• Benjamin Bogart
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Developer console automaticall logs me out at random times (usuall while I'm trying to solve a problem and my work hasn't been saved because the console won't let me save - so I loose my work).

This seems to happen totally randomly.  Sometiemes every few seconds, sometimes every 15 minutes or so, but it happens often.

What could be causing this?
In the Lightning Components Basics -> Input Data Using Forms module the controller that looks like this:
    createExpense: function(component, expense) {
        var theExpenses = component.get("v.expenses");
        // Copy the expense to a new object
        var newExpense = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(expense));
        component.set("v.expenses", theExpenses);

And this comment later on in the text:
The “disgusting hack” works around a similar issue with references. To see the issue, change the line to remove the two JSON calls, and test the app. You’ll see what the problem is quickly enough. We’ll remove it in the next unit, and so won’t explain further.

It seems to me the purpose of this is to create a copy of the expense object, rather than treating it as a reference.  Am I right? Also, why?  The text says I'll see the problem quicky enough but I don't.  I removed the stringafy and parse and the code still seems to work just fine.

Just trying to understand.  Thanks.

I would like to create a multi entity lookup for leads on a custom object.  I understand the design, but not how the multi entity lookups fuction.  Can the multi lookup be used to create multiple relationships at once through a junction object?  Does anyone know of any examples of this I could look at?

Any leads, or pointers would be helpful.

I would like to get my richtext input box to display and behave the way the email compose rich text box does.  See this page:

The email box has more design options, and allows you to enter a single new line, instead of forcing each new line into a new paragraph.

But reading through the design system page, I cant tell how to modify the default rich text field to behave this way.  Any help, or pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.
Is it possible to add custom headers to email sent using Messaging.SingleEmailMessage?

Thanks in advance.
I have an apex class that sends visualforce email template based email to leads.  Because its a scheduled task, I believe it runs as the System user.  But the merge field {!$User.FirstName} ini the rendered email is filled with my User information.  I'm confused by this.  How does the template determine which user information to use for the merge when the code is run as system?

What I'm really after is being able to use the record owner's profile information in the merge fields.  (We are using an Org Wide Email Address so I don't need to send as the record owner.)  Is there a way to do this?

Is it possible to include a visualforce (or HTML) page in a visualforce email template?

The use case is I have a set of data that changes, but needs to be appended to several different kinds of emails.  I would like to keep this data in a single visualforce page which I can update only once, and automatically include it at the end of the various other email templates I create.  

(I new here).  Thanks for the help.
I would like to get my richtext input box to display and behave the way the email compose rich text box does.  See this page:

The email box has more design options, and allows you to enter a single new line, instead of forcing each new line into a new paragraph.

But reading through the design system page, I cant tell how to modify the default rich text field to behave this way.  Any help, or pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.
I have an apex class that sends visualforce email template based email to leads.  Because its a scheduled task, I believe it runs as the System user.  But the merge field {!$User.FirstName} ini the rendered email is filled with my User information.  I'm confused by this.  How does the template determine which user information to use for the merge when the code is run as system?

What I'm really after is being able to use the record owner's profile information in the merge fields.  (We are using an Org Wide Email Address so I don't need to send as the record owner.)  Is there a way to do this?

Is it possible to include a visualforce (or HTML) page in a visualforce email template?

The use case is I have a set of data that changes, but needs to be appended to several different kinds of emails.  I would like to keep this data in a single visualforce page which I can update only once, and automatically include it at the end of the various other email templates I create.  

(I new here).  Thanks for the help.
I'd like to set some additional email header in a SingleEmailMessage sent by Messaging.sendMail.  I don't see any mothod to start arbitrary standard or custom (-X) headers.

My guess is there's no way to do it but I htought I'd ask just in case I missed something in the docs, or there's some super secret workaround trick I never figured out.