• Giovanni DelNero
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when checking the challenge related to the trailhead in the subject I get the following error:

There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: SLSTSMQD. Error: Faraday::ClientError. Message: INVALID_TYPE: VAT_Rate__c, MasterLabel from VAT_Data__mdt ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:43 sObject type 'VAT_Data__mdt' is not supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the '__c' after the entity name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.

Might it be related to the fact that in my Dev Org it is enabled the namespace prefix?

Thanks and Kind Regards,
Looks like Challenge 7 is not working for me.. I tried with 2 separated Playgrounds from the scratch and it still fails with weird error, even though I think I've done everything right. I have no idea what else I should try.

Error message:
There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: GFXKWRGA. Error: Faraday::ClientError. Message: BAD_REQUEST: Specify a valid value for the source parameter.