• Hans Liss
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In reports and dashboards superbadge, I cant validate challenge number 5 as trailhead says one of my reports, the 'Lightning Hobbies by Contact' report does not appear to have a locked filter. Documentation says that the filter can be enabled in report builder, but I can't find it. I can only see and edit the filters. Where is the option to lock the filters? Does it need to be enabled anywhere? Thanks!
When I tried with the enterprise.wsdl I was able to generate the enterprise.jar using force-wsc-37.0.jar, js-1.7R2.jar and ST-4.0.8.jar.
Now I'm trying to generate the partner.jar but I'm getting this error:
Error: Not possible to find neither load the main class com.salesforce.ws.tools.wsdlc
I used the same command line to Enterprise and Partner. ($ java -classpath force-wsc-37.0.jar:js-1.7R2.jar:ST-4.0.8.jar com.sforce.ws.tools.wsdlc partner.wsdl partner.jar)
When checking for my Challenge 1 solution, I get this error:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: ZPRTXUAI

I'm using a fresh Trailhead Playground for this with nothing on it except for the required unmanaged package and components for Challenge 1.
Hi All,

I have written a class as below:

public class NumbersToWordsConversionClass {     
public string wordText { get; set; }    
public Integer numberVal { get; set; }     
// Action method to be called by button or link    
 public void convert() {         wordText = numberToEnglish(numberVal);     }     static String[] firstTwenty = new String[] { 'NIL','One','Two','Three','Four','Five','Six','Seven','Eight','Nine',             'Ten','Eleven','Twelve','Thirteen','Fourteen','Fifteen','Sixteen','Seventeen','Eighteen','Ninteen' };     static String[] tens = new String[] { '','','Twenty','Thirty','Forty','Fifty','Sixty','Seventy','Eighty','Ninety' };     static String[] powers = new String[] { 'Crore','Lakh','Thousand','Hundred' };     static Integer[] thresholds = new Integer[] { 10000000, 100000, 1000, 100 };     
static String[] convert(Integer value) {         
String[] result = new String[0];         
Boolean less20 = value < 20, less100 = value < 100;       
  if(less20) {             result.add(firstTwenty[value]);         }
 else if(less100) {            
 Integer tenValue = value / 10, oneValue = Math.mod(value, 10);             
if(oneValue > 0) {                 
result.add(firstTwenty[oneValue]);             }         }       
  if(less100) {             return result;         }         if(value > 0) {           
  for(Integer index = 0; index < thresholds.size(); index++) {               
  if(thresholds[index] <= value) {                 
    result.addAll(convert(value / thresholds[index]));                
    value = Math.mod(value, thresholds[index]);                 }             }         
    if(value > 0) {                 result.addAll(convert(value));             }         }   
      return result;     }     public static String numberToEnglish(Integer value) {         return value != null && value >= 0? String.join(convert(value),' '): '';     } }

however when i am trying to  write the trigger as below it is failing please assist;
getting error as
Compile Error: expecting a right parentheses, found 'Value' at line 5 column 101

trigger ConvertCurrencyToWords on Opportunity (before insert, before update)
 { for(Opportunity record: Trigger.new)
  { if(record.Amount != null)
   record.Amount_in_Words__c = NumbersToWordsConversionClass.numberToEnglish(record.Amount.‌​integer Value());
I've been working on this trail for a bit - and while I undertsand the concepts, I'm stumped on why I'm getting this error: 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
A Create a Record action for the Closed Won criteria node isn't properly configured. Make sure that it creates a draft contract according to the instructions in the ‘Create contract for closed opportunity’ task action. Make sure that Start Date is set by using a formula.

I've gone over all of the workflow tasks information to recreate the contact. If I activate the process and close an opportunity, it creates a contract with the expected information and the date is 1mo away with 12mo term. The workflow's task (which is the template for the actual contract) specifies the following: 
Use the closed opportunity to create a contract for the associated account. 

Account: The account associated with this opportunity
Status: Draft
Contract Start Date: 1 month from today
Contract Term: 12
Here are my actions: 
User-added image

The Contract Start Date is set to the following formula:
    YEAR(Today()) +
    FLOOR((1 + MONTH(Today())) / 12) -
    IF (MOD(MONTH(Today()) + 1, 12) = 0,

    MOD((1 + MONTH(Today()) - 1), 12) + 1,


Again, for all practical purposes I'm passing this, as it functions and the contract is created. But I must be missing some small detail, named field, something that's tripping up the validation settings. Any help is appreciated!

I've tried a second time using a brand new Trailhead Playground, and still get the error when checking the challenge:
"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: VRHJDGJD "
In reports and dashboards superbadge, I cant validate challenge number 5 as trailhead says one of my reports, the 'Lightning Hobbies by Contact' report does not appear to have a locked filter. Documentation says that the filter can be enabled in report builder, but I can't find it. I can only see and edit the filters. Where is the option to lock the filters? Does it need to be enabled anywhere? Thanks!
Hi there,

I think there is a problem in the validation of Step 4 in the Lighning Experience Specialist superbadge. Trailhead creates records to validate the process builder flow, but because the Adventure Record created does not have an Expedition Leader, the flow fires an error message. Is there a support team who can fix this?
Hi All,
I am trying to create a dashboard with Title “Number of deals and amount”. I got the below combination chart with all the required details but the only problem is how do I get “# of deals” label. Currently it shows record count on the Y axis at right hand side where as it should be” Number of Deals” as per the trailhead requirement.

User-added image
Now record count is nothing but number of closed won opportunities which are equal to number of deals. I am not sure if I am missing any step or is there any way to change the labels on Y axis.

Any help is really appreciated
I am very confused with this module challenge. getting errors between calling the create item method between the two javascript controllers for Campinglist and CampingListForm. I read the module nearly 5 times and still cannot figure out the cause. any tips for implementation greatly appreciated.
H iall

Aware this is a bit of an odd request but I was wondering if anyone can help.  I use salesforc ein a primary school so we can't afford the developer costs associated with normal salesforce use case development but was hoping that someone might be able to help me do something.  Basically I (a certified admin) need to create someway of scanning information from a template which lists students in a class and denotes whether they are present or not (morning attendance).  The sheets list all the studenmts names and their student ID along with a box filled in for absent or present.  If its left black they are present.  This sheet is fully typed and printed but the penciling in denotes if theres an absense.  Basically I want to find a way to scan these attendance sheets into salesforce and have a record created for each student to record their attendance situation for the day.  The sheet is the same each day for each class.  it just needs to record the date, student idf and the attendance for each student once a day. 

I am aware there is a 3rd party system that can do this but its so expensive per year.  I see that there are APIs that can help with this and set areas for partial recognition areas but I have no idea how to do this at all.  I was looking at http://ocrsdk.com/documentation/apireference/ and http://www.online-code.net/ocr.html.

If anyone thinks they can help or make this process kind of idiot proof for me I'd really appreciate it.  I know what I need to do once the data is collected in salesforce but its just getting it from the sheet into tthe system.  Its seriously just for kids attednance to be recorded so we can find out where they are or why they are not somewhere as quickly as possible and maki ng alerts using workflows etc.  The impact of this would be huge.  any help or expertise much appreciated.  I do believe for someone who knows what they are doing this might not be super hard.