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Hi there!
Using the Developer Console and after running test I just can't get rid of the 'folder' list representing the previous test runs using the Test -> Clear Test Data menu.
It does get rid of tests as on opening 'folders'  the testMethods and results are gone, but the list itself remains to haunt / annoy me.
User-added image
Just wondering if I have an isolated case or if I'm missing something.
Browser is Chrome (currently 42...., auto-updating) but IE 11 behaves the same way.
Thanks for any thoughts!



I am trying to create multiple charts on a VF page by including the apex:chart component inside an apex:repeat or apex:datatable component. I have created a wrapper class that includes field elements as well as chart data. I expected that when the page is renderd, the structure would be as follows










however, when the page renders, all charts included inside the span of the first row. eg..










I am not sure if I am doing something wrong here or if this is a bug. My VF code is as follows..

<apex:dataTable var="f" value="{!achievements}">
<apex:column >
<apex:outputText value="{!f.oInstance.Account__r.Name}"/>
<apex:column >
<apex:chart height="125" width="285" animate="true" data="{!f.ChartData}">
<apex:axis type="Gauge" position="gauge" title="{!f.ChartData[0].data1}%" minimum="0" maximum="150" steps="5"/>
<apex:gaugeSeries dataField="data1" labelField="label" needle="false" donut="65" colorSet="#78c953,#ddd"/>


I also tried to solve this issue by trying to force the chart to render inside a specific component using the renderto attribute. However, this required use of a variable to generate dynamic ids for the components and as of now this doesn't seem to be supported. The error message asked me to use a literal value for the id attribute.


Please help!!!



Alok Agrawal


I'm attempting to use CSS to make text bold within a PDF that is generated off of a custom object, below is a snippet of my css and the portion of the PDF code where that style is called, i've also tried just surrounding the text in






Below is the snippet:



  p {
    font-family:Arial Unicode MS;


<b>First Heading</b>



Hi all,


      I am using <apex: selectOptions> in <apex:selectRadio> for selecting values. How can apply styles for the options ? 


Thanks in Advance

