• Niran Kanagan
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i am intigrating a legacy j2ee application using Canvas. i am interested in logging the http response code from the j2ee application. i looked in to the Canvas lifecucle handler but it doesnt do what i am looking for. is there a way i can have access to the response code? thanks in advance.
I'm trying to replace a custom Console written in VF with just the VF search component and then direct the user into a Service Console app where they can view the Contact details and/or create/edit a Case, etc.  The VF-only console provided a search facility which then dropped you into a Case Edit detail, but now the browsers no longer allow a visual.force.com url to open a salesforce.com url within the same context.

The URL of the console detail page is straightforward, but you can only open a page in the console if you're already in the console.  Does anyone know a way around this?