• Liron Cohen
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I'm trying to delete class from production. 
Tried with eclipse/workbench and failed, then tried with ant and received error: "This apex class is referenced elsewhere in salesforce.com. Remove the usage and try again. : Scheduled Jobs - 08e2400000232Sb. This Schedulable class is in use. : Apex Class."

Tried to find this schedule job, but it is not available probably old and already deleted. 
I read in some other post that in such case I need to log a case to SF support to delete this job, but when I go to Cases page on topic for deployment I get the message: "Developer support for standard customers and partners is supported directly through our community. If you have a developer support question, please click here"

So how I'm supposed to open a case? 
Is there any other option to delete this apex job without support?

Please don't suggest to wait a week until jobs being cleaned by SF automatically, I tried this deleting process also month ago and received the same error.

I couldn't find any documentation for this, so appreciate your assitenace. 

Assume I have time based workflow which scheduled for future (assume 7 days after the event), and then it update the record.
If it will be scheduled from test class, does the workflow update action will be process during the test? Is this functionality was changed in any of the latest realese?

I can see it does running (according to debug log), but see also old questions people asking how they can test time based workflow.

I want to generate PDF document & save it as attachment under the related record (at the same function).
Is that mean I need to generate the PDF twice?


public Pagereference openAndAttach(){
PageReference documentPage = new PageReference('apex/myDoc?id='+recId);

//Create Attachment
Blob b = documentPage.getContect();
Attachment attach = new Attachment();   
attach.Body = b;
attach.ParentId = recId;
insert attach;

//Open PDF
return documentPage;

Is there a better way for doing this? It seems like wasting as the code generating the PDF.
Hi all,

I am working on the LWC Specialist Superbadge Challenges. For my component BoatTile, the Boat pictures are supposed to load up on the page. See screenshot below- 
Boat Picture Issue

This is the piece of code for that-
    get backgroundStyle() { 
      return "background-image:url(${this.boat.Picture__c})";}

Please have a look! Thanks!
While implementing emp API in LWC to subscribe the platform event I  find out that there is small issue in sample code snipit given in documentation.
Issue is in handleSubscribe method in js below is the code given in documentation:
handleSubscribe() {
        // Callback invoked whenever a new event message is received
        const messageCallback = function(response) {
            console.log('New message received : ', JSON.stringify(response));
            // Response contains the payload of the new message received

        // Invoke subscribe method of empApi. Pass reference to messageCallback
        subscribe(this.channelName, -1, messageCallback).then(response => {
            // Response contains the subscription information on successful subscribe call
            console.log('Successfully subscribed to : ', JSON.stringify(response.channel));
            this.subscription = response;
 Correction is required in messageCallback method which should be as below:
const messageCallback = (response) => {
        console.log('New message received : ', JSON.stringify(response));
        this.payload = JSON.stringify(response);
        console.log('this.payload: ' + this.payload);
        // Response contains the payload of the new message received
We have to use arrow function as it does not have its own scope.  
I'm trying to delete class from production. 
Tried with eclipse/workbench and failed, then tried with ant and received error: "This apex class is referenced elsewhere in salesforce.com. Remove the usage and try again. : Scheduled Jobs - 08e2400000232Sb. This Schedulable class is in use. : Apex Class."

Tried to find this schedule job, but it is not available probably old and already deleted. 
I read in some other post that in such case I need to log a case to SF support to delete this job, but when I go to Cases page on topic for deployment I get the message: "Developer support for standard customers and partners is supported directly through our community. If you have a developer support question, please click here"

So how I'm supposed to open a case? 
Is there any other option to delete this apex job without support?

Please don't suggest to wait a week until jobs being cleaned by SF automatically, I tried this deleting process also month ago and received the same error.

This is about trailhead module: Advanced Formula / Troubleshoot formula errors.
I did create a field named,'Last Day of Month' under Case object and API name is also correct. However, the error message keep popping up said the field does not exist: The 'Last_Day_of_Month__c' does not exist.

I'd tried logging out and re-entering Trailhead but the error still occurs. Please advise. Thank you.
Can somebody please help me out here how to measure based on the sum of # instead of a count of rows or sum of the amount because on my case # is not appearing on the creating lens window Thanks in advance. PFB more details.

User-added image

Hi all


I'm looking for a way to create a trigger on a pricebook entry that will run some logic each time a Product's price changes.

The problem is that as far as I can see there is no why to write a trigger on procebook and procebookentry.


Am I correct in assuming this type of triggered is not possible?


Any advise what is the right way to make this work is appreciated.





  • May 31, 2012
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