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Hi All. I am trying to promote an Apex trigger, an Apex class, and an Apex test class. All work in sandbox environment, but when I try to validate during promotion to production, I get "Attempt to de-reference a null object" error, which points to the last line of code in the Apex class, which contains only the closing bracket. This was copied from a similar set of classes on another object, which is in production with no issues.

Here is the trigger:
trigger Contract_Triggers on Contract (after update) { //only runs after update

    set<id> ContractIds = new set<id>();

            for(Contract c:trigger.new){
                if(c.Copy_Approval_Comments__c == true){
    //calls @future class to ensure order of operation.
    if(ContractIds.size() > 0) {

Here is the Apex class:
public class Contract_Approval_Comment_Handler {
    public static void updateContractComment(set<id> cList){

        List<Contract> Contracts = [Select c.Id, c.Copy_Approval_Comments__c, c.Approval_Comments__c, (Select ActorId, Comments, CreatedDate From ProcessSteps order by CreatedDate) 
                                 Contract c
                                 c.Copy_Approval_Comments__c = True AND 
                                 c.id IN: cList];
        List<Contract> ContractsToUpdate = new List<Contract>(); //stores records to be updated
        //creates map of users that are active and non portal users 
        Map<ID, User> uMap = new Map<ID, User>([SELECT Id, Name FROM User WHERE IsActive =: true]);
        system.debug('User Map >>>>> ' + uMap);
        System.debug('******************************************** Contract = ' + Contracts);
        System.debug('******************************************** Size of Contract = ' + Contracts.size());
        if (Contracts.size()>0){
            for(Contract con: Contracts){
                if(con.ProcessSteps.size() >0){  
                    con.Approval_Comments__c = '';
                    for (ProcessInstanceHistory ps : con.ProcessSteps){
                        if (ps.Comments != null){
                            string username = uMap.get(ps.ActorId).name;   
                            con.Approval_Comments__c += '\n' + username + ': ' + ps.Comments;          
                             System.debug('*********************************************** Comments copied:' + ps.comments);
                     con.Copy_Approval_Comments__c =false;
        if( ContractsToUpdate.size()> 0 ){
            Database.SaveResult[] srList = Database.update(ContractsToUpdate, false);
            // Iterate through each returned result
            for (Database.SaveResult sr : srList) {
                if (sr.isSuccess()) {
                    // Operation was successful, so get the ID of the record that was processed
                    System.debug('Successfully updated record ID: ' + sr.getId());
                } else {
                    // Operation failed, so get all errors                
                    for(Database.Error err : sr.getErrors()) {
                        System.debug('The following error has occurred.');                    
                        System.debug(err.getStatusCode() + ': ' + err.getMessage());

And here is the test class:
public class Contract_Approval_Comment_HandlerTest {
  static testMethod void run()

  {  List<Contract> Contracts = [Select c.Id, c.Copy_Approval_Comments__c From Contract c where c.Status = 'Activated' and c.Multiple_Trailers_at_this_location__c = False limit 100];
        List<Contract> ContractsToUpdate = new List<Contract>(); //stores records to be updated
        set<id> ContractIds = new set<id>();
        if (Contracts.size()>0){
            for(Contract con: Contracts){
                    con.Copy_Approval_Comments__c = True;
       if( ContractsToUpdate.size()> 0 ){
            Database.SaveResult[] srList = Database.update(ContractsToUpdate);
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Stave A.
Hi All. I am trying to promote an Apex trigger, an Apex class, and an Apex test class. All work in sandbox environment, but when I try to validate during promotion to production, I get "Attempt to de-reference a null object" error, which points to the last line of code in the Apex class, which contains only the closing bracket. This was copied from a similar set of classes on another object, which is in production with no issues.

Here is the trigger:
trigger Contract_Triggers on Contract (after update) { //only runs after update

    set<id> ContractIds = new set<id>();

            for(Contract c:trigger.new){
                if(c.Copy_Approval_Comments__c == true){
    //calls @future class to ensure order of operation.
    if(ContractIds.size() > 0) {

Here is the Apex class:
public class Contract_Approval_Comment_Handler {
    public static void updateContractComment(set<id> cList){

        List<Contract> Contracts = [Select c.Id, c.Copy_Approval_Comments__c, c.Approval_Comments__c, (Select ActorId, Comments, CreatedDate From ProcessSteps order by CreatedDate) 
                                 Contract c
                                 c.Copy_Approval_Comments__c = True AND 
                                 c.id IN: cList];
        List<Contract> ContractsToUpdate = new List<Contract>(); //stores records to be updated
        //creates map of users that are active and non portal users 
        Map<ID, User> uMap = new Map<ID, User>([SELECT Id, Name FROM User WHERE IsActive =: true]);
        system.debug('User Map >>>>> ' + uMap);
        System.debug('******************************************** Contract = ' + Contracts);
        System.debug('******************************************** Size of Contract = ' + Contracts.size());
        if (Contracts.size()>0){
            for(Contract con: Contracts){
                if(con.ProcessSteps.size() >0){  
                    con.Approval_Comments__c = '';
                    for (ProcessInstanceHistory ps : con.ProcessSteps){
                        if (ps.Comments != null){
                            string username = uMap.get(ps.ActorId).name;   
                            con.Approval_Comments__c += '\n' + username + ': ' + ps.Comments;          
                             System.debug('*********************************************** Comments copied:' + ps.comments);
                     con.Copy_Approval_Comments__c =false;
        if( ContractsToUpdate.size()> 0 ){
            Database.SaveResult[] srList = Database.update(ContractsToUpdate, false);
            // Iterate through each returned result
            for (Database.SaveResult sr : srList) {
                if (sr.isSuccess()) {
                    // Operation was successful, so get the ID of the record that was processed
                    System.debug('Successfully updated record ID: ' + sr.getId());
                } else {
                    // Operation failed, so get all errors                
                    for(Database.Error err : sr.getErrors()) {
                        System.debug('The following error has occurred.');                    
                        System.debug(err.getStatusCode() + ': ' + err.getMessage());

And here is the test class:
public class Contract_Approval_Comment_HandlerTest {
  static testMethod void run()

  {  List<Contract> Contracts = [Select c.Id, c.Copy_Approval_Comments__c From Contract c where c.Status = 'Activated' and c.Multiple_Trailers_at_this_location__c = False limit 100];
        List<Contract> ContractsToUpdate = new List<Contract>(); //stores records to be updated
        set<id> ContractIds = new set<id>();
        if (Contracts.size()>0){
            for(Contract con: Contracts){
                    con.Copy_Approval_Comments__c = True;
       if( ContractsToUpdate.size()> 0 ){
            Database.SaveResult[] srList = Database.update(ContractsToUpdate);
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Stave A.