• Stephen McClure
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  • Member since 2015

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I've verified and linked my Trailhead profile but the badges are not showing up. Any ideas on what I can check?
I have completed the Lightning Process builder step and i have verified that it is working correctly ( the battle Station record has been changed to complete and it has post a message to chatter, but when I click the Verify Step button I get this error message:

"Step Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
An update to a Battle Station record with Weapon Status of 'Fully Operational' failed to post a Chatter message to the record. Make sure that the process is configured correctly and that it is activated.
Note: you may run into errors if you've skipped previous steps."
Error is:
"Step Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
An update to a Battle Station record with Weapon Status of 'Fully Operational' failed to post a Chatter message to the record. Make sure that the process is configured correctly and that it is activated. 
Note: you may run into errors if you've skipped previous steps."
And more i could see new battle station record being created after the current battle station record has been updated.
Please guide me to sort out this issue
I am getting an error despite having all three things checked in the challenge on Data Security (Controlling Access to the Org). A screenshot of my "user" is below.  Can anyone help with what may be off?

The new user must use the System Administrator Profile.
The username for the new user must include 'guestadmin' somewhere in it.
The new user must be inactive.

User-added image
I am planning to take the 201, 211 and 401 certifications - does anyone know do the Trailhead modules align to these and if so which modules do you need to do for each certification?

Thanks all