• Jason Cooke 2
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  • Member since 2014

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The documentation at http://developer.chatter7bk.com/docs/atlas.en-us.salesforce1api.meta/salesforce1api/live_agent_creating_records_prechat_API_doCreate.htm gives the example of a contact and http://peterknolle.com/live-agent-pre-chat-api/ gives some really good code examples (again for contacts) but my org is using person accounts almost exclusively. Does it work with person accounts and does anybody know the syntax?
I'm looking for a way to open a new subtab in the service console that renders an existing form as a PDF prior to saving the form and without storing the PDF in Salesforce.

I managed to work out how to open the page in a separate window using the commandlink action and target which will open the pdf in a new browser window. My request is to open the PDF as a subtab in the service console. Using the console api the page loads so I lose the data that is entered on the form.

I know that we could have the rendered page save as document or attachment and show that as a subtab. But I would be interested to see if anyone else has had a similar request where the PDF is launched based on form data.

This visualforce markup works by opening the form in a new window:
<apex:commandLink value="Test Action" action="{!test}" target="_blank" styleClass="btn linkAsBtn"></apex:commandLink>

If I use the service console api and pass in the newURL parameter an empty form displays.  So I'm looking for a solution where I can invoke the commandlink action and have the target set to a new subtab instead of _blank
According to the Salesforce help, when an agent transfers a chat to another agent and the other user accepts the chat the Live Agent workspace closes automatically, including the chat log and related chats.

Has this functionality been changed in Spring, because I couldn't find that in the release notes?  We noticed that during testing on a sandbox with Spring 15 if a user transfers the chat to another agent instead of the window closing it keeps it open resulting in a 3 way chat.  It used to just allow 1 person to chat with the customer, not its allowing 2 agents.  

Sometimes the agents get confused as to who owns the chat, so the transfered agent closes the chat ending the chat session.
Is there a way of allowing the user to create an Opportunity from within the Live Agent console?  I see options for Account, Contact, Case and Lead but not on Opportunity.
We have a client with number of batch integrations built using the Salesforce data loader.  The data loader is connecting to Salesforce through a proxy server.

Is the data loader affected by the change being rolled out to disable SSL encryption?
I'm looking for a way to open a new subtab in the service console that renders an existing form as a PDF prior to saving the form and without storing the PDF in Salesforce.

I managed to work out how to open the page in a separate window using the commandlink action and target which will open the pdf in a new browser window. My request is to open the PDF as a subtab in the service console. Using the console api the page loads so I lose the data that is entered on the form.

I know that we could have the rendered page save as document or attachment and show that as a subtab. But I would be interested to see if anyone else has had a similar request where the PDF is launched based on form data.

This visualforce markup works by opening the form in a new window:
<apex:commandLink value="Test Action" action="{!test}" target="_blank" styleClass="btn linkAsBtn"></apex:commandLink>

If I use the service console api and pass in the newURL parameter an empty form displays.  So I'm looking for a solution where I can invoke the commandlink action and have the target set to a new subtab instead of _blank
The documentation at http://developer.chatter7bk.com/docs/atlas.en-us.salesforce1api.meta/salesforce1api/live_agent_creating_records_prechat_API_doCreate.htm gives the example of a contact and http://peterknolle.com/live-agent-pre-chat-api/ gives some really good code examples (again for contacts) but my org is using person accounts almost exclusively. Does it work with person accounts and does anybody know the syntax?
Is there a way of allowing the user to create an Opportunity from within the Live Agent console?  I see options for Account, Contact, Case and Lead but not on Opportunity.