• Yi Tan- Cherry
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my new object and new fields are having namespace prefix in the API name. Salesforce default attach LightningGetSta for custom objects and field. So when challange check, system can't find required API which has no prefix just name__c. How should I do to pass the challenge? 
I created a day of the week formula. It returned "Friday" but it is telling me that it is not calculating right. Today is Friday.
my new object and new fields are having namespace prefix in the API name. Salesforce default attach LightningGetSta for custom objects and field. So when challange check, system can't find required API which has no prefix just name__c. How should I do to pass the challenge? 

I'd like to run Dev Console and set a check point for the context of a user that is not a Sys Admin.

Anyone know if there is a way to do that?

I tried using the "Login" button on the user after being logged in as a Sys Admin.  The Dev Console appears in the setup dropdown but it doesn't work.  I suspect when Logged in as another user, you can't run Dev Console.

The question is likely, if I'm logged in as a Sys Admin user, can I set a checkpoint for a different User?

Maybe there's no way to do it (which would kinda bite as then there's no way to debug how the program really runs.)