profile name: '+ lstRR.get(0).name ); }catch(Exception ex) { Trigger.new[0].addError('Error in resource request updates --'+ ex.getMessage()); } } }
- Long Truong
- April 02, 2015
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Visualforce page keeps loadingand freeze
- Long Truong
- March 30, 2015
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Increase Code Coverage
public with sharing class CRequestForm_Wrapper { public List<ContactReq> wrapperList {get;set;} public Contact cContact=new Contact(); public Contact_Request_Form__c cRForm=new Contact_Request_Form__c(); public Contact_Request_Form__c cRFormNotes {get;set;} public boolean errormsg=false; public boolean ApprovalFormShowChangeDetails {get;set;} public String errorDetail=''; public Boolean isPartnerSubgrantee {get;set;} public Boolean noRoleFound {get;set;} public List<SelectOption> subgranteeRolesList {get;set;} public List<SelectOption> partnerProfilesList {get;set;} public CRequestForm_Wrapper(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { String id=ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('cid'); if(id!=null) { cContact=[select Id,LastName,FirstName,MI__c,Fax,MobilePhone,HomePhone,OtherPhone,Email,Title,Department,Contact_Mailing_Street_1__c ,Contact_Mailing_Street_2__c ,Contact_Mailing_City__c ,Contact_Mailing_Zip_Code__c ,SSAI_Sponsors__c,SSAI_Directors__c, SSAI_Fiscals__c,D2D_Contacts__c,Contact_Shipping_Street_1__c, SSAI_SCSEP_Role__c ,Contact_Shipping_Street_2__c ,Contact_Shipping_City__c ,Contact_Shipping_Zip_Code__c , Contact_Fax__c , Contact_Mailing_State__c ,Contact_Shipping_State__c,Shipping_Organization__c,Mailing_Organization__c,Shipping_Department__c,AccountId from Contact where id =:id limit 1]; wrapperList=new List<ContactReq>(); wrapperList.add(new ContactReq( NewCRequest(cContact), cContact)); } String cRid=ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); if(cRid!=null) { cRForm=[select Id, Subgrantee_Name__c, Subgrantee_Name__r.IsPartner,Last_Name__c,First_Name__c,MI__c, SSAI_SCSEP_Role__c, Fax_Phone__c, Mobile_Phone__c, Home_Phone__c, Business_Phone__c, Email_Address__c, Job_Title__c, Department_B__c, Department_S__c, Organization_S__c, Organization_B__c, Address_Line_1B__c, Address_Line_2B__c, City_B__c, Zip_Code_B__c, Business_State__c, SSAI_Fiscal__c, SSAI_Spon__c, SSAI_Directors__c, D2D_Contacts__c, Address_Line_1S__c, Address_Line_2S__c, City_S__c, Zip_Code_S__c, Shipping_State__c, Notes__c, Is_Create_User__c, Role__c, Profile__c, Contact__c, Forms_and_Information__c,Pay_by_Pay__c,Report_of_Costs_SA1_and_SA2__c,Salesforce_Portal_Account__c,SCSEP_Eligibility_Determination__c, SPARQ__c,Is_Delete_Request__c from Contact_Request_Form__c where id =:cRid limit 1]; cRFormNotes=cRForm; if(CRFormNotes.Subgrantee_Name__c!=null && CRFormNotes.Contact__c==null) { ApprovalFormShowChangeDetails = false; isPartnerSubgrantee = CRFormNotes.Subgrantee_Name__r.IsPartner; noRoleFound = false; subgranteeRolesList = getPartnerRoles(CRFormNotes.Subgrantee_Name__c); partnerProfilesList = getPartnerProfiles(); } else{ ApprovalFormShowChangeDetails = true; cContact=[select Id,LastName,FirstName,MI__c,Fax,MobilePhone,HomePhone,OtherPhone,Email,Title, SSAI_SCSEP_Role__c,Department,Contact_Mailing_Street_1__c ,Contact_Mailing_Street_2__c ,Contact_Mailing_City__c ,Contact_Mailing_Zip_Code__c ,SSAI_Sponsors__c,SSAI_Directors__c, SSAI_Fiscals__c,D2D_Contacts__c,Contact_Shipping_Street_1__c ,Contact_Shipping_Street_2__c ,Contact_Shipping_City__c ,Contact_Shipping_Zip_Code__c , Contact_Fax__c , Contact_Mailing_State__c ,Contact_Shipping_State__c,Shipping_Organization__c,Mailing_Organization__c,Shipping_Department__c,AccountId from Contact where id =:CRFormNotes.Contact__c limit 1]; wrapperList=new List<ContactReq>(); wrapperList.add(new ContactReq( cRFormNotes, cContact)); } } } public Contact_Request_Form__c NewCRequest(Contact cContact) { System.debug('Inside shree'); Contact_Request_Form__c c = new Contact_Request_Form__c(); c.Subgrantee_Name__c =cContact.AccountId; c.Last_Name__c =cContact.LastName ; c.First_Name__c =cContact.FirstName ; c.MI__c =cContact.MI__c ; c.Fax_Phone__c =cContact.Fax ; c.Mobile_Phone__c =cContact.MobilePhone; c.Home_Phone__c =cContact.HomePhone ; c.Business_Phone__c =cContact.OtherPhone ; c.Email_Address__c =cContact.Email ; c.Job_Title__c =cContact.Title; c.SSAI_SCSEP_Role__c =cContact.SSAI_SCSEP_Role__c; c.Department_B__c =cContact.Department; c.Department_S__c =cContact.Shipping_Department__c; c.Organization_S__c =cContact.Shipping_Organization__c; c.Organization_B__c =cContact.Mailing_Organization__c; c.Address_Line_1B__c =cContact.Contact_Mailing_Street_1__c; c.Address_Line_2B__c =cContact.Contact_Mailing_Street_2__c ; c.City_B__c =cContact.Contact_Mailing_City__c ; c.Zip_Code_B__c =cContact.Contact_Mailing_Zip_Code__c ; c.Business_State__c =cContact.Contact_Mailing_State__c ; c.SSAI_Fiscal__c =cContact.SSAI_Fiscals__c ; c.SSAI_Spon__c =cContact.SSAI_Sponsors__c ; c.SSAI_Directors__c =cContact.SSAI_Directors__c ; c.D2D_Contacts__c =cContact.D2D_Contacts__c ; c.Address_Line_1S__c =cContact.Contact_Shipping_Street_1__c; c.Address_Line_2S__c =cContact.Contact_Shipping_Street_2__c ; c.City_S__c =cContact.Contact_Shipping_City__c ; c.Zip_Code_S__c =cContact.Contact_Shipping_Zip_Code__c; c.Shipping_State__c =cContact.Contact_Shipping_State__c ; //c.Fax_Phone__c =cContact.Contact_Fax__c ; c.Fax_Phone__c =cContact.Fax ; c.Contact__c =cContact.Id; c.Notes__c =''; return c; } public boolean geterrormsg() { return errormsg; } public String geterrorDetail() { return errorDetail; } public class ContactReq{ public Contact_Request_Form__c CReq{get;set;} public Contact c{get;set;} public ContactReq(Contact_Request_Form__c CReq , Contact c) { this.CReq = CReq; this.c = c; } } public Pagereference Save() { Pagereference p =new Pagereference('/a02/o'); Contact_Request_Form__c NewContactRequest= wrapperList[0].CReq; NewContactRequest.Status__c='New'; List <String> checkStatus=new List<string>() ; checkStatus.add('New'); checkStatus.add('Submitted'); List<Contact_Request_Form__c> ExistingCRform=[select Id,Subgrantee_Name__c,Email_Address__c,Status__c from Contact_Request_Form__c where Email_Address__c =:NewContactRequest.Email_Address__c and Subgrantee_Name__c =:NewContactRequest.Subgrantee_Name__c and Status__c IN :checkStatus limit 1]; if(ExistingCRform.size()!=0) { errorDetail='Contact Request Form with status [ '+ExistingCRform[0].Status__c +']already exists for the email id ['+ExistingCRform[0].Email_Address__c+']and Sub-Garentee['+ExistingCRform[0].Subgrantee_Name__c+']'; errormsg=true; return null; } else { insert NewContactRequest; return p; } } public Pagereference Submit() { Pagereference p =new Pagereference('/a02/o'); Contact_Request_Form__c NewContact= wrapperList[0].CReq; NewContact.Status__c='Submitted'; upsert NewContact; return p; } public Pagereference onApprove() { if(validate()) { Id CRequestId=ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); Pagereference p =new Pagereference('/'+CRequestId); Contact_Request_Form__c editCrForm= new Contact_Request_Form__c(Id=CRequestId); editCrForm.Status__c='Approved'; editCrForm.Notes__c=cRForm.Notes__c; if(CRForm.IS_Create_User__c && CRFormNotes.Contact__c==null) { editCRForm.IS_Create_User__c = CRForm.IS_Create_User__c; editCRForm.Role__c = CRForm.Role__c; editCRForm.Profile__c = CRForm.Profile__c; } List<RecordType> recordTypeVals= [select Id from RecordType where Name = 'Form Approver' limit 1]; editCrForm.RecordTypeId=recordTypeVals[0].id; upsert editCrForm; return p; } else { return null; } } public Pagereference onReject() { Id CRequestId=ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); Pagereference p =new Pagereference('/'+CRequestId); Contact_Request_Form__c editCrForm= new Contact_Request_Form__c(Id=CRequestId); editCrForm.Status__c='Rejected'; editCrForm.Notes__c=cRForm.Notes__c; List<RecordType> recordTypeVals= [select Id from RecordType where Name = 'Form Approver' limit 1]; editCrForm.RecordTypeId=recordTypeVals[0].id; upsert editCrForm; return p; } public Pagereference onSubmit() { Id CRequestId=ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); Pagereference p =new Pagereference('/'+CRequestId); Contact_Request_Form__c editCrForm= new Contact_Request_Form__c(Id=CRequestId); editCrForm.Status__c='Submitted'; upsert editCrForm; return p; } public List<selectOption> getPartnerRoles(Id accId) { List<UserRole> urList = new List<UserRole>(); List<SelectOption> rolesList = new List<SelectOption>(); rolesList.add(new SelectOption('','--None--')); if(isPartnerSubgrantee) { urList = [Select Id, Name from UserRole where PortalType = 'Partner' and PortalAccountId = :accId]; if(urList.size()>0) { for(UserRole ur : urList) { rolesList.add(new SelectOption(ur.Id,ur.Name)); } } else { noRoleFound = true; //ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO, 'No Role found. The user will be created with default Role')); } } /*else { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'No Role found. Please enable the Subgrantee for Partner Portal')); }*/ return rolesList; } public List<selectOption> getPartnerProfiles() { List<Profile> prList = new List<Profile>(); prList = [Select Id, Name from Profile where UserType = 'PowerPartner' and Name != 'Gold Partner User' order by Name]; List<SelectOption> profilesList = new List<SelectOption>(); profilesList.add(new SelectOption('','--None--')); if(prList.size()>0) { for(Profile pr : prList) { profilesList.add(new SelectOption(pr.Id,pr.Name)); } return profilesList; } else { System.debug('No Partner Profile found'); ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'No Partner Profile found')); return null; } } public Boolean validate() { System.debug('*****'+CRForm.Is_Create_User__c+'*****'+CRForm.Profile__c+'*****'+CRForm.Role__c); if(CRForm.Is_Create_User__c) { if(noRoleFound && CRForm.Profile__c==null) { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Please choose a profile')); return false; } else if(!noRoleFound && CRForm.Profile__c==null && CRForm.Role__c==null) { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Please choose role & profile')); return false; } } return true; } }
and this is the test class:
@isTest private class CRequestForm_Wrapper_Test { static testmethod void constructor_Test() { Test.startTest(); PageReference pageRef = Page.CRequestModify; Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); SFDC_IDs__c SSAIIDs = SFDC_IDs__c.getValues('SSAI'); Id saProfileId = SSAIIDs.System_Administrator_Profile_ID__c; User sau = [select UserRoleId from User where ProfileId = :saProfileId and isActive = true limit 1]; System.runAs(sau) { Account newAcc=new Account(Name='Test Account'); insert newAcc; Contact newContact=new Contact(); newContact.LastName='Last Name'; newContact.FirstName='First Name'; newContact.AccountId=newAcc.Id; insert newContact; ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('cid', newContact.Id); Contact_Request_Form__c newRec1 =new Contact_Request_Form__c( Contact__c = newContact.Id,Last_Name__c='Last Name Test',First_Name__c='First Name Test',Email_Address__c='TEST2@MAIL.COM',Status__c='Submitted'); insert newRec1; ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('Id', newRec1.Id); ApexPages.StandardController controller = new ApexPages.StandardController(newRec1); CRequestForm_Wrapper WrapperC=new CRequestForm_Wrapper(controller); //String nextPage = WrapperC.save().getUrl(); //System.assertNotEquals(nextPage, ''); String nextPage = WrapperC.onApprove().getUrl(); System.assertNotEquals(nextPage, ''); nextPage = WrapperC.onSubmit().getUrl(); System.assertNotEquals(nextPage, ''); nextPage = WrapperC.onReject().getUrl(); Contact_Request_Form__c newRec2 =new Contact_Request_Form__c( Contact__c = newContact.Id); ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('Id', newRec2.Id); ApexPages.StandardController controller2 = new ApexPages.StandardController(newRec2); CRequestForm_Wrapper WrapperC2=new CRequestForm_Wrapper(controller2); nextPage = WrapperC2.save().getUrl(); System.assertNotEquals(nextPage, ''); } Test.stopTest(); } }
- Long Truong
- March 26, 2015
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Trigger to update record name
- when the Name field in Subgrantee is updated
- The Subgrantee Profile name is also update (it's not the same, you have to append something to it)
- Long Truong
- March 11, 2015
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Two almost indentical test class, one passed one failed
I made some edits to the class in sandbox, and copied the test class, so now I have a new class and a new test class: TESTCRequestForm_SearchController and TESTCRequestForm_SearchController_test. But I can't push it to production because the code coverage is only 68%. I have mannually tested it as an end-user and it works fine. Can anyone please help?
- Long Truong
- October 07, 2014
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Multiple Visualforce page layout for a Custom Object
I have changed the setting under:
- Profile > Enable Visualforce Page
- changed the Page Layout Assignment
- changed the Security setting of the Visualforce Page 2.
But when I log in as a profile A user, I can only see page 1. The only way I can make page 2 show, is to go Create > Object > Subgrantee Profile > Buttons, Links, and Action > View, and change the content source to page 2. But this change the view to page 2 for ALL profiles, which I don't want.
So in short, my question is: can I assign 2 visualforce pages of the same custom object to different profiles?
- Long Truong
- July 21, 2014
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