• MatthewSouther
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  • Member since 2015
  • Information Systems Manager
  • Build It Green

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I recently implemented a Process Builder process, User_Process, that includes scheduled actions based on a custom user field, Expiration_Date__c.

The process operates completely on the User object, and does not reference or perform updates to non-setup objects. There is no reference to Credential__c, a custom object in our org. Yet I received notice of the following error in an email, which appeared to originate from User_Process:

Error Occurred: UPDATE --- UPDATE FAILED --- ERRORS : (MIXED_DML_OPERATION) DML operation on setup object is not permitted after you have updated a non-setup object (or vice versa): User, original object: Credential__c

The body of the email is long -- but to sum it up, it doesn't provide any insight (as far as I can tell) into how Credential__c is becoming involved in the DML operation for the above process. I suspect this may have something to do with the fact that we have a separate process on the Credential__c object which also uses scheduled actions that could occur around the same time. But I'm given to understand that as long as I keep the two processes separate --and they are -- I shouldn't receive the MIXED_DML_OPERATION error.

So, what's going on?
I recently implemented a Process Builder process, User_Process, that includes scheduled actions based on a custom user field, Expiration_Date__c.

The process operates completely on the User object, and does not reference or perform updates to non-setup objects. There is no reference to Credential__c, a custom object in our org. Yet I received notice of the following error in an email, which appeared to originate from User_Process:

Error Occurred: UPDATE --- UPDATE FAILED --- ERRORS : (MIXED_DML_OPERATION) DML operation on setup object is not permitted after you have updated a non-setup object (or vice versa): User, original object: Credential__c

The body of the email is long -- but to sum it up, it doesn't provide any insight (as far as I can tell) into how Credential__c is becoming involved in the DML operation for the above process. I suspect this may have something to do with the fact that we have a separate process on the Credential__c object which also uses scheduled actions that could occur around the same time. But I'm given to understand that as long as I keep the two processes separate --and they are -- I shouldn't receive the MIXED_DML_OPERATION error.

So, what's going on?
When I followed the steps outlined in the Importing Data unit challenge in trailhead, I found that my laptop screen would not allow me to access the bottom of the picklist window when I attempted to map FNAME to First name. I can scroll down to the last entry on the list, and I should be able to access the green "Map" button or "Cancel." but it's covered by the footer, aaaand stuck! I can access it when I view it on an larger monitor, no problem. I completed the challenge with no problem on my second monitor, but I hope the screen issue doesn't happen to me on another challenge.

I have created a flow that loads data from a custom object called staging plan.


  • Staging plan contains fields that are group into the follow sections

Action Plan 1, Action Plan 2 & Action Plan 3


  • The user is then asked the type of task they want to create from the data. 

For example: Use select Action Plan 1


  • A task is created populated with Action Plan 1 Fields on staging plan.\


  • Next the data in the plan fields need to be set to null.

So the four field in Action plan need to be cleared.


What variable\constant do I use to remove the previous value and store a null in the field?

Hello Everyone,
I was wondering how to disable the "opening sequence" in lightning experience? When you log in or open a new page using lightning, you have to watch the butterfly flap it's wings for a minute or until it's obvious it's not going to work and you have to revert to classic. This is one of my many grievances concerning lightning. My other big one is that you rarely can open other pages in new tabs because it's all done with Java, but even then you still have to watch the butterfly. Can anyone please help me with this?

Much appreciative,