• Dinesh Voonna
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  • Member since 2015

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I have two objects Obj1(Parent) and Obj2(Child) bonded with lookup relationship. The OWD on these two objects are private.There are some sharing rules a)on Obj2 based on the Obj1 owner role, b)on obj1 based on owner region.

So my question is,
If a record of Obj1(Parent) is manually shared to some other role(eg:- EMEA) which is not defined in sharing settings, will the child records also be shared to EMEA role or not?

Please help me.
I have two objects Candidate and Interviewer and there is no relation between them. I created a trigger in  such a manner that whenever  a record is created in candidate object the trigger fires the record to Interviewer object and record should be inserted.
I created the following trigger, The trigger gets fired whenever I am creating new record inn candidate object but I didn't find any record in my Interviewer object.
Can you please explain me why this is happening?

trigger myTrigger on Candidate__c (after insert) {
list<Interviewer__c> candidateToInsert=new list<Interviewer__c>();
for(Candidate__c c : trigger.new){
Interviewer__c obj=new Interviewer__c();
system.debug('Before Insert');
insert candidateToInsert; 
system.debug('After Insert');
I have flow and I want to invoke through trigger. Can You please explain with me a example?.
I have two different lists i.e "List A" and "List B".
"List A"  have fields like "Name" and "Actual Value"
 and "List B" have fields like "Name" and "Actual Value" but based on some condition "Actual values" of List A and List B are different.

Now I want to display I want in this format 
please explain me the purpose of this expression in the code..  [rendered="{!IF(contains(cf, "Contact"), true, false)}"] ?
I didn't understand it..!!
Here is the code 

<apex:page standardController="Case" extensions="DynamicCaseLoader">
<apex:form >
<apex:repeat value="{!caseFieldList}" var="cf">
<!-- The only editable information should be contact information -->

<apex:inputText value="{!caseDetails[cf]}"
rendered="{!IF(contains(cf, "Contact"), true, false)}"/>
<apex:outputText value="{!caseDetails[cf]}"
rendered="{!IF(contains(cf, "Contact"), false, true)}"/>
When using visualforce page to customize Live Agent chat window,I can set

  <liveAgent:clientChatLog showTimeStamp="true" />
to make it show timestamp.
User-added image
How can I format the time stamp, now it's hh:mm:ss,
I don't need second, I need it to be hh:mm

Any reply will be appreciated. 
I have two different lists i.e "List A" and "List B".
"List A"  have fields like "Name" and "Actual Value"
 and "List B" have fields like "Name" and "Actual Value" but based on some condition "Actual values" of List A and List B are different.

Now I want to display I want in this format