• Vivek.Gupta
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  • Member since 2016

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Hello All pro developers,

I am a nested component tree structure by dynamically rendering components. To create component I used below default method (Aura):
$A.createComponent( type, params, callback );

Structure to achive:

|    |------ALvL1SubChild1.cmp
|    |------ALvL1SubChild2.cmp
|    |------BLvL2SubChild1.cmp
|    |------BLvL2SubChild2.cmp

In above patern I am dynamically create component AChildLvL1.cmp/BChildLvL2.cmp and based on further condition their child component are being rendered.


Component is not able to render dynamically. in below conditions:
1. In lightning add builder view it is not able to render dynamically. 
2. Same is being replicating whenever I am pushing same code in my unmanaged package and installing it in different org. 
        After installing package I'm facing same issue.

Please let me know if anyone is aware of the reason, any help would be appreciated.

Himanshu Dangwal


Hi Everyone

I have a problem & I'm unable to resolve, please help 

How to show contentDocument on Site/Community
The link  "/sfc/servlet.shepherd/version/download/{ID}" works fine from the Org domain, but its not working for the Community domain. The error I receive is that the https://prnt.sc/pbnml6. I've tried also "/lightning/r/ContentDocument/{ID}/view" but getting sale issue.


Hi All,

I'm having an issue with my managed package vf page. When i'm trying to open the page it's redirecting me for login. While i copied vf page code in new vf page, it's working.


may i know, what will be the reason of exception (redirecting for login) 

Hi guys,

 I want to a map of userId's and list<permission set names> assigned to that user..

Its like  map<userID, list<permission sets names>> ..
Anyone can me help me here?

I work on a managed package that has been around for some time now.  I am in the process of moving our development team to scratch orgs with VS Code.  However, our namespace does not appear to be moving correctly from the Packaging org or into the Scratch org.

Here are my steps
  • From within VS Code I execute “SFDX: Create Project”
  • I updated the project-scratch-def.json and sfdx-project.json files.
  "orgName": "Scratch Org",
  "edition": "Developer",
  "release": "",
  "adminEmail": "mike@mike.com",
  "features": [],
  "namespace": "WAVY"
  "packageDirectories": [
      "path": "force-app",
      "default": true
  "namespace": "WAVY",
  "sfdcLoginUrl": "https://login.salesforce.com",
  "sourceApiVersion": "47.0"
  • From within VS Code I execute “SFDX: Create a Default Scratch Org…”
  • I confirm the namespace is in the Scratch org with “SELECT NamespacePrefix FROM Organization”.
  • I retrieve the metadata from the managed package with:
sfdx force:mdapi:retrieve -s -r ./mdapipkg -u mike@mail.com -p WAVYPackage
  • I unzip unpackaged.zip and convert with:
sfdx force:mdapi:convert --rootdir  ./mdapipkg
  • I review the code Lightning component file. The namespace is removed from all sobjectType in the Scratch org.
<aura:attribute name="Batch" type="Batch__c" access="GLOBAL" default="{ sobjectType: 'Batch__c' }" />  
<force:inputField aura:id="hiddenLookup" value="{!v.Batch.WAVY__DefaultChartofAccounts__c}" class="slds-hide" />
  • In the Packaging org this same code looks like:
<aura:attribute name="Batch" type="WAVY__Batch__c" access="GLOBAL" default="{ sobjectType: 'WAVY__Batch__c' }" />  
<force:inputField aura:id="hiddenLookup" value="{!v.Batch.WAVY__DefaultChartofAccounts__c}" class="slds-hide" />
  • When the lightning page is executed in the Scratch org I get the following error:
aura://ComponentController: org.auraframework.throwable.AuraExecutionException: ui.force.components.controllers.field.InputFieldProvider: org.auraframework.throwable.AuraRuntimeException: Error Retrieving Field for: v.batch.WAVY__DefaultChartofAccounts__c
  • If I add back the “WAVY__” namespace to the object in the Scratch Org, the code executes without error.
VS Code Version:
SFDX CLI Version:
OS and version:
Windows 10

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


Hi Everyone

I have a problem & I'm unable to resolve, please help 

How to show contentDocument on Site/Community
The link  "/sfc/servlet.shepherd/version/download/{ID}" works fine from the Org domain, but its not working for the Community domain. The error I receive is that the https://prnt.sc/pbnml6. I've tried also "/lightning/r/ContentDocument/{ID}/view" but getting sale issue.


Hello All pro developers,

I am a nested component tree structure by dynamically rendering components. To create component I used below default method (Aura):
$A.createComponent( type, params, callback );

Structure to achive:

|    |------ALvL1SubChild1.cmp
|    |------ALvL1SubChild2.cmp
|    |------BLvL2SubChild1.cmp
|    |------BLvL2SubChild2.cmp

In above patern I am dynamically create component AChildLvL1.cmp/BChildLvL2.cmp and based on further condition their child component are being rendered.


Component is not able to render dynamically. in below conditions:
1. In lightning add builder view it is not able to render dynamically. 
2. Same is being replicating whenever I am pushing same code in my unmanaged package and installing it in different org. 
        After installing package I'm facing same issue.

Please let me know if anyone is aware of the reason, any help would be appreciated.

Himanshu Dangwal


Hi All,

I'm having an issue with my managed package vf page. When i'm trying to open the page it's redirecting me for login. While i copied vf page code in new vf page, it's working.


may i know, what will be the reason of exception (redirecting for login) 

User that logged in customer community is not able to download content version files through this link https://<community-domain>/<community instance>/sfc/servlet.shepherd/version/download/<content document Id>
User license is 'customer portal login user'
Srm content user checkbox is flagged. Gets this error: 
'URL is not found'
Any ideas?