• Aditya Kamdi
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  • Member since 2016

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Hi All,  I am not a developer but more of an admin and I have started in a new organisation and I need to get the number of opportunities that are at a certain stage i.e "Agency Reserved" and send that value to a VF page where a report is made.
public class CompanyDashboardWithOpp_V2
	public static string SYD_Subtotal_Reserved_Unit{get;set;}
	static string STOCK_STATUS_AR = 'Agency Reserved';

	public void Init()
	List<Opportunity> sydney_Reserved_Unit_Opp_Lst = [SELECT Id,Project_Name__r.name FROM Opportunity WHERE (StageName =:STOCK_STATUS_AR)];
	Decimal Stock_Reserved=0;
	for(Opportunity opp : sydney_Reserved_Unit_Opp_Lst)
	SYD_Subtotal_Reserved_Unit = String.valueOf(Stock_Reserved); 

Has anyone integrated with and have there been any issues with the integration?  I have heard of some issues with registration and the number of registrations with the app.
I have had to embed a flow in a Visualforce page. I am now having trouble identifying the account that has to be updated using the flow. I can however see the account id in the url for the visualforce page. Eg. "https://fusionfs--partial--c.cs5.visual.force.com/apex/FPQ?id=00128000011NTyr" where "00128000011NTyr" is the AccountId. I have only recently used flows so please help me out. 
I have already created a static resorce known as FusionLogo in static resource for its sake.  I am sorry but I have to explain I am still very new with visualForce. Any input would be much appreciated
<apex:page sidebar="false" showHeader="false">
    <img id="theImage" src="FusionLogo" width="220" height="55"/> 
    <flow:interview name="FPQ"/>

I'm having trouble in the challenge for trailhead unit Controlling Access to the Organization
The challenge is 
" Your Developer Edition comes with a System Administrator user. Create a new user using the System Administrator profile and then deactivate that user to preserve the licenses in your org.
The new user must use the System Administrator Profile.
The username for the new user must include 'guestadmin' somewhere in it.
The new user must be inactive." 

Now I have been trying to get to the profile but its not available in my picklist 
User-added image

Moreover I have been asked to check the license to just salesforce but even that is not available in m picklist

User-added image

So the next solution I got was to clone my admin user but even that is not working as that way there is no option to deactivate it
User-added image
so any new solution will be much appreciated or the fix to any ofthe 2 above ways 
The challenge is 
" Your Developer Edition comes with a System Administrator user. Create a new user using the System Administrator profile and then deactivate that user to preserve the licenses in your org.
The new user must use the System Administrator Profile.
The username for the new user must include 'guestadmin' somewhere in it.
The new user must be inactive." 

Now I have been trying to get to the profile but its not available in my picklist 
User-added image

Moreover I have been asked to check the license to just salesforce but even that is not available in m picklist
User-added image

So the next solution I got was to clone my admin user but even that is not working as that way there is no option to deactivate it
User-added image 
so any new solution will be much appreciated or the fix to any ofthe 2 above ways 
Hi All,  I am not a developer but more of an admin and I have started in a new organisation and I need to get the number of opportunities that are at a certain stage i.e "Agency Reserved" and send that value to a VF page where a report is made.
public class CompanyDashboardWithOpp_V2
	public static string SYD_Subtotal_Reserved_Unit{get;set;}
	static string STOCK_STATUS_AR = 'Agency Reserved';

	public void Init()
	List<Opportunity> sydney_Reserved_Unit_Opp_Lst = [SELECT Id,Project_Name__r.name FROM Opportunity WHERE (StageName =:STOCK_STATUS_AR)];
	Decimal Stock_Reserved=0;
	for(Opportunity opp : sydney_Reserved_Unit_Opp_Lst)
	SYD_Subtotal_Reserved_Unit = String.valueOf(Stock_Reserved); 

I have had to embed a flow in a Visualforce page. I am now having trouble identifying the account that has to be updated using the flow. I can however see the account id in the url for the visualforce page. Eg. "https://fusionfs--partial--c.cs5.visual.force.com/apex/FPQ?id=00128000011NTyr" where "00128000011NTyr" is the AccountId. I have only recently used flows so please help me out. 
I have already created a static resorce known as FusionLogo in static resource for its sake.  I am sorry but I have to explain I am still very new with visualForce. Any input would be much appreciated
<apex:page sidebar="false" showHeader="false">
    <img id="theImage" src="FusionLogo" width="220" height="55"/> 
    <flow:interview name="FPQ"/>

Hii friends, how do I add 6 months to a date field in a formula? There are two  Date fields date of joining(DOJ_c) and  a formulafield  (Conformation_Date_c) ,if i put any date in date of joining (DOJ_c) field then in the conformation date =(date of joining + 6 month). kindly provide the formula for  conformation Date?? For the above question i have wrote the below formula=

DATE( IF(MONTH(DOJ__c )>6, YEAR(DOJ__c ) + 1 , YEAR(DOJ__c)) ,
IF( MONTH(DOJ__c)+6 > 12, (MONTH(DOJ__c)+6)-12, MONTH(DOJ__c)+6) ,
IF(OR(DAY(DOJ__c) = 31,DAY(DOJ__c) = 29,DAY(DOJ__c) = 28),
CASE(IF( MONTH(DOJ__c)+6 > 12, (MONTH(DOJ__c)+6)-12, MONTH(DOJ__c)+6), 1, 31,

2, IF(OR(MOD(IF(MONTH(DOJ__c )>6, YEAR(DOJ__c ) + 1 , YEAR(DOJ__c )),400)=0,AND(MOD(IF(MONTH(DOJ__c )>6, YEAR(DOJ__c ) + 1 , YEAR(DOJ__c )),4)=0,MOD(IF(MONTH(DOJ__c )>6, YEAR(DOJ__c ) + 1 , YEAR(DOJ__c )),100)<>0)),
29, 28),
, DAY(DOJ__c)) )

The  Formula code is working but when i am trying  the date like 28,29,31 December its showing error plz suggest
I am planning to take the 201, 211 and 401 certifications - does anyone know do the Trailhead modules align to these and if so which modules do you need to do for each certification?

Thanks all

Hey community,

I'm struggling with the logic of the task...

To complete this challenge, add a validation rule which will block the insertion of a contact if the contact is related to an account and has a mailing postal code (which has the API Name MailingPostalCode) different from the account's shipping postal code (which has the API Name ShippingPostalCode).Name the validation rule 'Contact must be in Account ZIP Code'.

A contact with a MailingPostalCode that has an account and does not match the associated Account ShippingPostalCode should return with a validation error and not be inserted.

The validation rule should ONLY apply to contact records with an associated account. Contact records with no associated parent account can be added with any MailingPostalCode value. (Hint: you can use the ISBLANK function for this check)

Here is what I got so far:

 MailingPostalCode  <>  Account.ShippingPostalCode )

I THINK I know how to see if the contact mailing zip is not the same as the account shipping zip, and only if the is not blank.

The part I am stuck on is if the "Contact records with no associated parent account can be added with any MaiilingPostalCode value"...

I don't know what to do with that.

Also, I am now getting the error message when I recheck challenge:

Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Contact_must_be_in_Account_ZIP_Code: [] 

Double help, please.

I am planning to take the 201, 211 and 401 certifications - does anyone know do the Trailhead modules align to these and if so which modules do you need to do for each certification?

Thanks all
i am now having a requirement of integrating Cvent with salesforce. The users are using Cvent to create their Campaign templates and sends them to contacts. Now the reason for this integration is that it mainly needs the status of the contact when updated in cvent should be updated in salesforce and vice versa.i.e)The Invitee status as accepted or declined

Now the problem here is we are not using salesforce license, we are using force.com user license which do not have the standard campaign module, so we have build a custom campaign module and called it Event and Guest Functionality which is very similar to the standard campaign module, now first i know it is possible to do the integration with cvent with this force.com license and with the custom campaign module such that the status is updated at both ends.

i want to know how we can make this integration possible.
Please help me to achieve this and steps of what needs to be done to make this integration possible. 
Any help is much appreciated at the earliest. Thanks a lot in advance


Hey community,

I'm struggling with the logic of the task...

To complete this challenge, add a validation rule which will block the insertion of a contact if the contact is related to an account and has a mailing postal code (which has the API Name MailingPostalCode) different from the account's shipping postal code (which has the API Name ShippingPostalCode).Name the validation rule 'Contact must be in Account ZIP Code'.

A contact with a MailingPostalCode that has an account and does not match the associated Account ShippingPostalCode should return with a validation error and not be inserted.

The validation rule should ONLY apply to contact records with an associated account. Contact records with no associated parent account can be added with any MailingPostalCode value. (Hint: you can use the ISBLANK function for this check)

Here is what I got so far:

 MailingPostalCode  <>  Account.ShippingPostalCode )

I THINK I know how to see if the contact mailing zip is not the same as the account shipping zip, and only if the is not blank.

The part I am stuck on is if the "Contact records with no associated parent account can be added with any MaiilingPostalCode value"...

I don't know what to do with that.

Also, I am now getting the error message when I recheck challenge:

Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Contact_must_be_in_Account_ZIP_Code: [] 

Double help, please.