• José Ureña
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I cannot find some real documentation on how to do it on the new Flow Interface, nor the new Dependant Picklist Control.

No matter how i set it i always end on an not working screen.

I think this is a really simple feature, shouldn't be that hard to set.

Currently working on Lightning.
I want to modify Action Plans so depending on a field, a new record is inserted on Opportunity table with Opp's products.

I did the Action Plans Task modification to include a "Package" field (a very simple packages functionality i created consisting on the package object, and package products object).  I was able to add the field to the VFPs and it stores the "package" with the record without problems.

Now i need to create the Opp if the Action Plan detects that the Package field is not null when creating a Task... do you have some experience on this? do you know where i need to include this for what i want to achieve?

I included a method on the "ActionPlansTaskTriggerutilities" and i'm calling it on 2 lines (after "auxTask = new Task();" and "t2  = new Task();").  Here is the method:
private void InsertOppItem(APTaskTemplate__c dependentAptts)
        if (dependentAptts.Package__c==null)
                    List<Package_Item__c> itp = [Select product__c from Package_Item__c where Package__c =: dependentAptts.Package__c];
                    String pbID = [select id from Pricebook2 where isStandard=true limit 1].id;
                	Opportunity Newopp = new Opportunity();
                    Newopp.Accountid = dependentAptts.Action_Plan__r.Account__c;
                    Newopp.Name = 'Package Sale - ' + dependentAptts.Subject__c;
                    insert Newopp;
                    List<OpportunityLineItem> oliList = new List<OpportunityLineItem>();
                    for( Package_Item__c itemPaquete: itp)
                        String prid = itemPaquete.Product__c;
                        String prcbkeid = [select product2id from pricebookentry where pricebook2Id =: pbID and product2id =: prid limit 1].product2id;
                        PricebookEntry pbe;
                        if(prcbkeid == null)
                            pbe = new PricebookEntry (Pricebook2Id=pbID, Product2Id=prid, IsActive=true, UnitPrice=0.00);
                            insert pbe;
                        } else
                            pbe = [select product2id from pricebookentry where pricebook2Id =: pbID and product2id =: prid limit 1];
                        OpportunityLineItem oli = new OpportunityLineItem(OpportunityId=Newopp.Id, Quantity = 1, PricebookEntryId=pbe.Id, TotalPrice = pbe.UnitPrice);
                    insert oliList;

I would like to achieve something like this:
User-added image

It is possible to do this using the Enhanced Page Layout Editor? Or it is only possible through VF page? This form have more than 200 fields by customer request and i don't want to code id...
I would like to achieve something like this:
User-added image

It is possible to do this using the Enhanced Page Layout Editor? Or it is only possible through VF page? This form have more than 200 fields by customer request and i don't want to code id...
Options missing in my TP.
Trailhead Field Service Lightning Basics > Enable Field Service and Create Service Resources
Setup>Field Service Settings
Only option I have there is to 'enable work orders' not the full settings (e.g. notify relevant users; set due date; etc.)

Tried in Lightning and Classic.

What i have for FSL settings
Hi guys, is there a global search in Lightning similar to Classic that use &startURL=/_ui/search/ui/UnifiedSearchResults?str=valueToSearch ?.
If you know something please let me know. Thank you.
