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Is there a way to run a SOQL search for number of cases ran in 40 hours.  My org is looking to send a notification via email anytime an Account has created 8 or more cases within a 40 hour period. 

I am aware that I can use Last_N_Days, just wondering if there is a way to use hours.

I need to show a list of those leads on which any task or call is created. I have wrote the following query but it is not working.

Select Id, Name from Lead where Id IN (SELECT Who.Id FROM Task where Who.Type='Lead') limit 10

Can anyone help me?

I have created app related to university.In this for Student object I need to show some information in one table with 4 columns.
Please guide me how to create table in custom object using Visualforce.

Here I am posting my code which I tried.

<apex:page Controller="Student">
   <apex:pageBlock title="Course Details">
     <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Student_c}" var="stu">
      <apex:column value="{!stu.Sr_no__c}"/>
      <apex:column value="{!stu.Course_1__c}"/>
      <apex:column value="{!stu.Professor__c}"/>
      <apex:column value="{!stu.Final_Grade__c}"/>

Error: Unknown property 'String.Sr_no__c'


I have some confusion plz confirm me ...While creating a user without giving the role we can create new user, this time which accessability its have by default?

Thanks in advance
what's wrong n this code???
ERROR ::: Invalid type: DataloadTest_c

public with sharing class DataLoadTestingClass{
    public String phoneVal {get; set;}
    public String countryVal {get; set;}
    public String cityVal {get; set;}
    public String nameVal {get; set;}
    public PageReference doInsert(){
        DataloadTest_c objdlt = new DataloadTest_c();
        objdlt.name = nameVal;
        objdlt.city_c = cityVal;
        objdlt.country_c = countryVal;
        objdlt.phone_c = phoneVal;
        insert objdlt;
        pagereference ref = new pagereference('/apex/insertdlttest');
        return ref;

I am trying to export (from full copy sandbox) and import (to a developer sandbox) a simple use case of parent account and its child accounts. 
Belwo are my sfdx commands - 
sfdx force:data:tree:export --query "SELECT id, name, (select id, name from ChildAccounts) from account where name = 'ABC corp' limit 1" --prefix export-demo --outputdir sfdc-out -u ****@****.com.fullcopy --plan
sfdx force:data:tree:import --targetusername *****@*****.com.devsandbox --plan sfdx-out/export-demo-Account-plan.json

I get below error - 
INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE  Unable to create/update fields: MasterRecordId. Please check the security settings of this field and verify that it is read/write for your profile or permission set.  MasterRecordId

Has anyone been successful doing this? Please help.
Is there a way to create a warning message for users (without using Apex / fancy code!) for when they have searched and found more than one contact with the same name - like a pop up window to say 'Are you sure this is the correct patient''? It's not about duplicates because the matching rules are in place, for situations where there is genuinely more than one person with the same first and last names.
A Weird issue happens when i uncheck Stacked Summaries on Report Builder it doesn't load the page again and stuck like this forever.User-added image
And In Inspector it is showing the below error.

User-added image
Is there a way to run a SOQL search for number of cases ran in 40 hours.  My org is looking to send a notification via email anytime an Account has created 8 or more cases within a 40 hour period. 

I am aware that I can use Last_N_Days, just wondering if there is a way to use hours.

Hi Team,

We are stuck with our Mobile App which require Salesforce Login : 
Scenario goes with Existing Sales Force User where we need to access their data through REST API when they Login on our APP.



I'm trying to delete property on one of my objects, but I"m seein this error:

Cannot delete property 'Field Name' of #<Object>

I've already verified the field is on the object, so I know the error isn't due to it missing or anything. But guessing because of the new secure objects we arn't able to call a delete on the object to remove the property?

Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:
    delete object[fieldx];  


This page has an error. You might just need to refresh it. Action failed: c$TestComp$controller$showMsg [Cannot read property 'getELement' of undefined] Failing descriptor: {c$TestComp$controller$showMsg}

I need to show a list of those leads on which any task or call is created. I have wrote the following query but it is not working.

Select Id, Name from Lead where Id IN (SELECT Who.Id FROM Task where Who.Type='Lead') limit 10

Can anyone help me?

Hi Everybody,

I am new to salesforce security just wanted to have understanding on Sharing rules i have below doubt 
a) Suppose we have CEO Role at highest level and Recruitment Manager at lowest level of CEO and CEO have all object access what Recuritment manger Have and for all object Grant Access Using Hierarchies in org default is selcted my doubt is whether the record will be accesible to CEO what Recruitment Manager created or do we need to create sharing rules ?
b) What is the sharing rule and Manual Sharing Rule ?
Hi all,
I want to download the PDF in the new tab when a button in custom vfpage is clicked. Can anyone help me over here.
I have created app related to university.In this for Student object I need to show some information in one table with 4 columns.
Please guide me how to create table in custom object using Visualforce.

Here I am posting my code which I tried.

<apex:page Controller="Student">
   <apex:pageBlock title="Course Details">
     <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Student_c}" var="stu">
      <apex:column value="{!stu.Sr_no__c}"/>
      <apex:column value="{!stu.Course_1__c}"/>
      <apex:column value="{!stu.Professor__c}"/>
      <apex:column value="{!stu.Final_Grade__c}"/>

Error: Unknown property 'String.Sr_no__c'

First exception on row 0; first error: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY, This person’s information is private because they’re not a member of the community.: []: ,

Receving this error, only when I select one particular user from picklist field.


I would like to have all the fields available in a Salesforce object, Standards and Custom fields merged would be perfect.

Can someone know how to get that?

Thank you

I have some confusion plz confirm me ...While creating a user without giving the role we can create new user, this time which accessability its have by default?

Thanks in advance
what's wrong n this code???
ERROR ::: Invalid type: DataloadTest_c

public with sharing class DataLoadTestingClass{
    public String phoneVal {get; set;}
    public String countryVal {get; set;}
    public String cityVal {get; set;}
    public String nameVal {get; set;}
    public PageReference doInsert(){
        DataloadTest_c objdlt = new DataloadTest_c();
        objdlt.name = nameVal;
        objdlt.city_c = cityVal;
        objdlt.country_c = countryVal;
        objdlt.phone_c = phoneVal;
        insert objdlt;
        pagereference ref = new pagereference('/apex/insertdlttest');
        return ref;