• srikanth chitirala
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check syntax of soql thorugh command button in my visualforce page can any one suggest how ??
I am getting soql sosl injection critical error from code scaning result while using passing string parameters in the method and calling method.. like below 

childResults.add(sObjectInstance.get_sObjectChildRecords(obj_ChildQuery.childQuery.SOQL_Query__c, obj_ChildQuery.parentField, parentIds));

above "obj_ChildQuery.parentField" getting error on parentFiled 


public innerClassForChildResults get_sObjectChildRecords(String ChildQuery, String ParentReferenceId, List<Id> lst_ParentIds){

error on ParentReferenceId

can you please suggest anyone to slove this issue 
how can we get dynamically input type like pick list,radio button,text ...so on in visual force can you please suggests any one
there are now 2 separate accounts in Salesforce “user1” and “user 2”. So what we thought is to use a single email temaplte for our sending emails and the signature would be carried from the respective account email settings. But when we are trying this its not working.  
Can any one please suggest ?