• Ron Roy
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I have Mass Edit and Mass Update installed in both my Sandbox and Production orgs. When I switch to Lightning Experience the Mass Edit and Mass Update buttons appear on Opportunity and Account Lists but there is no way to actually select individual records to do the Mass Edit/Update funcitons.  Clicking either of the buttons will launch the app but with no records selected you can't do anything and/or you get an error message.  I know I can change back to Classic view to do the edits and updates but if it doesn't work in Lightning maybe they should not dispaly the buttons (?)
Can you pls answer the following and let me know the explanation pls.

A system administrator at universal containers needs to mass update the lead source on a number of opportunity records. How can this be accomplished. Choose 2 answers
A.create a list view for opportunities and update using inline editing.
B.Export opportunities and update  the dataloader
C.Use similar opportunities to update the opportunities
D.Export opportunities and update using import wizard
  • August 25, 2015
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We are creating a simple App, there are no Visualforce pages involved in the App. In the Salesforce standard UI how do I enable Inline Editing for Related List.

I have enable Inline Edit option from Setup-Customize-User Interface, but that does not allow me to make inline edit for Related lists. The field types that are to be editted or Text and Picklist.

Any help on this would be great.

