• Ralf Hamester (MSC)
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Hello all,


My org is used globally and I need to be able to calculate the number of days to close a case based on business days, but also take into consideration the holidays of each country (approx. 25 countries). Currently I have a formula field (as shown below), but it only contains US Holidays. Is it possible to add criteria into the existing formula so that IF Country = Australia, then calculate based on those dates, or IF Country = France, then calculate based on those specific dates? Or would a separate field be needed per country? Apex coding? There must be some way to do this, I just don't know what the solution is? There must be other orgs out there with a similar issue and hopefully someone has found a solution. Any help is greatly appreciated!


Thank you,



Customer_Close_Date__c - DATEVALUE(Date_Issue_Received__c)

- IF ( AND(Customer_Close_Date__c >= DATEVALUE("2010-01-01"), DATEVALUE(Date_Issue_Received__c) <= DATEVALUE("2010-01-01")) , 1, 0)
- IF ( AND(Customer_Close_Date__c >= DATEVALUE("2010-05-31"), DATEVALUE(Date_Issue_Received__c) <= DATEVALUE("2010-05-31")) , 1, 0)
- IF ( AND(Customer_Close_Date__c >= DATEVALUE("2010-09-06"), DATEVALUE(Date_Issue_Received__c) <= DATEVALUE("2010-09-06")) , 1, 0)
- IF ( AND(Customer_Close_Date__c >= DATEVALUE("2010-11-25"), DATEVALUE(Date_Issue_Received__c) <= DATEVALUE("2010-11-25")) , 1, 0)
- IF ( AND(Customer_Close_Date__c >= DATEVALUE("2010-11-26"), DATEVALUE(Date_Issue_Received__c) <= DATEVALUE("2010-11-26")) , 1, 0)
- IF ( AND(Customer_Close_Date__c >= DATEVALUE("2010-12-24"), DATEVALUE(Date_Issue_Received__c) <= DATEVALUE("2010-12-24")) , 1, 0)

- CASE( MOD(DATEVALUE(Date_Issue_Received__c) - DATEVALUE( "1985-06-24" ) , 7) , 0
, CASE( MOD( Customer_Close_Date__c - DATEVALUE (Date_Issue_Received__c), 7 ),1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5,1,6,2,0 ), 1
, CASE( MOD( Customer_Close_Date__c - DATEVALUE (Date_Issue_Received__c), 7 ),0,0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5,2,2 ), 2
, CASE( MOD( Customer_Close_Date__c - DATEVALUE (Date_Issue_Received__c), 7 ),0,0,1,0,2,0,3,1,2), 3
, CASE( MOD( Customer_Close_Date__c - DATEVALUE (Date_Issue_Received__c), 7 ),0,0,1,0,2,1,2), 4
, CASE( MOD( Customer_Close_Date__c - DATEVALUE (Date_Issue_Received__c), 7 ),0,0,1,1,2), 5
, CASE( MOD( Customer_Close_Date__c - DATEVALUE (Date_Issue_Received__c), 7 ),0,1,2), 6
, CASE( MOD( Customer_Close_Date__c - DATEVALUE (Date_Issue_Received__c), 7 ),6,2,1)
, 666 )
- ( FLOOR( ( Customer_Close_Date__c - DATEVALUE (Date_Issue_Received__c) ) / 7 ) * 2 )