• jrad
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I have an LWC with a public method @show().  This needs to fire on the lwc when it's parents aura component finishes loading.

I have tried doInit, all the render functions and none of them work.

I added a button on the aura parent and handleButtonClick handler - when clicking it fires the @show method and displays.  This is not my ideal functionality.

 I'm looking for a way to fire the @show method on the LWC child when the aura parent finishes loading.  How do I do this?

this works great:

handleClick: function (component, event, helper) {

What i'm looking for is a way to call the show method on childlwc once the page finishes loading.

  • April 24, 2020
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I have a standard date field that I would like to use in a formula field to timestamp 3 months out on the 15th of the month. For example. if the date field was in 6/24/15 I want the formula date field to read 9/15/15 (regardless of the number of days in a month).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!