• guna malli
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I want to rename "change your password" name here in change password page.
Please find the attachment.
User-added image
I want to rename "change your password" name here in change password page.
Please find the attachment.
User-added image
I want to rename "change your password" name here in change password page.
Please find the attachment.
User-added image
I need to display image on home page. i stored image on document(with extenal availble option). and i created home page component(image).This is working fine for admin and platform user ,but not working for Portal users. and i enabled option like"Show Custom Sidebar Components on All Pages".my portal homapage shown like this User-added image
I have two objects like MA__c and MR,Here MA__c is parent of MR__c.And MA__c have two fields like "name__c" and "Type__c'.now i want to write Vf page for MR__c.Now i want do display "list" values is equal to  "type__c" of parent field values and one more value is filter controlling values of type of name__c only display here.
Example: parent object have "name__c(text)" A,B,C,D,E,F records  and "type__c(pickllist)" values are : Cold, Hot only 2 values ,here 4 records(A,B,C,D) names are categery of cold type remaining 2 records categery of Hot.
Now requirement  child (MR)  object have no fields.here i want to write VF page for display parent "type__c" values like picklist(Cold,Hot). and whenever  select "cold" one more field display related names like A,B,C,D.on VF page
I have developer edition org, whenever click on profile that is goto permission set access page ,i didn't get profile access page.i want profile access page. How can i get the profile access  page while click on profile?
I have object like "A", In this  object have 4 fields and  i created one custom button like "insert" and also i created vf page for that custom button,now i want to without give any fieldvalues on vf page level .this means i have no inputfields ,in page level i have only "insert" button .when ever i click on insert button i need to insert the record. How can achieve this by using apex class
I have two objects like A and B.Here A is the parent of B.In B object have filed like Total this is formula field.i want this child formula field value update on parent object total field value.After create child record
I created one application in lightning.Now i created Community user called resource manager.Whenever i login into Community user that is shown in Classic view , but i want to lightning view.How i achieve this requriment? 
Whenever i click on "New" button for create a new record the window shown like popup window in lightning .I want that window entire page how to achieve this requirement?
How to write test class for this  new trigger. here using if else conditions

Here S__c different object, and R__c is different object in between no relationship
but S__c have this fields like A__c,B__c,C__c. same like that R__c have same fields
when ever S__c "status" have aprroved i want update the R__c "status" field completed

trigger Sname  on  S__c (after update) {
for(S__c  s : Trigger.new){
String message = '';
        if(s.Status__c == 'Approved'){
            R__c  R = [select id,Status__c from R__c where (A__c =: s.A__c and  B__c =: s.B__c and C__c =: s.C__c)];
            R.Status__c ='Completed';
            update R;
         message =('site'+'S.Name'+'is Approved'); 
}else if(s.Status__c == 'Submitted')  {
message =('site'+'S.Name'+'is Submitted'); 
}else if(s.Status__c == 'Reviewed'){
message =('site'+'S.Name'+'is Reviewed'); 
}else if(s.Status__c == 'Rejected'){
message ='site'+'S.Name'+'is Rejected');
String TMTO = ('1345678');
         LES.LSS(message, TMTO);
How to write test class for this trigger

Here S__c different object, and R__c is different object in between no relationship
but S__c have this fields like A__c,B__c,C__c. same like that R__c have same fields
when ever S__c "status" have aprroved i want update the R__c "status" field completed

trigger Sname  on  S__c (after update) {
     for(S__c  s : Trigger.new){
        if(s.Status__c == 'Approved'){
            R__c  R = [select id,Status__c from R__c where (A__c =: s.A__c and  B__c =: s.B__c and C__c =: s.C__c)];
            R.Status__c ='Completed';
            update R;
I have 2 objects like account and contact,each object have 6 checkbox fields now in account level what are the fields selected same fields only i select option in contact level remain all fields have option not show to select that fields.How?  
I have object,every record  have attachment.i want send email template with attachemant dynamically.that action after attach the file to the particular record.
remove the below page red mark symbol icons in Lightning Page??i want remove all those things its possible??
User-added image
req: i have 4 objects like A,B,C and  D.here relationship A=parent,B=child,and B is the paent of c,and c is the parent of d.

now A,record how many child records(B) and B records how many child records display in visualforce page byb using wrapper class.
Now i want how many C records is there, every record have one inputtext box field,enter that value click on save button then save into D object how??
i using "file connect" in  salesforce.my all google drive fiels inserted in fiels object in salesforce.
write now i created one visual force page and button,button name is choose file,When ever click on button directly goto system files,
BUT my requirement is when ever click on button goto salesforce files object.how??
i have one input field in visual page In that inputField I want to enter characters and Numbers.not use controllers.
but .that is allow decimal values restric that one how??
i have one text field that allows all characters ,but my req is that is allow numbers only.but iam also write a validation,that allow decima values.
I don't want any thing.
Iwant only numbers.
my valifdation rule:
NOT(ISNUMBER (allow_all__c))  && NOT(ISBLANK(allow_all__c))
I want to rename "change your password" name here in change password page.
Please find the attachment.
User-added image
I need to display image on home page. i stored image on document(with extenal availble option). and i created home page component(image).This is working fine for admin and platform user ,but not working for Portal users. and i enabled option like"Show Custom Sidebar Components on All Pages".my portal homapage shown like this User-added image
I have two objects like A and B.Here A is the parent of B.In B object have filed like Total this is formula field.i want this child formula field value update on parent object total field value.After create child record
How to write test class for this trigger

Here S__c different object, and R__c is different object in between no relationship
but S__c have this fields like A__c,B__c,C__c. same like that R__c have same fields
when ever S__c "status" have aprroved i want update the R__c "status" field completed

trigger Sname  on  S__c (after update) {
     for(S__c  s : Trigger.new){
        if(s.Status__c == 'Approved'){
            R__c  R = [select id,Status__c from R__c where (A__c =: s.A__c and  B__c =: s.B__c and C__c =: s.C__c)];
            R.Status__c ='Completed';
            update R;
req: i have 4 objects like A,B,C and  D.here relationship A=parent,B=child,and B is the paent of c,and c is the parent of d.

now A,record how many child records(B) and B records how many child records display in visualforce page byb using wrapper class.
Now i want how many C records is there, every record have one inputtext box field,enter that value click on save button then save into D object how??
i using "file connect" in  salesforce.my all google drive fiels inserted in fiels object in salesforce.
write now i created one visual force page and button,button name is choose file,When ever click on button directly goto system files,
BUT my requirement is when ever click on button goto salesforce files object.how??
How to change tab bar logo in every tab,i don't know .please explain clearly??that code where i writedown explain??

Could you please help me to write test class for after update trigger? I know this is simple test class but I am new to coding.


Parent object: Incident
Child Object: Task

there is checkbox field call Task_Updated__c on both parent and child. if any of the child's checkbox field is true then parent checkbox field Task_Updated__c to be TRUE

trigger UpdateInc_On_update_Task on Task__c (after update) {
   set<Id> incId = new set<Id>();
   List<Incident__c> incList = new List<Incident__c>();
   List<Incident__c> incheckUpdateList = new List<Incident__c>();
   List<Incident__c> inUncheckUpdateList = new List<Incident__c>();
   for(Task__c tsk : trigger.new){
   List<Incident__c> incd = [Select Id, Name, Task_Updated__c, (Select Id, Name, Task_Updated__c from Tasks__r where Task_Updated__c = true) from Incident__c where Id =:incId];
   for(Incident__c ind : incd){
       ind.Task_Updated__c = true;
       ind.Task_Updated__c = false;
   if(incheckUpdateList != null)
   Database.SaveResult[] srlist = Database.update(incheckUpdateList,false);

Hi All,


I want to send an email with an Attachment from Notes and Attachment related list.


i.e. i have few attachments inside Notes and Attachment related list of a custom Object.. and on a button click i need to send an email with attachment


please let me kow how can i do that...




I developed a site and am using a favicon for it.

I uploaded a favicon (img/jpeg) in static resources .

Then I tried to lookup for this in the Site detail page. But it did'nt work. 

So I used

<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="{!$resource.favicon}"/>


But this time, it works in all browsers except IE.

Can anybody help me on this please.

  • August 16, 2010
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