• Sergio Ruiz Barrios 5
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  • Member since 2016

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Hi All,
I need to create a batch class to be executed every night to make some field updates.
I have a custom object called rate_card_item_price__c with two lookup fields:

the batch have to find al the rate_card_item_price__c records with the field borrado__c not equals to "X" , and update the Title_Product_Node__c field (IF IT IS NULL) from the Advert_Assignment__c lookup record with the id of the Product_Node__c lookup field.

Also i need to change the picklist value of the Media_Types__c field from the Product_Node__c lookup record to "Print"

Any idea how to do it?

Thanks in advance!
Hi All,

I need to create a trigger on Account object every time an account record with status "Activo" is modified to send an email alert to the account owner and also all the users in the account team.
NOTE: The status field is Estado__c

Any idea how to do it?

Thanks in advance!
Hi All,

I have a trigger that every time a record is created it duplicates it in the Activities object (as an event). I need to modify the trigger to every time a record is updated, the Events gets updated too and not create a different Event. 

trigger CLONAREVENTOS on Visita__c (after insert) {
List<Event> newevento = new List<Event>();
  for (Visita__c visita: Trigger.new) {

 Event event = new Event();
 event.Subject= Visita.name;
 event.StartDateTime= Visita.Fecha_Inicio__c;
 event.EndDateTime=  Visita.Fecha_Fin__c;
 event.Anunciante_o_Agencia__c=  Visita.Anunciante_Agencia__c;
 event.Contacto__c=  Visita.contacto_visita__c;
    newevento .add(event);
  insert newevento ;


Thanks All!
Hi All,

I need to create a trigger that flags a checkbox when two fields of different objects have the same value:
I have two objects with a field a want to map:
OBJECT: Radio_Taxi__c----> FIELD: Radio_Taxi_Trip_ID__c
OBJECT: Gastos__c----> FIELD: ID_Radio_Taxi__c

We always create a new Gasto record before a new Radio Taxi Record. 
I need to set to TRUE a field (Gasto_creado_en_SF__c) in Radio Taxi Object every time a new Radio Taxi record is created and the  Radio_Taxi_Trip_ID__c and  ID_Radio_Taxi__c fields have the same value.

I am building an Hybrid app, using Salesforce mobile SDK 4.0

When starting the app, I land in the "standard" CommunityLogin page of my community.
Is there a way to change the branding of the login page ( Salesforce Tabs + Visualforce Template)
where the user is required to insert username and password.

I want to use a different Login Page but when I log in it redirects to the community home page. I want to create a new visualforce login page and when a user logs in it has to redirect to the application.
What i have to modify in my new visualforce page?

Hi All,
I need to create a batch class to be executed every night to make some field updates.
I have a custom object called rate_card_item_price__c with two lookup fields:

the batch have to find al the rate_card_item_price__c records with the field borrado__c not equals to "X" , and update the Title_Product_Node__c field (IF IT IS NULL) from the Advert_Assignment__c lookup record with the id of the Product_Node__c lookup field.

Also i need to change the picklist value of the Media_Types__c field from the Product_Node__c lookup record to "Print"

Any idea how to do it?

Thanks in advance!
Hi All,

I need to create a trigger on Account object every time an account record with status "Activo" is modified to send an email alert to the account owner and also all the users in the account team.
NOTE: The status field is Estado__c

Any idea how to do it?

Thanks in advance!
Hi All,

I have a trigger that every time a record is created it duplicates it in the Activities object (as an event). I need to modify the trigger to every time a record is updated, the Events gets updated too and not create a different Event. 

trigger CLONAREVENTOS on Visita__c (after insert) {
List<Event> newevento = new List<Event>();
  for (Visita__c visita: Trigger.new) {

 Event event = new Event();
 event.Subject= Visita.name;
 event.StartDateTime= Visita.Fecha_Inicio__c;
 event.EndDateTime=  Visita.Fecha_Fin__c;
 event.Anunciante_o_Agencia__c=  Visita.Anunciante_Agencia__c;
 event.Contacto__c=  Visita.contacto_visita__c;
    newevento .add(event);
  insert newevento ;


Thanks All!
Hi All,

I need to create a trigger that flags a checkbox when two fields of different objects have the same value:
I have two objects with a field a want to map:
OBJECT: Radio_Taxi__c----> FIELD: Radio_Taxi_Trip_ID__c
OBJECT: Gastos__c----> FIELD: ID_Radio_Taxi__c

We always create a new Gasto record before a new Radio Taxi Record. 
I need to set to TRUE a field (Gasto_creado_en_SF__c) in Radio Taxi Object every time a new Radio Taxi record is created and the  Radio_Taxi_Trip_ID__c and  ID_Radio_Taxi__c fields have the same value.


I have person accounts created in my org and i need to give them the ability to self-register in our community. The problem is that they can´t register because of their existing email.
I only can register new users as person accounts with diferent emails and usernames.

How can i link a new user with his/her existing persoun account?
