• Tyigeie Brown
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Does anyone have recommendations on how to complete this exercise?

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Pending Orders by Queue' report does not appear to be grouped by Fulfillment Queue Name and Flavor Name.

My report is clearly grouped, summerized, and filtered properly I have no idea what to do. Also I hate when I'm at the last step of a module and get stuck.

Build an Account Reassignment Wizard-Implement the Flow with Visualforce

'Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Couldn't find two users in your org with a 'Salesforce' license. Check the instructions'

The instructions directs me to add two users in my developer org. One is assigned Salesforce License and Standard User profile. The second is to be assigned Salesforce Platform License with Standar User profile. However this is not possible as the only option is the Standard Platform User profile.

Build an Account Reassignment Wizard-Implement the Flow with Visualforce

'Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Couldn't find two users in your org with a 'Salesforce' license. Check the instructions'

The instructions directs me to add two users in my developer org. One is assigned Salesforce License and Standard User profile. The second is to be assigned Salesforce Platform License with Standar User profile. However this is not possible as the only option is the Standard Platform User profile.

Does anyone have recommendations on how to complete this exercise?

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Pending Orders by Queue' report does not appear to be grouped by Fulfillment Queue Name and Flavor Name.

My report is clearly grouped, summerized, and filtered properly I have no idea what to do. Also I hate when I'm at the last step of a module and get stuck.
URL: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/project/flow_reassign/flow_reassign_implement

Project: Build an Account Reassignment Wizard
Unit: Implement the Flow with Visualforce

As per the challenge, assigned 2 users with Salesforce license and third user with Salesforce Platform license. However with Salesforce Platform license the only available profile is Standard Platform User which gets applied. I believe that is also the reason I am unable to validate this challenge.
I am unable to validate the challenge for "Implement the Flow with Visualforce" in the new "Build an Account Reassignment Wizard" module.

I keep getting the error message "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Couldn't find two users in your org with a 'Salesforce' license. Check the instructions".

The instructions say to give one user a Salesforce license and the second user a Salesforce Platform license. I tried to give the second user a Salesforce license, but there is only one free Salesforce license as the environment only comes with two and one is automatically assigned to the created administrator account.

Can anyone tell me how I can resolve this issue?
Hello there,

I'm trying to achieve the Build a Lemonade Stand App - Create Reports and Dashboards challenge and I have this error :

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Sales Dashboard' dashboard does not have a Donut chart with the Order Total by Flavor report.

My dashboard does contain the report with a donut, could someone please advise ?

Thanks a lot.