• greenberg methew 5
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So I have this scenario working fine using HTML/Apex, but need to make it mobile friendly using javascript remoting.

There is a survey page with ~30 questions that are yes/no and write a number value. The requirement is that we ure radio buttons.

I've got the remote action to pull the value from the existing record and display it an <input type="number"> field.

However, how do I take that value, check to see if the number equals the value of the radio selector, then check the appropriate selector?

Do you like apples?

<input onchange="radioCheck()" id="ViaCBY" type="radio" name="ViaCB" value="8" ></input><label> Yes (8)</label>

​<input onchange="radioCheck()" id="ViaCBY" type="radio" name="ViaCB" value="0" ></input><label>No (0)</label>
If the stored value in the record is loaded with an 8, how do I load the page with 8 selected? And the inverse true as well?

Here's my current code:
Remote action in controller:
    global static Boolean setSurvey(
        String whId, String comments, Integer CompDistance, Integer ViaCB, Integer ViaBond) {

        // Get the warehouse record for the Id
        Pursuit_Survey__c PS = EvaluationEditor.getSurvey(whId);

        // Update fields
        // Note that we're not validating / sanitizing, for simplicity
        PS.Pursuit_Survey_Comments__c = comments.trim();
        PS.COMP_Distance__c = CompDistance;
        PS.Viability_Clark_Budget__c = ViaCB;
        PS.Viability_Bonding__c = ViaBond;

        // Save the updated record
        // This should be wrapped in an exception handler
        update PS;

        return true;

Visualforce page script:
        // Load the record

    // Utility; parse out parameter by name from URL query string
    $.urlParam = function(name){
        var results = new RegExp('[\\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)')
        return results[1] || 0;

    function loadWarehouse() {
        // Get the record Id from the GET query string
        SurveyId = $.urlParam('id');

        // Call the remote action to retrieve the record data
            function(result, event){;
                    console.log("Your id value is " + SurveyId);
                    console.log("Your survey comments are: "+result.Pursuit_Survey_Comments__c);
                } else if (event.type === 'exception'){
                } else {
                    // unexpected problem...
//    function defaluts(){
//        var x = 8;
//        $('input[name=ViaCB][value=' + x + ']').prop('checked',true);
//    }

Input fields:
                <div class="form-control form-control-radio form-control-radio-thumbs span-50">
                    <input onchange="radioCheck()" id="ViaCBY" type="radio" name="ViaCB" value="8" ></input><label> Yes (8)</label>
                <div class="form-control form-control-radio form-control-radio-thumbs span-50">
                    <input onchange="radioCheck()" id="ViaCBN" type="radio" name="ViaCB" value="0"></input><label > No (0)</label>
                <div class="form-control form-control-radio form-control-radio-thumbs span-50">
                    <input onchange="radioCheck()" id="ViaCBY" type="radio" name="ViaCBC" value="2"></input><label> Yes (2)</label>
                <div class="form-control form-control-radio form-control-radio-thumbs span-50">
                    <input onchange="radioCheck()" id="ViaCBN" type="radio" name="ViaCBC" value="0"></input><label > No (0)</label>