• Justin Forrest
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I have a page overriding the Account page, it uses the detail tag to show all of the Account fields as well as the chatter feed for that Account. Further down the page I have a loop for a related list showing the details of each of these records using the detail tag as well. On the main detail tag I have showChatter="true" and on the related list items showChatter="false". When there are no items in the related list which wouldn't create any other detail tags, then the page will display the chatter feed for the account. As soon as there is one record then the chatter feed for the Account doesn't get displayed. Is this a bug? I can't find any documentation around having multiple detail tags on a page and any inconsistancies that might arrise from this.
Through the SOAP API it is possible to get the record types that a picklist by getting all of the RecordType Ids then calling the describeLayout on an object with the array of RecordType Ids. You can then search through each RecordTypeMappings to find the PicklistsForRecordType which gives you all the picklist values for that RecordType.

In the REST API when I go to an object's layout page the recordTypeMappings array exists and it looks like this what I want, but the picklistsForRecordType is always an empty array. The url I am hitting is "/v30.0/sobjects/Task/describe/layouts/". I am assuming this is the correct location as I haven't been able to find any other place in the REST API to look. I could very well be doing something wrong and please let me know if you need more information about how/what I am sending. But has anyone else been able to get the picklistsForRecordType to be populated through the REST API?
Yes, I know this has been asked a couple of times, but everyone just points to using the Bulk API which is not a sufficient solution/answer in my opinion. The ability to create / update / or delete 200 records at a time exists inside of the SOAP API. This enables us to quickly and immediately update Salesforce with new information without having to send a batch request and then wait for it to be picked up and processed. To me there seems no reason that the REST API also couldn't include this functionality and accept an array of records to process. Is this functionality planned or coming in the future? If not why is it not?



Can we insert multiple records using the Rest API?

