• Jasjeet Grewal
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Hi all,

My entitlement has business hours assigned to it.
But, I want to set business hours at time of creation of milestone when case is created.
I tried of changing BusinessHoursId on milestone, but it is not possible as field is not writeable.

Any suggestion of how to set business hours to milestone on creation?

Hi All,

I am calling a static method of a class from another class. I can only invoke a static method not a constructor to assign values to properties of a class.

Now, I want to assign values to properties of a class. These properties will be accessed by VF using getter.

Here's a brief code:
public with sharing class PdfGenerator {

    public Order__c orderVF {get; set;}
    public List<Order_Line_Item__c>orderLineItemsVF {get; set;}

public static void generateOrderPDF(ID OrderID){
        Order__c order = [SOQL];
        Order_Line_Item__c orderLineItem = [SOQL];

       //how to pass this variable value to class properties orderVF and orderLineItemsVF?
       //I am basically calling this static method from another class. PdfGenerator.generateOrderPDF(Id);

any idea how can i pass value to class properties from within static method of a class?

As logged in user to LWC, I need to display user's related Account details on LWC page.
User object has standard field AccountId. 
Using that AccountId, I need to retrieve the Account details.
But, I am unable to retrieve it.

Here's my code.
import getAccountDetails from "@salesforce/apex/AccountSearch.getAccountDetails";

userId = USER_ID
@track accID

@track accounts;
@track error;
@track errors;
@wire(getRecord, {
    recordId: "$userId",
    fields: [ACCOUNT_ID,
}) wireuser({error, data}) {
    if (error) {
       this.error = error ; 
    } else if (data) {
        this.accID = data.fields.AccountId.value;

//this is not working
@wire (getAccountDetails, {accountId: "$accId"}) wiredAccounts({data, error}){
  if(data) {
    this.accounts =data;
    this.errors = undefined;
  }else {
    this.accounts =undefined;
    this.errors = error;
    console.log("error - "+error);
public without sharing class AccountSearch {
    public static Account getAccountDetails(String accountId){
        Account accountDetails = [Select id, name, recordtypeid, type FROM Account WHERE id=:accountId];
        return accountDetails;


I have a schedulable apex class that executes method AddRecords.
Method create a new record for object User_Tasks__c for each user account in org. One of the field User_Tasks__c.Total_tasks__c is filled with total tasks count of the user.

I am struggling to write a test class for it.
Sharing code for apex class and test class.
global class CreateUserTasks Implements Schedulable{
    global void execute(SchedulableContext sc){
    public static void AddRecords(){
        List<User> users = [select id,Name from User where IsActive=true];
        Map<Id, Integer> taskCounts = new Map<Id, Integer>();
        List<AggregateResult> ars;
        List<User_Task__c> userTasks= New List<User_Task__c>();
        ars = [SELECT  OwnerID owner, count(ID) taskCount FROM Task WHERE OwnerId in (select id from User where IsActive=true) and isClosed = false group by OwnerId];
        for(AggregateResult ar : ars) {
            taskCounts.put((ID)ar.get('owner'), Integer.valueOf(ar.get('taskCount')));
            User_Task__c usertask = New User_Task__c();
            usertask.tasks_completed__c = 0;
            usertask.Date__c = System.today();
            usertask.Total_tasks__c = Integer.valueOf(ar.get('taskCount'));
        insert userTasks;

My test class has 0% test coverage. My test class:
private class TestCreateUserTasks{
	static testMethod void validateSampleApex() {
        User u1 = new user();
        u1.LastName = 'A';
        u1.Email = 'test@test.com';
        u1.Alias = 'A';
        u1.Username = 'A1234444@test.com';
        u1.CommunityNickname = 'A12';
        u1.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
        u1.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
        u1.ProfileID = '00e1C000001J8DbQAK';
        u1.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
        u1.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
        insert u1;
        User_Task__c utA = New User_Task__c();
        utA.Date__C = System.today();
        utA.Total_tasks__c = 0;      
        insert utA;
        List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>{};

        System.runAs(u1) {
        	Task tA = new Task(Subject='TestA1',Status='New',Priority='Normal',CallType='Outbound');
            insert tA; 
        List<User> users = [select id,Name from User where IsActive=true];

        List<User_Task__c> utList= [Select ID From User_Task__c where date__c = :System.today()];
        System.assertEquals(2, utList.size());

Can someone please help me how to test schedulable class with method to insert new records.


I have two objects Account, and abc_and_sale_summary__c. I am trying to implement before update trigger on Account which will update values in abc_and_sale_summary__c.

Account has fields club__c(text), created_date__c, and down_payment__c(text later converted to decimal).
abc_and_sale_summary__c has fields ABC_Down_payment__c, club__c, and date__c.

My trigger on account will update down_payment__c field with value from down_payment__c field.

for example: Account A for club vancouver, date mar 07 has down_payment__c of $100.
Account B for club vancouver, date mar 07 has down_payment__c of $50.
Account C for club vancouver, date mar 07 has down_payment__c of $150.

Trigger will update existing record in abc_and_sale_summary__c for club vancouver and date mar 07. Value of ABC_Down_payment__c should be $300.

Code of update trigger. Right now, it is not updating the ABC_Down_payment__c field. Please help me point out the problem in logic.
List<ABC_and_Sale_Summary__c> abc= New List<ABC_and_Sale_Summary__c>();
    Map<Id, ABC_and_Sale_Summary__c> abcMap= New Map<Id, ABC_and_Sale_Summary__c>();

if(Trigger.isUpdate ){
        ABC_and_Sale_Summary__c abc2= New ABC_and_Sale_Summary__c();
        List<ABC_and_Sale_Summary__c> abc3= New List<ABC_and_Sale_Summary__c>();
        abc3 = [Select id, club__c, date__c, sale_Summary_Revenue__c, ABC_Down_payment__c from ABC_and_Sale_Summary__c];

        for(ABC_and_Sale_Summary__c abc_sale: abc3){

        for(integer c = 0; c < Trigger.Old.size(); c++){
            Date d = date.newinstance(Trigger.New[c].created_date__c.year(), Trigger.New[c].created_date__c.month(), Trigger.New[c].created_date__c.day());
	    	Date d2 = date.newinstance(Trigger.Old[c].created_date__c.year(), Trigger.Old[c].created_date__c.month(), Trigger.Old[c].created_date__c.day());
                if((abc_sale.club__c == Trigger.Old[c].club__c) && (abc_sale.date__c == d2))
					String dp = Trigger.New[c].Down_Payment__c;
						dp = dp.substring(1);
					Double downpayment = Decimal.valueOf(dp);
						String dpold = Trigger.Old[c].Down_Payment__c;
							dpold = dpold.substring(1);
						Double downpaymentold = Decimal.valueOf(dpold);
						double diff = downpayment - downpaymentold;
                    	if(abc_sale.ABC_Down_payment__c ==null){abc_sale.ABC_Down_payment__c = 0;}
						abc_sale.ABC_Down_payment__c = abc_sale.ABC_Down_payment__c + diff;
            update abcMap.values();

this code is working for single insert/update of record. But, it is not working in case of mass upsert.
Hi all,

I have two objects Account and Sales. Account has fields created date, location, down payment received. Sales has fields date, location, total revenue.

What i am trying to do is to compare sum(down payment received) group by created date and location with total revenue from sales object.

I have made couple of queries wriiten below. I want to use these queries for wrapper class. My main concern now is somehow I want to link both these queries together, so I can view it as table on vf page. 
From Account: 
select sum(down_payment_received__c) from account where created_date__c > 2018-03-12T00:00:00Z and created_date__c < 2018-03-13T00:00:00Z and Location__c in ('Location A', 'Location B', 'Location C', 'Location D') group by Location__c

This query will give me result for Mar 12 and for all Locations. 

Similarly, For Sales object:
1select Date__c, Location__c, Total_Revenue_End_of_the_day__c from sales__c where Date__c = 2018-03-12

This query will give results for sales object. 

But, what I wanted is use a single query to get results from both objects.

I would like a data such as following (layout could be little different)

Date                     Location            Down Payment            Total Revenue             Total Revenue - Down Payment
2018-03-18           Location A                 100                              100                                           0
2018-03-18           Location B                 150                              100                                          50

Please, let me know how this could be possible. 
Hi everyone,

I have two objects Account and Sales.
Account has fields - name, created date, location, payment made.
Sales has fields - date, location, revenue.

I want to compare sum of all payment made by all accounts group by created date and location with revenue from sales object on particular date for same location.
for eg: 5 accounts from location A on Mar 01 has sum of 1000 as payment made.
Also on sales object location A on mar 01 should have revenue greater than 1000 or more.

I have tried reports, but I am not successful in getting it solved.

please suggest me possible ideas which I can use to implement this. I am comfortable using apex if needed.
Hi all,

My entitlement has business hours assigned to it.
But, I want to set business hours at time of creation of milestone when case is created.
I tried of changing BusinessHoursId on milestone, but it is not possible as field is not writeable.

Any suggestion of how to set business hours to milestone on creation?


As logged in user to LWC, I need to display user's related Account details on LWC page.
User object has standard field AccountId. 
Using that AccountId, I need to retrieve the Account details.
But, I am unable to retrieve it.

Here's my code.
import getAccountDetails from "@salesforce/apex/AccountSearch.getAccountDetails";

userId = USER_ID
@track accID

@track accounts;
@track error;
@track errors;
@wire(getRecord, {
    recordId: "$userId",
    fields: [ACCOUNT_ID,
}) wireuser({error, data}) {
    if (error) {
       this.error = error ; 
    } else if (data) {
        this.accID = data.fields.AccountId.value;

//this is not working
@wire (getAccountDetails, {accountId: "$accId"}) wiredAccounts({data, error}){
  if(data) {
    this.accounts =data;
    this.errors = undefined;
  }else {
    this.accounts =undefined;
    this.errors = error;
    console.log("error - "+error);
public without sharing class AccountSearch {
    public static Account getAccountDetails(String accountId){
        Account accountDetails = [Select id, name, recordtypeid, type FROM Account WHERE id=:accountId];
        return accountDetails;


I have a schedulable apex class that executes method AddRecords.
Method create a new record for object User_Tasks__c for each user account in org. One of the field User_Tasks__c.Total_tasks__c is filled with total tasks count of the user.

I am struggling to write a test class for it.
Sharing code for apex class and test class.
global class CreateUserTasks Implements Schedulable{
    global void execute(SchedulableContext sc){
    public static void AddRecords(){
        List<User> users = [select id,Name from User where IsActive=true];
        Map<Id, Integer> taskCounts = new Map<Id, Integer>();
        List<AggregateResult> ars;
        List<User_Task__c> userTasks= New List<User_Task__c>();
        ars = [SELECT  OwnerID owner, count(ID) taskCount FROM Task WHERE OwnerId in (select id from User where IsActive=true) and isClosed = false group by OwnerId];
        for(AggregateResult ar : ars) {
            taskCounts.put((ID)ar.get('owner'), Integer.valueOf(ar.get('taskCount')));
            User_Task__c usertask = New User_Task__c();
            usertask.tasks_completed__c = 0;
            usertask.Date__c = System.today();
            usertask.Total_tasks__c = Integer.valueOf(ar.get('taskCount'));
        insert userTasks;

My test class has 0% test coverage. My test class:
private class TestCreateUserTasks{
	static testMethod void validateSampleApex() {
        User u1 = new user();
        u1.LastName = 'A';
        u1.Email = 'test@test.com';
        u1.Alias = 'A';
        u1.Username = 'A1234444@test.com';
        u1.CommunityNickname = 'A12';
        u1.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
        u1.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
        u1.ProfileID = '00e1C000001J8DbQAK';
        u1.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
        u1.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
        insert u1;
        User_Task__c utA = New User_Task__c();
        utA.Date__C = System.today();
        utA.Total_tasks__c = 0;      
        insert utA;
        List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>{};

        System.runAs(u1) {
        	Task tA = new Task(Subject='TestA1',Status='New',Priority='Normal',CallType='Outbound');
            insert tA; 
        List<User> users = [select id,Name from User where IsActive=true];

        List<User_Task__c> utList= [Select ID From User_Task__c where date__c = :System.today()];
        System.assertEquals(2, utList.size());

Can someone please help me how to test schedulable class with method to insert new records.

Hi all,

I have two objects Account and Sales. Account has fields created date, location, down payment received. Sales has fields date, location, total revenue.

What i am trying to do is to compare sum(down payment received) group by created date and location with total revenue from sales object.

I have made couple of queries wriiten below. I want to use these queries for wrapper class. My main concern now is somehow I want to link both these queries together, so I can view it as table on vf page. 
From Account: 
select sum(down_payment_received__c) from account where created_date__c > 2018-03-12T00:00:00Z and created_date__c < 2018-03-13T00:00:00Z and Location__c in ('Location A', 'Location B', 'Location C', 'Location D') group by Location__c

This query will give me result for Mar 12 and for all Locations. 

Similarly, For Sales object:
1select Date__c, Location__c, Total_Revenue_End_of_the_day__c from sales__c where Date__c = 2018-03-12

This query will give results for sales object. 

But, what I wanted is use a single query to get results from both objects.

I would like a data such as following (layout could be little different)

Date                     Location            Down Payment            Total Revenue             Total Revenue - Down Payment
2018-03-18           Location A                 100                              100                                           0
2018-03-18           Location B                 150                              100                                          50

Please, let me know how this could be possible. 
Hi everyone,

I have two objects Account and Sales.
Account has fields - name, created date, location, payment made.
Sales has fields - date, location, revenue.

I want to compare sum of all payment made by all accounts group by created date and location with revenue from sales object on particular date for same location.
for eg: 5 accounts from location A on Mar 01 has sum of 1000 as payment made.
Also on sales object location A on mar 01 should have revenue greater than 1000 or more.

I have tried reports, but I am not successful in getting it solved.

please suggest me possible ideas which I can use to implement this. I am comfortable using apex if needed.