• Priyank Dimri
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Howdy. I don't know whom I need to talk to, but I can't log in to Trailhead. I have tried resetting my password but that doesn't work.  I get an error that says  "Access Blocked: The operation you requested isn't allowed due to a security policy in your organization. Contact your administrator for more information about security policies."  I don't think my organization blocks anything. Also, I can get to TrailHead if I log in using Google +. The only problem is all my progress is saved under another ID. I haven't done any work in TrailHead while logged into Google +. Any thoughts? Thank you all for your help! 
I have a salesforce account - daniel.wymer@teradata.com - and get into endless loop and cannot reach Trailhead.  It seems like I have a Salesforce account, have established a password, but cannot login to Trailhead.