• Rudraraju
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  • ApostleTech

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When an opportunity is created from a contact, I want this contact to them become the contact role on that opportunity.

I know this is standard functionality in salesforce but I have to created a custom button to create a new opportunity as it updates a few fields so lost this functionality......unless there is an easier way to keep the origional New button and then default some fields before the report is created?

  • September 16, 2016
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We have four record types on a object. We need to use the custom VF page for two record types and for other two we have to use standard page layouts. To achieve this we have overided the standard Edit page with custom VF page. We achieved the condition to use VF page but for remaining two records we have written code in controller to redirect them to standard page layout throught URL hacking(Using nooverride=1 in URL). This is working good in the Classic View. In lightning also we are using the same VF page. Records of the Record Types using custom VF page not causing any issues in lightning but records for records types we redirecting to standard pages are causing the issues like 
1)It's considering record type changes
2)If you edit a record and save it then it is again opening the Edit popup
Hi All,

I implemented a trigger(after insert) for task assignments. We are getting duplicate standard email notifications, when a task is created. I can see difference between the two templates only is one with "New Task" and other with "Task".

1)To: Surya R
Mani has assigned you the following task:
New Task
Due Date: 
For more details, click the following link:
<Record Link>
To: Surya R
Mani has assigned you the following task:
Due Date: 
For more details, click the following link:
<Record Link>

Can anyone say the reason why I am getting duplicate emails and the difference between New Task and Task in standard email notifications.
We don't have any email templates firing with code or workflows.
Hi All,

I implemented a trigger(after insert) for task assignments. We are getting duplicate standard email notifications, when a task is created. I can see difference between the two templates only is one with "New Task" and other with "Task".

1)To: Surya R
Mani has assigned you the following task:
New Task
Due Date: 
For more details, click the following link:
<Record Link>
To: Surya R
Mani has assigned you the following task:
Due Date: 
For more details, click the following link:
<Record Link>

Can anyone say the reason why I am getting duplicate emails and the difference between New Task and Task in standard email notifications.
We don't have any email templates firing with code or workflows.
I've two methods that query on Account and a custom object, and I need values from both of them to initialize attributes on component. Can any one help to achieve this?
hi Guys, 
I had a Visual Workflow which needs to run without Considering the permissions.   I need to Run the Visual Workflow from Apex as a Particular User with the Higher Permissions. 
Synario: Create one GroupMember record on the Public Group through Apex.
Error Message: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY: insufficient access rights on cross-reference id.

Please help me Regarding this....................

Hello Trailblazers,
How do you get past the first challenge if the Trailead Playground only allows for 2 active users and it asks you to create 2 users with certain profiles?  How can anyone possibly get past the first challenge based on this?  I also couldnt get past the first challenge because the Optimizer wasn't working and wouldn't run.  Maybe it was down for maintenance when I tried this part?  I fudged it here by copying another Optimizer file I had from another org into the Files just to get past this bit in the challenge.  
HI everyone,

I created a process builder with 'conditions met' on campaign member as below
 when( campaignmember.name = ‘Live campaign’ AND campaignmember.Status = ‘signed')
 -with condition 'when a record is created or edited’ and created an action to send some message to other non salesforce system using apex class.
-Now the problem is every time it was sending the message when we edit and update some thing on campaign member.
-But i just wanted to send my message only once when the condition mets not everytime.
-if i select my condition as 'only when a record is created’,and condition doesn’t mets while creating record,and mets when its updated,its failed to send message again.
-for example while creating the campaign member record, if my picklist value(Status = ’some other value') not ’signed',am failed to send message.
-And mets when it sets (Status = 'signed’) failed to send message.

Please help me out to resolve it, this is something urgent which i have to finish assignment.
               ISPICKVAL([CampaignMember].Campaign.Status, "Signed"),
              [CampaignMember].Campaign.Name  = "Live campaign"
              ISPICKVAL([CampaignMember].Campaign.Status, "Signed"),
              [CampaignMember].Campaign.Name  = "Live campaign",
              NOT(PRIORVALUE([CampaignMember].Campaign.Name ) ="Live campaign"),
              NOT(ISPICKVAL(PRIORVALUE([CampaignMember].Campaign.Status), "Signed"))

Thanks in advance!
I need to query new records after inserting a record but my below trigger doesnt show any error but even doesnt display any records either please suggest me

trigger con1 on Contact (before insert,before update) 
    Map<id,Name> MP = new Map<id,Name>();
    for(Contact con:Trigger.new)
        if(con.LastName != null)
            con.Title = 'kelly1';
        if(con.Title == 'kelly1')
            list<contact> c1=[select id,lastName From Contact where id=:trigger.NewMap.keyset()];
hi this is koti 
 i will  get this type of "Argument must be an object that implements Database.Batchable " in shedule apex program 
 how to solve this error pls give me the answer
Hello Everyone,

i am trying to make a validation rule for a text field with 2 decimal values just like 20/30,40/50,1/2,12/4 and single numbers.
It should give error message if it is like 122/22 or 299/349.

Here i wrote a validation rule :

It will Validate 20/30,40/50 but when i give single it throws validation exception.
Please help me on this .

  • September 16, 2016
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Hi All,

I implemented a trigger(after insert) for task assignments. We are getting duplicate standard email notifications, when a task is created. I can see difference between the two templates only is one with "New Task" and other with "Task".

1)To: Surya R
Mani has assigned you the following task:
New Task
Due Date: 
For more details, click the following link:
<Record Link>
To: Surya R
Mani has assigned you the following task:
Due Date: 
For more details, click the following link:
<Record Link>

Can anyone say the reason why I am getting duplicate emails and the difference between New Task and Task in standard email notifications.
We don't have any email templates firing with code or workflows.

When an opportunity is created from a contact, I want this contact to them become the contact role on that opportunity.

I know this is standard functionality in salesforce but I have to created a custom button to create a new opportunity as it updates a few fields so lost this functionality......unless there is an easier way to keep the origional New button and then default some fields before the report is created?

  • September 16, 2016
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Hi all,

i have two objects i.e obj1,obj2 
this two objects have lookup relation. in this obj1 have a field called salery__c,  obj2 have a field called exp__c(expierience).
here my quetion is 

salery__c =30000 than exp__c will show as  2  

please provide me solution for this.

Nagarjuna reddy Nandireddy
On the using basic in checking Formula challege. I have done the challege and tested the results but I cant get it to validate that its correct. I have re written the formula Multiple times now and everytime when I test it the validation fires as expected. But I can get it to validate through trailhead. I get the following error.

"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The validation rule does not reference the 'IsClosed' and 'CloseDate' fields correctly. Take a look at the requirements again."

Here is the challenge:

Your number-crushing sales team has so many deals in the pipeline, you’re starting to see occasional problems with data quality. Namely, sales reps are forgetting to update the close date to a date in the future. Make a formula that requires an opportunity to have a CloseDate of today or any future date. Hint: this formula should reference the hidden IsClosed checkbox field on the Opportunity object, and you will be creating the formula as an Opportunity validation rule.The validation rule should be on the Opportunity object
The validation rule should be named 'Close_Date_Alert'
The validation rule should fire if IsClosed is not selected and CloseDate is yesterday or earlier
The validation rule should display the error 'Hey McFly, unless you are planning to go back in time, please update your close date' at the top of the page when triggered

Here is the formula I currently have in there:

CloseDate < TODAY() && NOT(IsClosed)

I have probably written this like 10 diffrent ways and cant get it to properly validate.