• Rahul Boinepally
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  • Salesforce Developer

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I have a requirement where the Knowledge article created user should not be able to 'publish' the article, so I have created a validation rule: 
ISCHANGED(PublishStatus) &&  ($User.Id  =  CreatedById)
I am not worried about the createdByID for now, but ISCHANGED(PublishStatus) doesnt work in validation rule. Even if I just give ISCHANGED(PublishStatus) in validation rule, Salesforce allows me to publish the article. Clearly the PublishStatus value is changed from 'Draft' to 'Online' , but validation rule doesnt fire. I did try process builder as well, but with no luck.As there are no triggers for Knowledge articles at the moment, validation rule / process builder seem to be the only way 

Please could you help me if you have come across this situation ? 

Thank you.
I have created a simple visualforce page with standard controller = 'Idea'. I am able to add the VF page to page layout in a section, but when I view the page, I am not able to see the inline visualforce component. I am a system admin and I have access to VF page and there is only one page layout. I have tried creating a sample extension as well and able to add the VF page to the page layout, still the same issue. Please could you help on how to view an inline visual force page on Ideas standard layout? Many thanks.

The VF code is:

    <apex:page standardController="idea">
    <apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock title="Idea Details">
                <apex:pageBlockSection title="Idea Details" columns="1">
                <apex:outputField> style="width:250px" value="{!idea.title}">

I am building a logic to add an inline visualforce page to Ideas standard layout. I have created a sample visualforce page and added to the page layout, but unfortunately it is not visible when I am viewing Idea records (I am system admin and have access to VF page).

I did some research on developer formus and found Ideas visualforce need to be accomplished by IdeaStandardController Class. Reference :

I have exactly copied the logic to test the functionality and got the error. I have saved the page and class from dev console:
 common.apex.runtime.bytecode.BytecodeApexObjectType cannot be cast to common.apex.runtime.impl.ApexType

Then I tried to save the VF page from UI instead and see the error:
Unknown constructor 'MyIdeaExtension.MyIdeaExtension(ApexPages.StandardController 

I have read the statement 'The IdeaStandardSetController and IdeaStandardController classes are currently available through a limited release program. For information on enabling these classes for your organization, contact your Salesforce representative.' from the developer formus. Do you think I see the error as idea standard controllers are not activated in my Org? I am trying in my Developer Edition , do you know if salesforce will be able to activate this in Developer edition?

Many thanks for your help.

Hello, I am new to Salesforce.com, so is the very basic question. I have created a profile, one user group and  2 users for an application. When I view the Object details, I couldn't see the 'Sharing' option to provide record level access though I am logged in as Administrator.
OWD - Public - Read/Write
The profile is 'Read All' and I have enabled external sharing option. I have tried modifying sharing security and profile settings but didn't help. Couldyou please let me know what I could try to see 'Sharing' option at record level. 

Many thanks for help.
I have a request that end user open a page and process multiple records (with check boxes) with single shot. For this I have built lightning component and made it working. I used Lightning App to test the component. Do I have to create a new App and give the link to them (https://mydomain.lightning.force.com/c/ProcessApp.app) or create a Visualforce and embed the component and give the VF link (https://../apex/ProcessPage) to them? which one is best? Please advice.

I would like to create a validation rule so that only Sales Rep and Systems Admins can modify a picklist field not inside Sales or any others.
Field name is:  Did meeting happen?
Picklist choices are: Yes, No

Here is my validation rule and it's not working correctly.  Can you help?

OR (
ISPICKVAL( Did_meeting_happen__c, "Yes"),
ISPICKVAL(Did_meeting_happen__c, "No")),
$Profile.Name = "Sales User")||
$Profile.Name = "Systems Admin")
  • October 26, 2016
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I have a requirement where the Knowledge article created user should not be able to 'publish' the article, so I have created a validation rule: 
ISCHANGED(PublishStatus) &&  ($User.Id  =  CreatedById)
I am not worried about the createdByID for now, but ISCHANGED(PublishStatus) doesnt work in validation rule. Even if I just give ISCHANGED(PublishStatus) in validation rule, Salesforce allows me to publish the article. Clearly the PublishStatus value is changed from 'Draft' to 'Online' , but validation rule doesnt fire. I did try process builder as well, but with no luck.As there are no triggers for Knowledge articles at the moment, validation rule / process builder seem to be the only way 

Please could you help me if you have come across this situation ? 

Thank you.
I am new to SF and trying to work my way through. I have created an HR app for practice. For one of the object I am getting the below mentioned error when I input the formula :     Job_Application__r.Position__r.Name

Error: Field Job_Application_r does not exist. Check spelling.

Can some one please guide.

KInd regards


I am trying to set up an equation that will output the TOTAL amount of time that a case has been in 'On Hold' status.  I was able to figure out how to get the case to show the first 'on hold' status length, but after the status has been switched to, say, 'Working' and then back to 'On Hold' I need to be able to add on the new on hold status to the old.  The goal is to have a more accurate case time.

In a nutshell (total case open to complete time - on hold time = total working time)

I already have the below formula that outputs total case hold to complete time as a decimal:

Case_Open_Length__c =
BLANKVALUE(Complete_Date_Time__c, NOW()) - CreatedDate

I need a way to calculate the total hold time however, so that I can make an equation to factor it out.

Thank you in advance for any help!
Hello, I have a custom object with three lookup fields, one to User one to Contact and one to Account. I'm executing the following query but it complains about the relationship in getting the name from the User object. If I exclude User__r.Name from the query It returns the Contact and Account Names OK. Any help would be appreciated.

SELECT User__r.Name, Number_Tickets_Requested__c, Contact__r.Name, Account__r.Name FROM SFL1_Ticket_Req__c
Hello, I am new to Salesforce.com, so is the very basic question. I have created a profile, one user group and  2 users for an application. When I view the Object details, I couldn't see the 'Sharing' option to provide record level access though I am logged in as Administrator.
OWD - Public - Read/Write
The profile is 'Read All' and I have enabled external sharing option. I have tried modifying sharing security and profile settings but didn't help. Couldyou please let me know what I could try to see 'Sharing' option at record level. 

Many thanks for help.