• Venkateswarlu B
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  • Member since 2015

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<input value="Send an Email" class="btn" name="SendanEmail"  title="Send an Email" type="button" onclick="navigateToUrl('/email/author/emailauthor.jsp?retURL=%2F{!Case.Id}&p3_lkid={!Case.Id}&rtype=003&p2_lkid={!Case.ContactId}&parent_id={!Case.id}');"/>
Redirect properly:
User-added image
But when we I click on cancel button on above page it is not redirect to Case page it is redirecting to same page.
How to do this to redirect to Case original page when click on cancel button.
I have created case custom vf page as per my client requirement.I have created case comments custom related list using <apex:pageblocktable> .Now I want hoverlist like related lists on standard page.Anyone quick help:
Created Case comments related list like below:

<apex:pageBlock title="Case Comments" tabStyle="case" id="casecId">
         <apex:pageBlockButtons location="top" >
        <!--<apex:commandButton value="New" action='/apex/casecomment' styleClass="btn"/>  oncomplete="redirect();"  -->
         <apex:commandButton value="New" action="{!goToCaseComment}" styleClass="btn"/>
      <table class="list" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
Please help me asap:
Hover list I want like below for above custom related list:
User-added image
I want to create visual workflow to create multiple records for an object like below table.Can Anyone help it is urgent please

I want to create visual workflow to create multiple records for an object like below table.Can Anyone help it is urgent please
How to override the  NEW button on 'case comment related list'.Case page also custom standard controller(CASE) vf page .

I have 2 pages A & B, if i select some filter critiria on A page then it displays some records, each record has some action button if I click on that action button it goes to "B" page.On "B" page If I click on browser back button that should come to "A" page and also I want previous selected filter values and displayed records.I am using  cookies in my program.

(I am able to going back with filter critiria by using cookies and URL, but I want this with browser back button)

I want to create visual workflow to create multiple records for an object like below table.Can Anyone help it is urgent please

I want to create visual workflow to create multiple records for an object like below table.Can Anyone help it is urgent please
How to override the  NEW button on 'case comment related list'.Case page also custom standard controller(CASE) vf page .
Hey all. Trying to write a test method that extends a zuora class. Basically trying to put default values into a VF page when it renders. I am at a loss on how to test for this. I am sure it's simple but so far it has eluded me. Here is the extension code:
global class DefaultValues extends zqu.CreateQuoteController.PopulateDefaultFieldValuePlugin{ 
   global override void populateDefaultFieldValue
      (SObject record, zqu.PropertyComponentController.ParentController pcc)
      super.populateDefaultFieldValue(record, pcc);   
      record.put('zqu__InitialTerm__c', 12);   
      record.put('zqu__RenewalTerm__c', 12); 
     /* String lPCP =  (String)record.get('Acct_PCP__c');
      if (lPCP=='Shah'){

Any help and guidance would be appreciated.