• Madhura Kurdukar
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  • Member since 2015

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We have embedded service chat added to external website. We have also enabled the offline support form. In the offline support form we ask customer to enter values of "Issue being faced" and "Details" however along with this information we also want to pass emailId and Account information to Salesforce so that the Case gets created with correct Contact information. The customer has already login into the external web site and we do not want the customer to enter his email Id again in the offline support form. Is there anyway we could achieve this? We are able to pass hidden values of customer's emailId as Prechat information but not in Offline Support form. Is there anyway to pass information during offline support to Salesforce? Thanks.
I tried the curl comamnd as per Salesforce documentation but it is giving error. Could not resolve host...

The curl  command is :
curl https://xxxxxxx/services/data/v43.0/sobjects/ContentVersion -H "Authorization: Bearer token" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=\"boundary_string\"" -d --data-binary @NewContentVersion.json

The NewContentVersion.json is :

"Title" : "Sample document",
"PathOnClient" : "CAll API.txt",
"ContentLocation" :"S",
"VersionData":"this is the binary content of the file.Currently simple text"

Please let meknow what is wrong in above json or command?

I have created a lightning app page. I have added a VF page in one of the sections of this app page. Now there are links in the VF page. When the user clicks a link in the VF page it should navigate to different  lightning page. How do I achieve this?
Example :  The VF page has link to Case Detail Page. So I have created a lightning record Page for it. How to navigate to this record page. 
Please help. Any sugestions in this regard will be helpful. 

I am using FIND query on KnowledgeArticleVersion object. The record limit of SOSL query is 2000. SO how to retrieve more than 2000 records? I am calling Salesorce SOAP API with the search query to retrieve records. 

Also in this query OFFSET is not working, 


I am using FIND query on KnowledgeArticleVersion object. The record limit of SOSL query is 2000. SO how to retrieve more than 2000 records? I am calling Salesorce SOAP API with the search query to retrieve records. 

Also in this query OFFSET is not working, 

I tried the curl comamnd as per Salesforce documentation but it is giving error. Could not resolve host...

The curl  command is :
curl https://xxxxxxx/services/data/v43.0/sobjects/ContentVersion -H "Authorization: Bearer token" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=\"boundary_string\"" -d --data-binary @NewContentVersion.json

The NewContentVersion.json is :

"Title" : "Sample document",
"PathOnClient" : "CAll API.txt",
"ContentLocation" :"S",
"VersionData":"this is the binary content of the file.Currently simple text"

Please let meknow what is wrong in above json or command?
I have a record edit form that works for me, but "rarely" works for another user (I'm logging in as that user to test this) -- but here's the kicker -- *until* they go do other stuff and come back later.

The lightning component consists of a lightning:recordEditForm that has several fields including about 4 lookup fields (Account, Contact, managed obj Vehicle Inventory and managed obj Location). One of the lookups is to a custom object, and gets a default value based on the user's settings. When creating a new record, the default value shows up properly. The record is saved and that location lookup value is in the record -- it's visible in the "Recent items" related list.  But when this user re-opens the record that value isn't there anymore. 

When the value will NOT display on-screen I'm seeing an error 4 times in my Chrome consols: "Cannot read property 'color' of undefined.'  This error occurs *between* the completion of my "init" handler and the start of the RecordEditForm's onload method. The "setDefaultLocation" routine runs correctly when initiating a new record, but does not run (and shouldn't) when displaying an existing record with the value specified.

I've verified that the user has read & edit authority on all fields in the object and can read the target object of the lookup field. And again, if I log off as this user, then log in as this user again (or just go on to other things and come back later), then the lookup field is properly displayed.

I think the full code is too much for the forum, but here are some snippets:

<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,force:appHostable,lightning:actionOverride"
    <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}"/>
<lightning:recordEditForm recordId="{!v.recordId}" objectApiName="dealer__Rental_Agreements__c"
    aura:id="newrecordform" onsuccess="{!c.recordSaved}" onerror="{!c.recordSaveError}"
            <lightning:inputField fieldName="Location__c" disabled="{!v.alreadyposted}" aura:id="location"
                required="true" readonly="{!v.alreadyposted}" class="mw_required"/>

Some of the controller code:
/* general page initializations */
    doInit : function(component, event, helper) {
        // initialize that we're not in the process of posting
        component.set("v.posting", false);
        console.log('doInit complete');
    /* initializations when recordeditform is loaded */
    pageload: function(component, event, helper) {
        let id = component.get("v.recordId");
        let sts = (id==null) ? null : component.find("agreement_status").get("v.value");
        if (id==null) {
            sts = 'Open';   // default value
            let stscmp = component.find("agreement_status");
            if (stscmp!=null) stscmp.set("v.value", sts);
            component.set("v.status", sts); // also init record data status
            component.find("deposit_amount").set("v.value",0.00);   // default value
            component.find("excess_miles_charge").set("v.value",0.00);  // default value
            component.set("v.title","New Rental Agreement");
            component.find("totalperdiemtax").set("v.value",0.00);  // default value
            component.find("sales_tax").set("v.value",0.00);    // default value
            component.find("countysalestax").set("v.value",0.00);   // default value
            component.find("citysalestax").set("v.value",0.00); // default value
            component.find("thirdtierrentaltax").set("v.value",0.00);   // default value
        // in doInit: component.set("v.title", name);
        let isopen = sts!='Paid';
        let posting = component.get("v.posting");
        console.log('isopen = ' + isopen);
        // enable/disable buttons based on rental status
        if (!posting && isopen) component.find("submitbutton").set("v.disabled", false);
        if (!posting && id!=null && isopen) component.find("postbutton").set("v.disabled",false);
        let fromaccount = component.get("v.fromaccount");
        if (fromaccount!==null) {
            helper.rtvPersonContactId(component, event);
        let fromcontact = component.get("v.fromcontact");
        if (fromcontact!==null) {
            helper.rtvContactsAccountId(component, event);
        if (isopen) component.set("v.alreadyposted", false);
        else component.set("v.alreadyposted", true);
        // set default location
        let c_location = component.find("location");
        let location = null;
        if (c_location!=null) location = c_location.get("v.value");
        if (id==null && location==null) helper.rtvUserDefaultLocation(component, event);
        // initialize running totals
        helper.recalcTotals(component, event);
        console.log('pageLoad complete');

I am using FIND query on KnowledgeArticleVersion object. The record limit of SOSL query is 2000. SO how to retrieve more than 2000 records? I am calling Salesorce SOAP API with the search query to retrieve records. 

Also in this query OFFSET is not working, 
