• The Real Scott Morrison
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I'm having an issue with the "Building a Custom Record Page for Lightning Experience". I definitely have the right components on the lightning page layout. I think it might be the "Feed" component since there is no longer a "Feed" component it's now called "Chatter Feed". I tried it from a fresh organization with the same result. I tried creating a custom component named "Feed" but that failed as well, likely because of the namespace. 

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How can I connect my trailhead badges to the organization I work for? I want to keep them in a personal dev account so that they follow me where ever I go. Is there a way to do that, similar to how certifications work? 

Hello everyone, I'm getting confused on this module for the mobile section... the directions state to build the lens as follows:
  • Dataset: DTC Opportunity
  • Add Group: Opportunity Owner
  • Change Measure: Count of Rows to Sum of Amount
  • Sort by: Dsc (Descending)
  • Filter by: Industry Equals Engineering
  • Filter by: Won Equals True
  • Chart Type: Horizontal Bar
  • Lens Name: Top Engineering Sales
  • App: My Exploration
I have my criteria setup as follows:

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I am just not sure where I am going wrong!  I've tried deleting it and reconstructing it, but every time I get the error "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: The 'Top Engineering Sales' lens does not appear to have the correct query. Please check the requirements and ensure everything is setup correctly."

Any help would be appreciated!

when i am trying to convert a lead, it is giving me a error called
"Unable to convert lead that is in use by workflow"
this error is displayed on the field "Lead status"

I follwed this below link, which is logic but i want to find in detail the information
  • August 26, 2016
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Hey All, 

First time posting here, I look forward to what I can learn from the community.  I am a mostly self taught Admin so I suspect my issue stems from some of the common knoweldge gaps that newer self taught types can have.  I've read post after post and watched countless videos and can't figure out the small little thing that is hanging me up on this. I also see that this doesn't seem to have spell check so all you grammer hounds please grant me mercy. 

First, since language changes on these modules I'll post the step for future readers and then the error I'm getting. 
Set record-level security settings
Configure other Salesforce settings related to record-level security to meet the business requirements.
Create a user, Samantha Cordero, and assign her the Field Sales User profile and the Field Sales role
Create an opportunity owned by Samantha with the stage name 'Needs Analysis'
Create a Closed Won opportunity owned by Samantha, with the type of 'Existing Customer - Upgrade'
The error on the apex test thing I get: "Assertion Failed: Field Sales users should not be able to read Opportunities owned by someone else. However, the test returned records not owned by the user. #sadtrombone: Expected: 1, Actual: 3"

So here are the few things I've drilled into and checked, I honestly can't think of anything else that I'm missing. Other parts of this could be messed up but as far as relation to the error thrown I just can't find it. 

1) Issue with the Profile, "Field Sales User". I don't think this is it due to the error throwing a lower case "user" which makes me think it's an issue with roles. Also this doesn't really have much to do with viewing rights beyond basic allowance so.. eh. Honestly I'm not even sure the best way to approach Profiles vs Roles, but again, noob here. In this profile I have the Opportunity object checked for everything except "delete" as the trail ask. 

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2) Roles. Now here is where we get to the good stuff. I've checked the hierchy and have tried to mark that lowly field reps are not worthy of viewing other's opportunities (humor y'all).  For your consideration here are shots of the hierchy and the field where I marked them as unworthy. 

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3) Sharing Settings. This is the last area I know of to deal with this error.  I have set Opportunities to private. This, in combination with the other rules really baffles me as to why field reps can still creep on other opportunities. For visual confirmation: 

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Any help or hints would be much appreciated on this.  In the event I make it out to Dreamforce and the lucky person that helps me out the most does I will gladly buy you a beer or coffee or heck even both! 

Hi, I'm starting a specific post for this topic. 

I'm getting the following message on step 9. 

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Opp Stage by Adventure' report does not appear to be configured correctly. Make sure it has the correct report type, groupings, filters and chart type.

It is ironic to get to the end and get stuck on charts which I do all the time. :) Ok, here are the instructions:

Give sales reps a visual indicator to compare product performance. First, create a summary report on opportunities named Opp Stage by Adventure. Filter it by Product Date within the past year. For the purpose of this superbadge, assume this date range is 1/1/2026-12/31/2026. Second, add a stacked vertical bar chart of the number of explorers by product name, grouped by stage, to your summary report. Finally, add this chart to your Lightning Adventure Record Page with the label Adventure Stage Comparison. To ensure that this chart isn’t accidentally displayed to customers, add it to a new section called Adventure Comparison.

And, here is what I have. 

I have a Summary Report of "Opportunities with Adventures". In the data model, each Opportunnity corresponds to 1 Explorer from what I can tell per the data model. I've grouped the report by adventure and stage. I have not grouped by Explorer (which is a Contact Role on each Opportunity). I have tried that though and still got the same error. Note also that I'm using "Adventure Date" instead of Procuct Date per the instructions since Product has been renamed to Adventure. 

Opp Stage by Adventure Report

Chart Editor

In the Lightning Record page for Adventure, I've created a custom tab called "Adventure Comparison" and added in the chart called " Adventure Stage Comparison". I've also tried flipping those names, but I still got the same error. 

Adventure Chart in Lightning Record

Any hints would be appreciated. :)
I am get this error: "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Opp Stage by Adventure' report does not appear to be configured correctly. Make sure it has the correct report type, groupings, filters and chart type".

I believe i configured the report according to the instructions but it is still showing and error. Any assistance or insight would be apreciated. 
I just took the Lightning Experience Development: ISVs, Packaging, and AppExchange module. The challenge questions has a wrong answer. It asked which ISV elements were available in Lightning Experience. I selected Environment Hub, but the "correct" answer was apparently "None of the above". However, Environment Hub IS available in Lightning Experience.
I'm not a native english speaker but the wording on the challenge for ISVs, Packaging and AppExchange seem wrong to me. None of the features are available in the Lightning Experience and the None of the above answer is rated as correct. However the question has a NOT in it so the answer then becomes: None of the above are not available.... See attached screenshotUser-added image
SO, I have an Apex trigger on opportunity Team Member which copies the team member with user role = ' Campaign Manager' to "Active_Campaign_Manager__c" field at opportunity. This trigger works fine when I individually add team members but it does NOT work when I click "ADD DEFAULT TEAM". It just does not fire . Below is my code. Please take a look and guide me.

trigger InsertOppTeam2ACM on OpportunityTeamMember (after insert, after update) {
//Using set to be able to work with setOpp and setOTM SETS

    set<Id> setOpp = new set<Id>();

    set<Id> setOTM = new set<Id>();

        for (OpportunityTeamMember oppTeam : trigger.new) {
//Loop through opportunity team members and grab Users who have these roles 'Campaign Manager'.

    list<OpportunityTeamMember> listOTM  = new list<OpportunityTeamMember>    
            SELECT Id, UserId, OpportunityId,  TeamMemberRole, User.Name FROM OpportunityTeamMember WHERE Id IN :setOTM AND
            (TeamMemberRole ='Campaign Manager') ]);

// Create a map that grabs the Opportunity Id being worked with
      Map<Id,Opportunity> mapOpps = new map<Id, Opportunity>([SELECT Id FROM Opportunity Where Id = :setOpp ]) ;
        Opportunity tempOpp;

//Load the ID's
            for(OpportunityTeamMember otm : listOTM ){
                tempOpp = mapOpps.get(otm.OpportunityId);
            if(otm.TeamMemberRole == 'Campaign Manager') {
                tempOpp.Active_Campaign_Manager__c =  otm.User.Name;

// Load values
update mapOpps.values();
SO, I have an Apex trigger on opportunity Team Member which copies the team member with user role = ' Campaign Manager' to "Active_Campaign_Manager__c" field at opportunity. This trigger works fine when I individually add team members but it does NOT work when I click "ADD DEFAULT TEAM". It just does not fire . Below is my code. Please take a look and guide me.

trigger InsertOppTeam2ACM on OpportunityTeamMember (after insert, after update) {
//Using set to be able to work with setOpp and setOTM SETS

    set<Id> setOpp = new set<Id>();

    set<Id> setOTM = new set<Id>();

        for (OpportunityTeamMember oppTeam : trigger.new) {
//Loop through opportunity team members and grab Users who have these roles 'Campaign Manager'.

    list<OpportunityTeamMember> listOTM  = new list<OpportunityTeamMember>    
            SELECT Id, UserId, OpportunityId,  TeamMemberRole, User.Name FROM OpportunityTeamMember WHERE Id IN :setOTM AND
            (TeamMemberRole ='Campaign Manager') ]);

// Create a map that grabs the Opportunity Id being worked with
      Map<Id,Opportunity> mapOpps = new map<Id, Opportunity>([SELECT Id FROM Opportunity Where Id = :setOpp ]) ;
        Opportunity tempOpp;

//Load the ID's
            for(OpportunityTeamMember otm : listOTM ){
                tempOpp = mapOpps.get(otm.OpportunityId);
            if(otm.TeamMemberRole == 'Campaign Manager') {
                tempOpp.Active_Campaign_Manager__c =  otm.User.Name;

// Load values
update mapOpps.values();