• Tomasz Luczak
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The current challenge in Using Formula Fields really is one ;)

This is what I'm putting in:
Today() - Datevalue( LastModifiedDate)

And this is the error I get when verifying the challenge:
The 'Days_Since_Last_Update__c' formula field did not return the correct number of days between an Account’s Last Activity Date and today

Thank you for your support on this one as I've already started pulling my hair out ;)

Hi there,

I was trying to complete the module "Creating object-specific quick actions" for the Salesforce1 mobile basics.  
To complete the challenge I needed to do the following:

The Account Rating, Number of Employees, and Annual Revenue need to be updated from time to time. Create a publisher action on the account object to allow users to do this easily.

* Create an object-specific action called 'Update Account Information' on the account object
* Make your action update the 'Account Name', 'Rating', 'Employees', and 'Annual Revenue' fields.
* Add the action to the Account Layout page layout.
* Your Developer Edition must NOT have a namespace enabled for this challenge to be assessed.

Here's what I have done to complete the challenge.
* Created an action "Update Account Information" on the account object and action type as "Update a record".
* Edited the layout to include only Account Name', 'Rating', 'Employees', and 'Annual Revenue' fields.
* Added the action "Update Account Information" in Account layout inside the Accounts||Page Layouts.

Even after doing the steps mentioned above, I am getting the error: "The 'Update Account Information' publisher action was not added to the account layout". Can somebody throw some light on where I am going wrong in here please?

Many thanks in anticipation.
I having troube getting past this module. Could someone share their walkthrough with me?  Thanks