• charles vieillard
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We need to import contacts for sales rep, but if we use the basic soql query, it is much too large.
As a matter of fact the sharing model allow every user to read and write on every contacts in Salesforce's client session. We cannot use the restriction to Read and Write records.
Then we need to restrict the following query.
SELECT '.implode(',', $contactFields).', Account.Name FROM Contact ORDER BY CreatedDate ASC
The right restriction or filter we need would be :
To get all contacts of the accounts where User is Account Owner OR member of the Account salesteam.

Could somebody give a hint on how to build the correct SOQL ? 
Thanks in advance for your HELP.



I am attempting to load contacts data in SF and am i getting the following issue from data loader:


CSV Error: Invalid CSV file format. Please select a different file.
com.sforce.async.CSVReader$CSVParseException: Not expecting more text after end quote.


What does that mean exactly?



  • October 15, 2013
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