• Doug Yeager 8
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I have a visual flow that I have wrapped in a visual force page and added as an action to the Account layout.  
This flow takes a quick survey and is designed to be filled out by an account rep after a call.  Clever to have it on the mobile.
It renders in iOS, but I get a blank screen in Android devices (phones or tablets)
Is this happening to anyone else?
I have created a workflow in process builder to map a picklist field from a custom object into a contact object. I can successfully map other picklist fields but this one gives the above error. The only thing I can think of is it might be too long, the picklist is UK counties. I'm using a global picklist so I know that both picklists are identical. The error message is below. Grateful for any ideas. I have 3 other picklist fields that failed too, one a multi-picklist, but I'll tackle those later.

Create one Contact record where:
Birthdate = {!myVariable_current.Date_of_Birth__c} (06 July 1996)
Charity_Referrers__c = {!myVariable_current.Charity_referrers__c} (null)
College_Referrers__c = {!myVariable_current.College_Referrers__c} (null)
County_of_origin__c = {!myVariable_current.County_of_origin__c} (Berkshire)
FirstName = {!myVariable_current.First_Name__c} (Test)
Gender__c = {!myVariable_current.Gender__c} (Female)
LastName = {!myVariable_current.Last_Name__c} (Dodd)
Local_Authority_Referrers__c = {!myVariable_current.Local_Authority_referrers__c} (null)
MobilePhone = {!myVariable_current.Mobile_Phone__c} (06610230804)
Next_of_Kin_First_name__c = {!myVariable_current.Next_of_Kin_First_Name__c} (null)
Next_of_kin_Last_name__c = {!myVariable_current.Next_of_Kin_Last_Name__c} (null)
Previous_accommodation__c = {!myVariable_current.Previous_accommodation__c} (null)
RecordTypeId = 01258000000U464
Referral_Agency__c = {!myVariable_current.Referral_Agency__c} (null)
Social_Services_Referrers__c = {!myVariable_current.Social_Services_Referrers__c} (null)
Town_of_origin__c = {!myVariable_current.Town_of_origin__c} (Slough)
npe01__HomeEmail__c = {!myVariable_current.Email_address__c} (dodd@gmail.com)
Failed to create record.

Error Occurred: INSERT --- INSERT FAILED --- ERRORS : (INVALID_OR_NULL_FOR_RESTRICTED_PICKLIST) bad value for restricted picklist field: Berkshire, 
I have a visual flow that I have wrapped in a visual force page and added as an action to the Account layout.  
This flow takes a quick survey and is designed to be filled out by an account rep after a call.  Clever to have it on the mobile.
It renders in iOS, but I get a blank screen in Android devices (phones or tablets)
Is this happening to anyone else?
Hey all,

I'm currently using Visual Flow to rollup counts of opportunities with different criteria associated with an account. The issue I'm having is that using a Fast Lookup is resulting in the error below:

An internal server error has occurred

An error has occurred while processing your request. The salesforce.com support team has been notified of the problem. If you believe you have additional information that may be of help in reproducing or correcting the error, please contact Salesforce Support. Please indicate the URL of the page you were requesting, any error id shown on this page as well as any other related information. We apologize for the inconvenience. 

Thank you again for your patience and assistance. And thanks for using salesforce.com! 

Error ID: 1584988015-46180 (-630807194)

I've tested flows that only use one Fast Lookup component, Fast Lookups on different objects, and Fast Lookups in different orgs with the same criteria. In other orgs Fast Lookups work fine, but in this org they always error out, no matter what the circumstance.

All other components (incl. Record Lookups), querying through the developer console and other functionality seems to be working fine.

For reference: this is a Sandbox org that has been rolled over to Spring 16.



Ryan Beach
Hello ,

I would like to know if I can execute two workflows by clicking a custom button.

Can I use process builder to achive this?
  • January 12, 2016
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Is there a way to change the Finish button default on a VWF run from a custom button URL that's not referencing a VFP?  Basically I have a simple flow that starts with a button click from a detail page, which opens a new browser window and shows some data along with the standard VWF Finish button. 


What I'd like is for finish to close the window, not restart the workflow.