• divey saini
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I have a pie chat which gives me amount for 3 divisions.
I cannot see the total on the pie chat.

I am allowed to use other  graph but i dont know how to get the total

  • September 22, 2015
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I am getting the following error 
Error: Compile Error: Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: List<Customer__c> at line 21 column 6

trigger RegionT on Customer__c (after insert, after update) {

SET<String> name = new SET<String>();

 List<String> CustwithOpps = new List<String>();
 List<Customer__c> Custom = new list<Customer__c>();

for (Customer__c b : Trigger.new)
  if (trigger.oldmap.get(b.id).Region__c != b.Region__c && Trigger.isupdate) 
 if (trigger.isinsert) 
 { CustwithOpps.add(b.region__c);
 if (Custom.BillingState__c = True)
    List<Bank__c> a = [SELECT ID,Name,Region__c FROM Bank__c];

for (Bank__c c: a)

for (Customer__c b : [SELECT ID,Name,Region__c,Bank__c FROM Customer__c WHERE ID IN:Name])
if (c.Region__c.contains(b.Region__c))
  b.Bank__c = c.id;

   if (Custom.size()>0)
 update Custom;
I am trying to create login for multiple managers for a company. Ther managers will have differnet clients and opportunities. How t create the manager login? 
Getting the following error for the trigger below:

Error: Compile Error: Invalid bind expression type of Bank__c for Id field of SObject Customer__c at line 3 column 57 (IN)

trigger BankT on Bank__c (after insert, before update) {
List<Customer__c> CustwithOpps = 
[SELECT ID,Name,Region__c FROM Customer__c WHERE ID IN :Trigger.New];

for(Bank__c a : CustwithOpps) {
Customer__c [] relatedOpps =a.Customer__c;

I wanted which objects stores data for Opportunity related list! Precisely followings.
  • Products
  • Open Activities
  • Activity History
  • Notes & Attachments - not customizable
  • Contact Roles - not customizable
  • Partners
  • Competitors  - not customizable
  • Stage History - not customizable
  • Approval History
  • Opportunity Team
  • Quotes

Thanks In Advance
please can you tell me how to restore deleted app
I am not able to complete the challenge in the 'Getting Started with Chatter' trail.

Within the challenge I need to update my profile picutre, it goes through all of the correct steps and I am able to Save but the picture doesn't load - same with changing the picture for the group. 

The error I receive is 'Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: One of the following Chatter profile details has not been set: Photo, About Me, Title, City. Make certain you have changed all of these from their default values.'

I have a pie chat which gives me amount for 3 divisions.
I cannot see the total on the pie chat.

I am allowed to use other  graph but i dont know how to get the total

  • September 22, 2015
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I have completed every challenge but this. Everything seems like normal but system keeps telling me this error:

Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Service__c]: [Service__c]

I tried same challange with my another account to make sure i am not doing it wrong, and it's accepted by trailhead. But with this account it keeps telling that error. Don't know what to do, any clue?