• Carlos F Hernandez
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I have 2 Lightning components. one is the list of records with a "Detail" Button in each row. What I want is to click on Detail button and the Detail component popup(my second component) will open after showing the Spinner in the window. 

Can anybody please help?
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to style my first form in a Lightning Component and I'm having problems with the ui:input. For exemple: with the ui:inputDate the label has a line break before the input when the ui:inputSelect has no line break... could someone explain this to me and how I can put a line break for every type of ui:input.
I'd rather use the ui:input instead of the HTML input because of the <input type="date" /> that doesn't work properly on every browsers...

I would be happy to share your knowledge on the subject,
Thanks in advance and sorry if this question has already been asked
I have 2 components: Component 1 and Component 2. From Component 1 on the click of a button(located in the row of a List of Custom Object), calling another Modal popup component Component 2. Sample Code is as Below:
(Salesforce Developers): New reply to your question. - tanwi08@gmail.com - Gmail


clickDetails function
clickDetails : function(cmp,helper,event){ cmp.set("v.recordId", event.target.id); cmp.set("v.isVisble, true); }

But I am not finding the way how to play with the isVisible attribute in the "Close" button of the Component 2 to Close the Component.
Can anybosy provide any direction on that?
I have 2 Lightning components. one is the list of records with a "Detail" Button in each row. What I want is to click on Detail button and the Detail component popup(my second component) will open after showing the Spinner in the window. 

Can anybody please help?
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to style my first form in a Lightning Component and I'm having problems with the ui:input. For exemple: with the ui:inputDate the label has a line break before the input when the ui:inputSelect has no line break... could someone explain this to me and how I can put a line break for every type of ui:input.
I'd rather use the ui:input instead of the HTML input because of the <input type="date" /> that doesn't work properly on every browsers...

I would be happy to share your knowledge on the subject,
Thanks in advance and sorry if this question has already been asked