• Ashesh R
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I have a weird issue with a url in my vf page. there is a 'change photo' link in my page which redirects to 

https://dev1-myexede.cs33.force.com/AtlasEditCustomerImage which has a html to upload photo. This work fine for a community user but not a standard or administrator user. Apparently the below link works fine for a standard or admin user but not to community user. 


what is the diffrence between these links? or is there a dynamic link I can use irrespective of the string before vf page name? (ex - something like //AtlasEditCustomerImage)
I have a weird issue with a url in my vf page. there is a 'change photo' link in my page which redirects to 

https://dev1-myexede.cs33.force.com/AtlasEditCustomerImage which has a html to upload photo. This work fine for a community user but not a standard or administrator user. Apparently the below link works fine for a standard or admin user but not to community user. 


what is the diffrence between these links? or is there a dynamic link I can use irrespective of the string before vf page name? (ex - something like //AtlasEditCustomerImage)
This used to work just fine until the begining of November. 
We get the referer url to determine in what language display our support forms, but that suddenly stopped working. Now the referer url is returning the value for the current page and not the page that was reference from.

Is anyone experiencing this issue? Did Salesforce changed something on how the referer url works?
This used to work just fine until the begining of November. 
We get the referer url to determine in what language display our support forms, but that suddenly stopped working. Now the referer url is returning the value for the current page and not the page that was reference from.

Is anyone experiencing this issue? Did Salesforce changed something on how the referer url works?