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Getting error System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0 with id a04f0000006YpZ9AAK; first error: INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE, cannot specify Id in an insert call: [Id]
public class logView3Controller { public Boolean searched { get; set; } public List<Weeks__c> weekList = Weeks__c.getAll().values(); public Map<Integer, Weeks__c> weekMap = new Map<Integer, Weeks__c>(); public Map<String, Integer> weekMapGetIntWithWeek = new Map<String, Integer>(); public Map<String, Subjects_and_Levels__c> subjectLevelMap = Subjects_and_Levels__c.getAll(); public List<Subjects_and_Levels__c> subjectLevelList = subjectLevelMap.values(); public Map<String, Subjects_and_Levels__c> levelMap = new Map<String, Subjects_and_Levels__c>(); public Date StartDate {get;set;} public Date EndDate {get;set;} public String selectedLocation {get;set;} public String selectedDay {get;set;} public List<Log_Book__c> logBookEntries {get;set;} public List<studentsWithWeeks> studentsWithWeeksList {get;set;} public studentsWithWeeks newSWW {get;set;} public String domain {get;set;} public List<integer> indexNums {get;set;} public List<String> weekTableHeader {get;set;} public List<String> subjectTableHeader {get;set;} public List<Log_Book__c> relatedLogs{get;set;} //Jagadeesh public String selectedTeacher{get;set;} public String selectedDays{get;set;} public Id recordToUpdateId {get;set;} public Id recordToUpdateIdStudent {get;set;} public log_Book__c logObj {get;set;} public Student__c studentObj {get;set;} public boolean displayPopup {get; set;} public boolean displayPopupStudent {get; set;} public String exportToExcelURL {get;set;} public log_Book__c newLevel{get;set;} public log_Book__c newWeek{get;set;} List<Log_Book__c> lbjump{get;set;} // 2. a,b,c,d - a,j,k,l,m - changing the complete series // Written by Jagadeesh(New code for skip records) public List<Log_Book__c> jump{get;set;} public Log_Book__c jump1{get;set;} public List<Log_Book__c> lblist{get;set;} List<Log_Book__c> updateLogs = new List<Log_Book__c>(); public logView3Controller () { domain = ApexPages.currentPage().getHeaders().get('Host'); //exportToExcelURL = '/apex/logView3ExportToExcel?startDate='+startDate+'&endDate='+endDate+'&selectedLocation='+selectedLocation; exportToExcelURL = '/apex/logView3ExportToExcel?startDate='+startDate+'&endDate='+endDate+'&selectedLocation='+selectedLocation+'&selectedTeacher='+selectedTeacher; weekTableHeader = new List<String>(); relatedLogs = new List<Log_book__c>(); searched = false; } public String getEnglishColor() { return Colr; } public PageReference doUpdateLogObj2() { String lv = logObj.Week__c.split('-')[0]; if(logObj.Subject__c == 'Math' && logObj.Level__c == 'Level 5B' && Integer.valueOf(lv) > 17){ logObj.Week__c.addError('For Math Level 5B week should not exceed 17'); return null; } system.debug('hii'); relatedLogs = [SELECT Id FROM Log_Book__c WHERE Student__r.Id =: logObj.Student__r.Id AND Subject__c =: logObj.Subject__c AND Class_Scheduled_Date__c >=: logObj.Class_Scheduled_Date__c and isSkipped__c=false]; System.debug(' relatedLogs.Size()'+ relatedLogs.Size()); Log_Book__c lb = new Log_Book__c(); Integer levelOrder = Integer.valueof(subjectLevelMap.get(logObj.Subject__c +':'+logObj.Level__c).Order__c); Integer weekOrder; System.Debug('levelOrder :' + levelOrder); System.Debug('weekList :' + weekList); for(Weeks__c week : weekList) { weekMap.put((Integer)week.Order__c, week); weekMapGetIntWithWeek.put(week.Name, (Integer)week.Order__c); } System.Debug('weekMap :' + weekMap); System.Debug('weekMapGetIntWithWeek :'+ weekMapGetIntWithWeek); for(Subjects_and_Levels__c level: subjectLevelList) { levelMap.put(level.subject__c+Integer.valueof(level.Order__c), level); } System.Debug('levelMap :' + levelMap); Integer totalLevels = 0; if(logObj.Subject__c == 'English') totalLevels = 16; else if(logObj.Subject__c == 'Abacus') totalLevels = 11; else if(logObj.Subject__c == 'Math') totalLevels = 14; else if(logObj.Subject__c == 'G.K') totalLevels = 3; System.Debug('Total Logs :'+ relatedLogs.Size()); lb = logObj.clone(false, true, false, false); updateLogs.add(lb); for(Integer i=1; i<relatedLogs.Size(); i++) { lb = new Log_Book__c(); System.Debug('lblblblblblblb :' + lb); lb = updateLogs[i-1].clone(false, true, false, false); weekOrder = Integer.ValueOf(weekMapGetIntWithWeek.get(lb.Week__c)); System.Debug('weekOrder : ' + weekOrder); lb.Class_Scheduled_Date__c = lb.Class_Scheduled_Date__c.addDays(7); System.Debug('weekMapGetIntWithWeek.get(lb.Week__c) :'+ weekMapGetIntWithWeek.get(lb.Week__c)); System.Debug('weekMapGetIntWithWeek.get(lb.Week__c)+i :'+ Integer.ValueOf(weekMapGetIntWithWeek.get(lb.Week__c))+i); if( weekOrder < 26 ) { weekOrder = weekOrder+1; lb.Week__c = weekMap.get(weekOrder).Name; System.Debug('@@@@@@ lb.Week__c = ' + lb.Week__c); } else { if(lb.week__c == '26-Z') { if(levelOrder < totalLevels) { levelOrder = levelOrder +1; System.Debug('lb.Subject__c+levelOrder : '+ lb.Subject__c+levelOrder); lb.level__c = levelMap.get(lb.Subject__c+levelOrder).Level__c; lb.Week__c = '1-A'; } } else if(lb.Subject__c == 'Math' && lb.Level__c == 'Level 5B' && lb.Week__c == '17-Q') { if(levelOrder != null && levelOrder < totalLevels){ levelOrder = levelOrder +1; lb.level__c = levelMap.get(lb.Subject__c+levelOrder).Level__c; lb.Week__c = '1-A'; } } else { i = relatedLogs.Size(); } } System.Debug('lblblblblblblb :' + lb); updateLogs.add(lb); System.Debug('updateLogs : '+ updateLogs); } System.debug('--->related logs are--->'+relatedLogs); delete relatedLogs; System.debug('--->related logs are after delete--->'+relatedLogs); insert updateLogs; //insertLogs(); System.debug('@@@@@updated logs@@@'+updateLogs.size()+'----------->'+updateLogs[0]); displayPopup = false; doSearch(); return null; } /*public void deleteLogs() { if(relatedLogs.size()>0 && relatedLogs!=null){ System.debug('@@@@@relatedlogs@@@'+relatedLogs.size()); try{ delete relatedLogs; } catch(exception e) { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Error,e.getMessage())); } } } public void insertLogs() { if(updateLogs.size()>0 && updateLogs!=null){ System.debug('@@@@@relatedlogs@@@'+relatedLogs.size()); try{ insert updateLogs; }catch(exception e) { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Error,e.getMessage())); } } }*/ public void closePopup() { displayPopup = false; } public void closePopupStudent() { displayPopupStudent = false; } public void showPopup() { logObj = new log_Book__c(); try { system.debug('recordToUpdateId : '+recordToUpdateId); logObj = [SELECT Id, Name,Start_Time__c,End_Time__c, Color_Code__c, Comment_on_LogBook__c, Subjects_Registered__c, Student__c, Student__r.Id, Student__r.Color_Code__c, Student__r.Name, Student__r.Last_Name__c, Subject__c, Level__c, Week__c, Week_Day__c, Class_Scheduled_Date__c,Subjects_Registered__r.Teacher__c, Student__r.Location__r.Name FROM Log_Book__c WHERE Id =:recordToUpdateId ]; system.debug('old name : '+logObj.Name+' old week : '+logObj.Week__c+' old Level : '+logObj.Level__c+' id '+logObj.id); system.debug('teacher name '+logObj.Subjects_Registered__r.Teacher__c); } catch(exception e) { System.Debug(e.getMessage()); } displayPopup = true; } public void showPopupForStudent() { studentObj = new Student__c(); try { studentObj = [SELECT Id, Color_Code__c, Comment_on_LogBook__c, Name, Last_Name__c FROM Student__c WHERE Id =:recordToUpdateIdStudent]; } catch(exception e) { System.Debug(e.getMessage()); } displayPopupStudent = true; }
- Jagadeesh Adaveni
- March 01, 2016
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Javascript button giving the wrong alert.
Hi, I have a very simple button that sends infomation to a webservice.
What I'm trying to do is have an if / else statement that will display an alert with whether the submission was a success or failure.
The code is really quite simple, but it's displaying the wrong alert on a record that I know is a success and a record that I know fails.
Here's the code (note the first alert is just so I can see the inital response from the webservice
If it's a Success, it will return
If it fails, it will return
What could be wrong in the code?
What I'm trying to do is have an if / else statement that will display an alert with whether the submission was a success or failure.
The code is really quite simple, but it's displaying the wrong alert on a record that I know is a success and a record that I know fails.
Here's the code (note the first alert is just so I can see the inital response from the webservice
If it's a Success, it will return
If it fails, it will return
{!REQUIRESCRIPT("/soap/ajax/29.0/connection.js")} {!REQUIRESCRIPT("/soap/ajax/29.0/apex.js")} var json = sforce.apex.execute("ItsApprovedWebServices","GetBookingDetails",{id:"{!ItsApproved_Booking__c.Id}"}); var authorizationToken = sforce.apex.execute("ItsApprovedWebServices","Login",{userName: 'xxxx'}); var result = sforce.apex.execute("ItsApprovedWebServices","PostBooking",{json: json, authorizationToken: authorizationToken}); alert(result); //if correct returns "Success", if incorrect, returns a long error message if (result == "Success") { alert("OK, Booking sent to ItsApproved - http:www.google.com"); } else { alert("Error! Call Cestrian and quote '{!ItsApproved_Booking__c.Name}'"); }I'm getting the second alert for both scenarios.
What could be wrong in the code?
- Steve Cairney
- March 07, 2016
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Getting error System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0 with id a04f0000006YpZ9AAK; first error: INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE, cannot specify Id in an insert call: [Id]
public class logView3Controller { public Boolean searched { get; set; } public List<Weeks__c> weekList = Weeks__c.getAll().values(); public Map<Integer, Weeks__c> weekMap = new Map<Integer, Weeks__c>(); public Map<String, Integer> weekMapGetIntWithWeek = new Map<String, Integer>(); public Map<String, Subjects_and_Levels__c> subjectLevelMap = Subjects_and_Levels__c.getAll(); public List<Subjects_and_Levels__c> subjectLevelList = subjectLevelMap.values(); public Map<String, Subjects_and_Levels__c> levelMap = new Map<String, Subjects_and_Levels__c>(); public Date StartDate {get;set;} public Date EndDate {get;set;} public String selectedLocation {get;set;} public String selectedDay {get;set;} public List<Log_Book__c> logBookEntries {get;set;} public List<studentsWithWeeks> studentsWithWeeksList {get;set;} public studentsWithWeeks newSWW {get;set;} public String domain {get;set;} public List<integer> indexNums {get;set;} public List<String> weekTableHeader {get;set;} public List<String> subjectTableHeader {get;set;} public List<Log_Book__c> relatedLogs{get;set;} //Jagadeesh public String selectedTeacher{get;set;} public String selectedDays{get;set;} public Id recordToUpdateId {get;set;} public Id recordToUpdateIdStudent {get;set;} public log_Book__c logObj {get;set;} public Student__c studentObj {get;set;} public boolean displayPopup {get; set;} public boolean displayPopupStudent {get; set;} public String exportToExcelURL {get;set;} public log_Book__c newLevel{get;set;} public log_Book__c newWeek{get;set;} List<Log_Book__c> lbjump{get;set;} // 2. a,b,c,d - a,j,k,l,m - changing the complete series // Written by Jagadeesh(New code for skip records) public List<Log_Book__c> jump{get;set;} public Log_Book__c jump1{get;set;} public List<Log_Book__c> lblist{get;set;} List<Log_Book__c> updateLogs = new List<Log_Book__c>(); public logView3Controller () { domain = ApexPages.currentPage().getHeaders().get('Host'); //exportToExcelURL = '/apex/logView3ExportToExcel?startDate='+startDate+'&endDate='+endDate+'&selectedLocation='+selectedLocation; exportToExcelURL = '/apex/logView3ExportToExcel?startDate='+startDate+'&endDate='+endDate+'&selectedLocation='+selectedLocation+'&selectedTeacher='+selectedTeacher; weekTableHeader = new List<String>(); relatedLogs = new List<Log_book__c>(); searched = false; } public String getEnglishColor() { return Colr; } public PageReference doUpdateLogObj2() { String lv = logObj.Week__c.split('-')[0]; if(logObj.Subject__c == 'Math' && logObj.Level__c == 'Level 5B' && Integer.valueOf(lv) > 17){ logObj.Week__c.addError('For Math Level 5B week should not exceed 17'); return null; } system.debug('hii'); relatedLogs = [SELECT Id FROM Log_Book__c WHERE Student__r.Id =: logObj.Student__r.Id AND Subject__c =: logObj.Subject__c AND Class_Scheduled_Date__c >=: logObj.Class_Scheduled_Date__c and isSkipped__c=false]; System.debug(' relatedLogs.Size()'+ relatedLogs.Size()); Log_Book__c lb = new Log_Book__c(); Integer levelOrder = Integer.valueof(subjectLevelMap.get(logObj.Subject__c +':'+logObj.Level__c).Order__c); Integer weekOrder; System.Debug('levelOrder :' + levelOrder); System.Debug('weekList :' + weekList); for(Weeks__c week : weekList) { weekMap.put((Integer)week.Order__c, week); weekMapGetIntWithWeek.put(week.Name, (Integer)week.Order__c); } System.Debug('weekMap :' + weekMap); System.Debug('weekMapGetIntWithWeek :'+ weekMapGetIntWithWeek); for(Subjects_and_Levels__c level: subjectLevelList) { levelMap.put(level.subject__c+Integer.valueof(level.Order__c), level); } System.Debug('levelMap :' + levelMap); Integer totalLevels = 0; if(logObj.Subject__c == 'English') totalLevels = 16; else if(logObj.Subject__c == 'Abacus') totalLevels = 11; else if(logObj.Subject__c == 'Math') totalLevels = 14; else if(logObj.Subject__c == 'G.K') totalLevels = 3; System.Debug('Total Logs :'+ relatedLogs.Size()); lb = logObj.clone(false, true, false, false); updateLogs.add(lb); for(Integer i=1; i<relatedLogs.Size(); i++) { lb = new Log_Book__c(); System.Debug('lblblblblblblb :' + lb); lb = updateLogs[i-1].clone(false, true, false, false); weekOrder = Integer.ValueOf(weekMapGetIntWithWeek.get(lb.Week__c)); System.Debug('weekOrder : ' + weekOrder); lb.Class_Scheduled_Date__c = lb.Class_Scheduled_Date__c.addDays(7); System.Debug('weekMapGetIntWithWeek.get(lb.Week__c) :'+ weekMapGetIntWithWeek.get(lb.Week__c)); System.Debug('weekMapGetIntWithWeek.get(lb.Week__c)+i :'+ Integer.ValueOf(weekMapGetIntWithWeek.get(lb.Week__c))+i); if( weekOrder < 26 ) { weekOrder = weekOrder+1; lb.Week__c = weekMap.get(weekOrder).Name; System.Debug('@@@@@@ lb.Week__c = ' + lb.Week__c); } else { if(lb.week__c == '26-Z') { if(levelOrder < totalLevels) { levelOrder = levelOrder +1; System.Debug('lb.Subject__c+levelOrder : '+ lb.Subject__c+levelOrder); lb.level__c = levelMap.get(lb.Subject__c+levelOrder).Level__c; lb.Week__c = '1-A'; } } else if(lb.Subject__c == 'Math' && lb.Level__c == 'Level 5B' && lb.Week__c == '17-Q') { if(levelOrder != null && levelOrder < totalLevels){ levelOrder = levelOrder +1; lb.level__c = levelMap.get(lb.Subject__c+levelOrder).Level__c; lb.Week__c = '1-A'; } } else { i = relatedLogs.Size(); } } System.Debug('lblblblblblblb :' + lb); updateLogs.add(lb); System.Debug('updateLogs : '+ updateLogs); } System.debug('--->related logs are--->'+relatedLogs); delete relatedLogs; System.debug('--->related logs are after delete--->'+relatedLogs); insert updateLogs; //insertLogs(); System.debug('@@@@@updated logs@@@'+updateLogs.size()+'----------->'+updateLogs[0]); displayPopup = false; doSearch(); return null; } /*public void deleteLogs() { if(relatedLogs.size()>0 && relatedLogs!=null){ System.debug('@@@@@relatedlogs@@@'+relatedLogs.size()); try{ delete relatedLogs; } catch(exception e) { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Error,e.getMessage())); } } } public void insertLogs() { if(updateLogs.size()>0 && updateLogs!=null){ System.debug('@@@@@relatedlogs@@@'+relatedLogs.size()); try{ insert updateLogs; }catch(exception e) { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Error,e.getMessage())); } } }*/ public void closePopup() { displayPopup = false; } public void closePopupStudent() { displayPopupStudent = false; } public void showPopup() { logObj = new log_Book__c(); try { system.debug('recordToUpdateId : '+recordToUpdateId); logObj = [SELECT Id, Name,Start_Time__c,End_Time__c, Color_Code__c, Comment_on_LogBook__c, Subjects_Registered__c, Student__c, Student__r.Id, Student__r.Color_Code__c, Student__r.Name, Student__r.Last_Name__c, Subject__c, Level__c, Week__c, Week_Day__c, Class_Scheduled_Date__c,Subjects_Registered__r.Teacher__c, Student__r.Location__r.Name FROM Log_Book__c WHERE Id =:recordToUpdateId ]; system.debug('old name : '+logObj.Name+' old week : '+logObj.Week__c+' old Level : '+logObj.Level__c+' id '+logObj.id); system.debug('teacher name '+logObj.Subjects_Registered__r.Teacher__c); } catch(exception e) { System.Debug(e.getMessage()); } displayPopup = true; } public void showPopupForStudent() { studentObj = new Student__c(); try { studentObj = [SELECT Id, Color_Code__c, Comment_on_LogBook__c, Name, Last_Name__c FROM Student__c WHERE Id =:recordToUpdateIdStudent]; } catch(exception e) { System.Debug(e.getMessage()); } displayPopupStudent = true; }
- Jagadeesh Adaveni
- March 01, 2016
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