• Sri Saranu
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Hi All, 

I have a scenario,
a Lead is created with "Marketing User" owner.
then if  a lead owner is changed to anyone other than "Marketing User"  and if the MF picklist value is Raw lead, then do Field update on the picklist to  MQL.
I wrote a WF, 
when a lead is created or edited to meet subsequent crietria  ( true) ,
In formula ,
AND( OwnerId  <> "005U0000005UxG7",  ISPICKVAL( Marketing_Funnel__c , 'Raw Lead') ) then do FU on picklist to MQL.

It is not firing when lead owner is changed  with link "change lead owner". After lead owner is changed to someone else , open lead record and save. then it is checking if owner is not marketing user and if picklist is Raw lead and then Updating picklist to MQL.

I need it to update when the lead owner is changed with "change lead owner"  and hit save. what am i dping wrong?
so i edited my formula to,
AND( ISCHANGED( OwnerId ), OwnerId  <> "005U0000005UxG7",  ISPICKVAL( Marketing_Funnel__c , 'Raw Lead') )
I get "Error: Function ISCHANGED may not be used in this type of formula". Any suggestions please.

Hi All, 

 Could i please get some assistance in figuring out where the issue is.  what can be possible issues in my sand box when it's outbound message are getting errors while talking to client's web server. 

endurl: https://cramappstage.edgewebhosting.net/EdgeSalesForce/EdgeSalesforce.asmx
error: org.apache.commons.httpclient.NoHttpResponseException: The server cramappstage.edgewebhosting.net failed to respond

I have no clue where to look or if the issue is on my end. Any feedback is appreciated.
Hi All, 

When a trial org is converted to any subscription orgs like enterprise for example, will the data and configurations are retained?

Thanks much.
Hello Everyone,

I am graduate student with Master's degree in Computer Science. I completed my Developer certification and looking for full time opportunities at entry level position. I am trying hard but everyone is asking for 2 or 3 years of experience, I have around 1 year of experience. I am very passionate and exicted to start my career with salesforce profile but I need a break. 
I know I am well qualified as a developer and passion for problem solving and thinking out of the box, Just need one chance to prove myself.
If anyone as any open position please let me know, I will be very happy to discuss and for your help.

Email: vvs.shelar@gmail.com
Phone: 5305888881

Best Regards,