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Please help me test class for below controller
public class AddPersonCtrl { public Opportunity Opps; public Outside_People_Roles__c del; public Boolean refreshPage { get; set; } public List<Outside_People_Roles__c> addattendeeList {get;set;} public List<Outside_People_Roles__c> delattendeeList {get;set;} public List<Outside_People_Roles__c> attendeeList {get;set;} public Integer rowIndex {get;set;} public String currentRecordId; //public Boolean shouldRedirect {get;set;} public List<Outside_People_Roles__c> delAttendees {get; set;} public AddPersonCtrl(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) { currentRecordId = ApexPages.CurrentPage().getparameters().get('id'); System.debug('currentRecordId'+currentRecordId); attendeelist=New List<Outside_People_Roles__c>(); attendeeList.add(new Outside_People_Roles__c(Opportunity__c = currentRecordId)); refreshPage = false; delattendeeList = new List<Outside_People_Roles__c>(); delattendees = new List<Outside_People_Roles__c>(); } public void addRow(){ attendeeList.add(new Outside_People_Roles__c(Opportunity__c = currentRecordId)); } public PageReference save(){ upsert attendeeList; PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' +currentRecordId); refreshPage = true; return pr; } public void deleteRow(){ rowIndex = Integer.valueOf(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('rowIndex')); System.debug('row be deleted ' + rowIndex ); attendeeList.remove(rowIndex); } }
Thankyou Advance.
- Vijay A 8
- January 20, 2021
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Please help me test class
Hi All,
Below is my trigger code with test class. Please help me test class for code coverage
Thank you Advance.
Below is my trigger code with test class. Please help me test class for code coverage
trigger PropUpdate on D_D__c (after insert, after update) { set<id> accids = new set<id>(); set<D_D__c> amc_recs = new set<D_D__c>(); List<D_D__c>Amc_Lst_Upd = New List<D_D__c>(); map<Id, Id> mp = new map<Id, Id>(); if((Trigger.isAfter && (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate)) && checkRecursive.runOnce()){ try{ for (D_D__c am : Trigger.new){ accids.add(am.Account__c); amc_recs.add(am); //mp.add(am.Id, am.Account__c); } if(accids.size() >= 1){ for(Property__c pr : [SELECT Id,Account__c FROM Property__c where Account__c IN:accids]){ mp.put(pr.Account__c, pr.Id); } if(!mp.isEmpty() && !amc_recs.isEmpty()){ D_D__c amc = new D_D__c(); system.debug('amc_recs.size()====='+amc_recs.size()); for(D_D__c amc_lst : amc_recs){ amc.Id = amc_lst.Id; amc.Property__c = mp.get(amc_lst.Account__c); Amc_Lst_Upd.add(amc); } Update Amc_Lst_Upd; } } } catch (Exception e) { System.debug(e); } } } ----------------------------------------------------------------- @isTest public class PropUpdateTest { public static testmethod void PropUpdateTestmeth(){ test.startTest(); Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='Standard User']; User u = new User(Alias = 'standt', Email='standarduser@testorg.com', EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8', LastName='Testing', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US', LocaleSidKey='en_US', ProfileId = p.Id, TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles', UserName='standarduser@testorg.com'); Account acc = new Account(); acc.user__c = u.id; acc.AccountSource = 'Walk-in'; acc.Name = 'testaccount'; insert acc; D_D__c dd = new D_D__c(); dd.account__c = acc.id; dd.Status__c = 'Active'; dd.Actual_Amount__c = 2000; insert dd; Test.stopTest(); } }
Thank you Advance.
- Vijay A 8
- January 20, 2021
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Please help me test class for code coverage 75%
Hi All,
Below are my Controller and my Test Class. Please help me test class for code coverage 75%.
Below are my Controller and my Test Class. Please help me test class for code coverage 75%.
public class ContactDuplicationCon { private final Contact contact; public string accId {get; set;} public string accname {get; set;} public boolean acclookup {get; set;} public boolean accstring {get; set;} public Datetime activityLastDate; public List<ActivityHistory> activityList = new List<ActivityHistory>(); public List<ActivityHistory> activityListcontact = new List<ActivityHistory>(); public ContactDuplicationCon(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { // Define the values for the contact you’re processing based on its ID Id id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); accId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('accId'); //system.debug('accid====='+accId); acclookup = true; accstring = false; if(accId != NULL){ Account ac = [select id,name from Account where id =: accId]; accname = ac.name; acclookup = false; accstring = true; } this.contact = (id == null) ? new Contact() : [SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Email, Phone, AccountId ,Sub_Division__c,Account.Sub_Division_Name__c,Address__c,Title,Active__c,Target_Audience__c,MailingStreet, MailingCity,MailingState,MailingPostalCode,MailingCountry, Fax,LeadSource,AssistantName,Department FROM Contact WHERE Id = :id]; } // Return contact and its values to the Visualforce page for display public Contact getContact() { return this.contact; } public PageReference contactsave() { if(accId != Null){ Contact.AccountId = accId; } Account acc = [select id,name,Sub_Division_Name__c from account where id =: contact.AccountId]; List<Contact> cc = new List<Contact>(); system.debug('account===='+contact.AccountId); cc = [Select id,lastname,firstname,email,Sub_Division__c,Account.Sub_Division_Name__c, (Select id,Status,OwnerId,CreatedDate,EndDateTime,LastModifiedDate,WhoId,Priority,Subject From ActivityHistories ORDER BY LastModifiedDate ASC Limit 1) from contact where email =: contact.email AND Sub_Division__c =: acc.Sub_Division_Name__c ]; List<Lead> ld = [Select id,name,email,Sub_Division_Name__c, (Select id,Status,OwnerId,CreatedDate,EndDateTime,LastModifiedDate,WhoId,Priority,Subject From ActivityHistories ORDER BY LastModifiedDate ASC Limit 1) from Lead where email =: contact.email AND Sub_Division_Name__c =: acc.Sub_Division_Name__c]; //system.debug('subdivision====='+acc.Sub_Division_Name__c); //System.debug('Contact List Size =====>'+cc.size()); //System.debug('Lead List Size =====>'+ld.size()); //System.debug('email==='+contact.email); if(cc.size() >= 1){ for(Contact contacts : cc){ //System.debug('Inside ContactActivity Loop'); for(ActivityHistory activityhiscon : contacts.ActivityHistories){ activityListcontact.add(activityhiscon); } System.debug('Contact Activity Size ======>'+activityListcontact.size()); if(activityListcontact.size() <= 0){ //System.debug('Contact Inside Activity List'); insert contact; PageReference ContactDuplication = new PageReference('/' + Contact.Id); ContactDuplication.setRedirect(true); return ContactDuplication; }else{ for(ActivityHistory activityhiscon : contacts.ActivityHistories){ //System.debug('contact ActivityHistory LastModifiedDate ====> '+activityhiscon.LastModifiedDate); activityLastDate = activityhiscon.LastModifiedDate + 30; //System.debug('Contact activityLastDate ====> '+activityLastDate); if(activityLastDate > System.now()){ User u = [select id,Name,username,email from User where id =: userInfo.getUserId()]; Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail= new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); string [] toAdd = new string[]{'xyz@gmail.com'}; mail.setToAddresses(toAdd); mail.setSubject('Contact Duplication'); mail.setPlainTextBody('Dear Admin'+ '\n\nBelow User trying to create duplicate email '+contact.email+ '\n\nName:' + u.Name+ '\nUserName : '+ u.Username + '\n\nThank You.'+ '\n\n TEAM.'); Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] messages = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> {mail}; Messaging.SendEmailResult[] results = Messaging.sendEmail(messages); if (results[0].success) { System.debug('The email was sent successfully.'); } else { System.debug('The email failed to send: ' + results[0].errors[0].message); } ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.WARNING,'Email already exist with same subdivision in Contact')); } } } } } else if(ld.size() >= 1){ System.debug('Inside Lead Loop'); for(Lead leads : ld){ //System.debug('Inside LeadActivity Loop'); for(ActivityHistory activityhis : leads.ActivityHistories){ activityList.add(activityhis); } //System.debug('Activity Size ======>'+activityList.size()); if(activityList.size() <= 0){ System.debug('Lead Inside Activity List'); insert contact; PageReference ContactDuplication = new PageReference('/' + Contact.Id); ContactDuplication.setRedirect(true); return ContactDuplication; }else{ for(ActivityHistory activityhis : leads.ActivityHistories){ //System.debug('Lead ActivityHistory LastModifiedDate ====> '+activityhis.LastModifiedDate); activityLastDate = activityhis.LastModifiedDate + 30; //System.debug('Lead activityLastDate ====> '+activityLastDate); if(activityLastDate > System.now()){ User u = [select id,Name,username,email from User where id =: userInfo.getUserId()]; Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail= new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); string [] toAdd = new string[]{'xyz@gmail.com'}; mail.setToAddresses(toAdd); mail.setSubject('Lead Duplication'); mail.setPlainTextBody('Dear Admin'+ '\n\nBelow User trying to create duplicate email '+contact.email+ '\n\nName:' + u.Name+ '\nUserName : '+ u.Username + '\n\nThank You.'+ '\n\nTEAM.'); Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] messages = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> {mail}; Messaging.SendEmailResult[] results = Messaging.sendEmail(messages); if (results[0].success) { System.debug('The email was sent successfully.'); } else { System.debug('The email failed to send: ' + results[0].errors[0].message); } ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.WARNING,'Email already exist with same subdivision in Lead')); } } } } } else{ insert contact; PageReference ContactDuplication = new PageReference('/' + Contact.Id); ContactDuplication.setRedirect(true); return ContactDuplication; } return null; } public PageReference Cancel(){ PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/lightning/o/Contact/list?filterName=Recent'); pageRef.setRedirect(true); return pageRef; } } ----------------------------------- @isTest public class ContactDuplicationConTest { static testMethod void testMethod1(){ lead ld = new lead (); ld.LastName = 'Test'; ld.email = 'testlead@gmail.com'; ld.Company = 'testcomp'; ld.Status = 'Followup'; ld.LeadSource = '360 camp'; ld.Division_Name__c = 'test division'; ld.Sub_Division_Name__c = 'test subdivision'; insert ld; Account a = new Account(); a.Name = 'testaccount'; a.Sub_Division_Name__c = 'Global division'; insert a; contact con = new contact(); con.LastName = 'testcon'; con.AccountId = a.id; con.Email= 'test@gmail.com'; insert con; Event e = new Event(); e.WhoId=ld.id; e.StartDateTime=system.today(); e.EndDateTime=system.today()+5; insert e; Task taskCreate = new Task(); taskCreate.WhoId = ld.Id; taskCreate.Status = 'Completed'; taskCreate.Priority = 'Normal'; taskCreate.Subject = 'Dummy subject'; taskCreate.ActivityDate = system.today(); insert taskCreate; apexPages.Currentpage().getParameters().put('Id',con.id); Apexpages.StandardController sc = new Apexpages.StandardController(con); ContactDuplicationCon ext = new ContactDuplicationCon(sc); ext.cancel(); ext.contactsave(); ext.getContact(); } static testMethod void testMethod2(){ lead ld = new lead (); ld.LastName = 'Test123'; ld.Email = 'test1232345575676579@gmail.com'; ld.Company = 'testcomp123'; ld.Status = 'Followup'; ld.LeadSource = '360 camp'; ld.Division_Name__c = 'test division'; ld.Sub_Division_Name__c = 'test subdivision'; insert ld; Event e = new Event(); e.WhoId=ld.id; e.StartDateTime=system.today(); e.EndDateTime=system.today()+5; insert e; Task taskCreate = new Task(); taskCreate.WhoId = ld.Id; taskCreate.Status = 'Completed'; taskCreate.Priority = 'Normal'; taskCreate.Subject = 'Dummy subject'; taskCreate.ActivityDate = system.today(); insert taskCreate; Account a = new Account(); a.Name = 'testaccount'; a.Sub_Division_Name__c = 'Global division'; insert a; contact con1 = new contact(); con1.LastName = 'testcon1'; con1.AccountId = a.id; con1.Email = 'testcon1@gmail.com'; insert con1; apexPages.Currentpage().getParameters().put('Id',con1.id); Apexpages.StandardController sc = new Apexpages.StandardController(con1); ContactDuplicationCon ext = new ContactDuplicationCon(sc); ext.cancel(); ext.contactsave(); ext.getContact(); } }
- Vijay A 8
- February 05, 2020
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Please help me test class
Hi All,
Below is my trigger code with test class. Please help me test class for code coverage
Thank you Advance.
Below is my trigger code with test class. Please help me test class for code coverage
trigger PropUpdate on D_D__c (after insert, after update) { set<id> accids = new set<id>(); set<D_D__c> amc_recs = new set<D_D__c>(); List<D_D__c>Amc_Lst_Upd = New List<D_D__c>(); map<Id, Id> mp = new map<Id, Id>(); if((Trigger.isAfter && (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate)) && checkRecursive.runOnce()){ try{ for (D_D__c am : Trigger.new){ accids.add(am.Account__c); amc_recs.add(am); //mp.add(am.Id, am.Account__c); } if(accids.size() >= 1){ for(Property__c pr : [SELECT Id,Account__c FROM Property__c where Account__c IN:accids]){ mp.put(pr.Account__c, pr.Id); } if(!mp.isEmpty() && !amc_recs.isEmpty()){ D_D__c amc = new D_D__c(); system.debug('amc_recs.size()====='+amc_recs.size()); for(D_D__c amc_lst : amc_recs){ amc.Id = amc_lst.Id; amc.Property__c = mp.get(amc_lst.Account__c); Amc_Lst_Upd.add(amc); } Update Amc_Lst_Upd; } } } catch (Exception e) { System.debug(e); } } } ----------------------------------------------------------------- @isTest public class PropUpdateTest { public static testmethod void PropUpdateTestmeth(){ test.startTest(); Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='Standard User']; User u = new User(Alias = 'standt', Email='standarduser@testorg.com', EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8', LastName='Testing', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US', LocaleSidKey='en_US', ProfileId = p.Id, TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles', UserName='standarduser@testorg.com'); Account acc = new Account(); acc.user__c = u.id; acc.AccountSource = 'Walk-in'; acc.Name = 'testaccount'; insert acc; D_D__c dd = new D_D__c(); dd.account__c = acc.id; dd.Status__c = 'Active'; dd.Actual_Amount__c = 2000; insert dd; Test.stopTest(); } }
Thank you Advance.
- Vijay A 8
- January 20, 2021
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Please help me test class for code coverage 75%
Hi All,
Below are my Controller and my Test Class. Please help me test class for code coverage 75%.
Below are my Controller and my Test Class. Please help me test class for code coverage 75%.
public class ContactDuplicationCon { private final Contact contact; public string accId {get; set;} public string accname {get; set;} public boolean acclookup {get; set;} public boolean accstring {get; set;} public Datetime activityLastDate; public List<ActivityHistory> activityList = new List<ActivityHistory>(); public List<ActivityHistory> activityListcontact = new List<ActivityHistory>(); public ContactDuplicationCon(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { // Define the values for the contact you’re processing based on its ID Id id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); accId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('accId'); //system.debug('accid====='+accId); acclookup = true; accstring = false; if(accId != NULL){ Account ac = [select id,name from Account where id =: accId]; accname = ac.name; acclookup = false; accstring = true; } this.contact = (id == null) ? new Contact() : [SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Email, Phone, AccountId ,Sub_Division__c,Account.Sub_Division_Name__c,Address__c,Title,Active__c,Target_Audience__c,MailingStreet, MailingCity,MailingState,MailingPostalCode,MailingCountry, Fax,LeadSource,AssistantName,Department FROM Contact WHERE Id = :id]; } // Return contact and its values to the Visualforce page for display public Contact getContact() { return this.contact; } public PageReference contactsave() { if(accId != Null){ Contact.AccountId = accId; } Account acc = [select id,name,Sub_Division_Name__c from account where id =: contact.AccountId]; List<Contact> cc = new List<Contact>(); system.debug('account===='+contact.AccountId); cc = [Select id,lastname,firstname,email,Sub_Division__c,Account.Sub_Division_Name__c, (Select id,Status,OwnerId,CreatedDate,EndDateTime,LastModifiedDate,WhoId,Priority,Subject From ActivityHistories ORDER BY LastModifiedDate ASC Limit 1) from contact where email =: contact.email AND Sub_Division__c =: acc.Sub_Division_Name__c ]; List<Lead> ld = [Select id,name,email,Sub_Division_Name__c, (Select id,Status,OwnerId,CreatedDate,EndDateTime,LastModifiedDate,WhoId,Priority,Subject From ActivityHistories ORDER BY LastModifiedDate ASC Limit 1) from Lead where email =: contact.email AND Sub_Division_Name__c =: acc.Sub_Division_Name__c]; //system.debug('subdivision====='+acc.Sub_Division_Name__c); //System.debug('Contact List Size =====>'+cc.size()); //System.debug('Lead List Size =====>'+ld.size()); //System.debug('email==='+contact.email); if(cc.size() >= 1){ for(Contact contacts : cc){ //System.debug('Inside ContactActivity Loop'); for(ActivityHistory activityhiscon : contacts.ActivityHistories){ activityListcontact.add(activityhiscon); } System.debug('Contact Activity Size ======>'+activityListcontact.size()); if(activityListcontact.size() <= 0){ //System.debug('Contact Inside Activity List'); insert contact; PageReference ContactDuplication = new PageReference('/' + Contact.Id); ContactDuplication.setRedirect(true); return ContactDuplication; }else{ for(ActivityHistory activityhiscon : contacts.ActivityHistories){ //System.debug('contact ActivityHistory LastModifiedDate ====> '+activityhiscon.LastModifiedDate); activityLastDate = activityhiscon.LastModifiedDate + 30; //System.debug('Contact activityLastDate ====> '+activityLastDate); if(activityLastDate > System.now()){ User u = [select id,Name,username,email from User where id =: userInfo.getUserId()]; Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail= new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); string [] toAdd = new string[]{'xyz@gmail.com'}; mail.setToAddresses(toAdd); mail.setSubject('Contact Duplication'); mail.setPlainTextBody('Dear Admin'+ '\n\nBelow User trying to create duplicate email '+contact.email+ '\n\nName:' + u.Name+ '\nUserName : '+ u.Username + '\n\nThank You.'+ '\n\n TEAM.'); Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] messages = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> {mail}; Messaging.SendEmailResult[] results = Messaging.sendEmail(messages); if (results[0].success) { System.debug('The email was sent successfully.'); } else { System.debug('The email failed to send: ' + results[0].errors[0].message); } ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.WARNING,'Email already exist with same subdivision in Contact')); } } } } } else if(ld.size() >= 1){ System.debug('Inside Lead Loop'); for(Lead leads : ld){ //System.debug('Inside LeadActivity Loop'); for(ActivityHistory activityhis : leads.ActivityHistories){ activityList.add(activityhis); } //System.debug('Activity Size ======>'+activityList.size()); if(activityList.size() <= 0){ System.debug('Lead Inside Activity List'); insert contact; PageReference ContactDuplication = new PageReference('/' + Contact.Id); ContactDuplication.setRedirect(true); return ContactDuplication; }else{ for(ActivityHistory activityhis : leads.ActivityHistories){ //System.debug('Lead ActivityHistory LastModifiedDate ====> '+activityhis.LastModifiedDate); activityLastDate = activityhis.LastModifiedDate + 30; //System.debug('Lead activityLastDate ====> '+activityLastDate); if(activityLastDate > System.now()){ User u = [select id,Name,username,email from User where id =: userInfo.getUserId()]; Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail= new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); string [] toAdd = new string[]{'xyz@gmail.com'}; mail.setToAddresses(toAdd); mail.setSubject('Lead Duplication'); mail.setPlainTextBody('Dear Admin'+ '\n\nBelow User trying to create duplicate email '+contact.email+ '\n\nName:' + u.Name+ '\nUserName : '+ u.Username + '\n\nThank You.'+ '\n\nTEAM.'); Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] messages = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> {mail}; Messaging.SendEmailResult[] results = Messaging.sendEmail(messages); if (results[0].success) { System.debug('The email was sent successfully.'); } else { System.debug('The email failed to send: ' + results[0].errors[0].message); } ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.WARNING,'Email already exist with same subdivision in Lead')); } } } } } else{ insert contact; PageReference ContactDuplication = new PageReference('/' + Contact.Id); ContactDuplication.setRedirect(true); return ContactDuplication; } return null; } public PageReference Cancel(){ PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/lightning/o/Contact/list?filterName=Recent'); pageRef.setRedirect(true); return pageRef; } } ----------------------------------- @isTest public class ContactDuplicationConTest { static testMethod void testMethod1(){ lead ld = new lead (); ld.LastName = 'Test'; ld.email = 'testlead@gmail.com'; ld.Company = 'testcomp'; ld.Status = 'Followup'; ld.LeadSource = '360 camp'; ld.Division_Name__c = 'test division'; ld.Sub_Division_Name__c = 'test subdivision'; insert ld; Account a = new Account(); a.Name = 'testaccount'; a.Sub_Division_Name__c = 'Global division'; insert a; contact con = new contact(); con.LastName = 'testcon'; con.AccountId = a.id; con.Email= 'test@gmail.com'; insert con; Event e = new Event(); e.WhoId=ld.id; e.StartDateTime=system.today(); e.EndDateTime=system.today()+5; insert e; Task taskCreate = new Task(); taskCreate.WhoId = ld.Id; taskCreate.Status = 'Completed'; taskCreate.Priority = 'Normal'; taskCreate.Subject = 'Dummy subject'; taskCreate.ActivityDate = system.today(); insert taskCreate; apexPages.Currentpage().getParameters().put('Id',con.id); Apexpages.StandardController sc = new Apexpages.StandardController(con); ContactDuplicationCon ext = new ContactDuplicationCon(sc); ext.cancel(); ext.contactsave(); ext.getContact(); } static testMethod void testMethod2(){ lead ld = new lead (); ld.LastName = 'Test123'; ld.Email = 'test1232345575676579@gmail.com'; ld.Company = 'testcomp123'; ld.Status = 'Followup'; ld.LeadSource = '360 camp'; ld.Division_Name__c = 'test division'; ld.Sub_Division_Name__c = 'test subdivision'; insert ld; Event e = new Event(); e.WhoId=ld.id; e.StartDateTime=system.today(); e.EndDateTime=system.today()+5; insert e; Task taskCreate = new Task(); taskCreate.WhoId = ld.Id; taskCreate.Status = 'Completed'; taskCreate.Priority = 'Normal'; taskCreate.Subject = 'Dummy subject'; taskCreate.ActivityDate = system.today(); insert taskCreate; Account a = new Account(); a.Name = 'testaccount'; a.Sub_Division_Name__c = 'Global division'; insert a; contact con1 = new contact(); con1.LastName = 'testcon1'; con1.AccountId = a.id; con1.Email = 'testcon1@gmail.com'; insert con1; apexPages.Currentpage().getParameters().put('Id',con1.id); Apexpages.StandardController sc = new Apexpages.StandardController(con1); ContactDuplicationCon ext = new ContactDuplicationCon(sc); ext.cancel(); ext.contactsave(); ext.getContact(); } }
- Vijay A 8
- February 05, 2020
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