• Kalyani Muthu
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@Jacob Lehrbaum,
I have completed trails 3 weeks back, still i didnt receive my sweatshirt. Let me know when i will receive it.
@Jacob Lehrbaum,
I have completed trails 3 weeks back, still i didnt receive my sweatshirt. Let me know when i will receive it.
Hi guys/gals,

Do you have any idea on how to obtain the Cloak of Adventure sweatshirt after completing 5 badges on trailheads?

Source: http://go.pardot.com/l/27572/2016-01-06/4wy4tn?utm_campaign=newyear-trailhead-sweatshirt

I haven't received any email address or notification about the completion after I had received 5 new badges on my profile. 

The sweetshirt looks really cool and I want to get it :D  Ty