• Alex Waddell 12
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  • Member since 2016

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Hello everyone,

I wrote a nested Query on the Workbench to do cross object reporting, the report works fine when i "View As" a List but when i try to Bulk CSV this report, i get the error "InvalidJob: Unable to find object: HealthCloudGA__Encounters__r"

I read online that workbench cannot export nested queries, i have tried to go to dataloader.io and export my query from there but that also does not work. Can anyone point me to a tool that can export this report? below is ther query and a picture of it working
Select Name,(Select id, HealthCloudGA__HospitalizePeriodStart__c from HealthCloudGA__Encounters__r),(Select On_Service_Date__c,Discharge_Date__c from cases Where RecordTypeId = '01236000000OJLqAAO'  ) from Account where Primary_Insurance__c = 'Health Net'

User-added image
Hello everyone,

I have an object called Patient_Physician__c where we associate Patient Accounts and Physician Accounts to eachother. I have a checkbox on the Patient Physician object that tells us if this physician is the primary care physician for the patient. The field is called Primary_Physician__c

I want to there to only be one primary care physician allowed in this object for each Patient Account, so that we dont have multiple physicians denoted as the PCP. Also a good thing to note, a Physician can be the PCP for any number of Patient's

I am not exactly sure which tool to use for this. I was thinking a validation rule but can a validation rule look at other records within that object and prevent the record from saving? Or would this be some sort of Apex trigger validation rule? 

I would love to hear your thoughts on this
Hello everyone,

I am trying to write a Trigger that looks at the number of Communication_Note__c records exist in an account and when there are 3 notes of the outcome "No Answer" update a field on the Account called "Fuzion Billing Date" with the Created date of the third note

Right now i am getting the error on line 12; "Variable does not exist: Fuzion_Billing_Date__c".

I believe this is because i need some sort of nested querie that ties the Parent Account and its Fuzion_Billing_Date__c to each Communication_Note__c record 

Can anyone help me with this please?
trigger BillingDate2 on Communication_Note__c (After insert) {
    List<Communication_Note__c> allCom = new List <Communication_Note__c> ([Select Id
                                                                          From Communication_Note__c
                                                                           where id in :Trigger.new
                                                                           AND Fuzion_Type__c = 'Initial Phone Call'
                                                         			   	   AND Outcome__c = 'No Answer']);
	List<Account> myAcc = New List<Account>([Select Id, Fuzion_Billing_Date__c
                           From Account]);

    If(allcom.size() == 3){
     myAcc.Fuzion_Billing_Date__c = Date.Today();

Hello everyone,

I am creating a trigger that should update a field on the account page called Fuzion_Billing_Date__c when there are 3 Communication_Note__c records created with the outcome of 'No Answer'

As of right now the code saves but the Fuzion_Billing_Date__c field is not updating when i test. I haven't written a test class yet, I just created three records on a test account to see if it would populate.

Below is my code, I have a feeling the problem lies between lines 10-15, i do not think i am calling for the update properly. Can anyone help me out?
trigger billingDate on Account (After insert) {
    For(Account myAcc : Trigger.New){
        List<Account> allAccounts = new List<Account>([Select id,Fuzion_Billing_Date__c
                                                      from account where id in :Trigger.new]);
        List<Communication_Note__c> ThreeUnsuccessful = [Select Id
                                                          From Communication_note__c
                                                          Where Fuzion_Type__c = 'Initial Phone Call'
                                                          AND Outcome__c = 'No Answer'
                                                          And Id = : myAcc.Id];  
        If(ThreeUnsuccessful.size() == 3){
            myAcc.Fuzion_Billing_Date__c = Date.today(); 
		Update myAcc;

Hello everyone,

I am in the process of writing a trigger that look to see if there are 3 communication notes in a record that meet a certain criteria.

When the third Communication_Note__c record is created i want it to update a field called Fuzion_billing_Date__c with the date of the third created Communication Note

Right now i am getting an error "Expression cannot be assigned" that occurs at my "If" statement on line 10. I have a feeling it is because my allAccounts list isn't associating the Communication_Note__c object and their records to the account

If anyone has any ideas i would love to hear them
trigger billingDate on Account (After insert) {
    For(Account myAcc : Trigger.New){
        List<Account> allAccounts = new List<Account>([Select id,Fuzion_Billing_Date__c
                                                      from account where id in :Trigger.new]);
        List<Communication_Note__c> ThreeUnsuccessful = [Select Id
                                                          From Communication_note__c
                                                          Where Fuzion_Type__c = 'Initial Phone Call'
                                                          AND Outcome__c = 'No Answer'
                                                          And Id = : myAcc.Id];  
        If(ThreeUnsuccessful.size() = 3){
            myAcc.Fuzion_Billing_Date__c = Date.today(); 


Hello everyone,

I have a trigger i am in the process of writing that works fine, i just want to add the stipulation that if the Fuzion_Status__c is changed from "Initial Phone Call' to "Closed" I don't want the trigger to fire and create the Case
trigger caseCheck on Account (After update) {
        //Get all account and cases.

  List<Account> allAccounts = new List<Account>([Select id,Fuzion_Status__c,(select id from cases where status in('New','On Service')) from account where id in :Trigger.new]);
   List<Case> newCases = new List<Case>();
    for(Account myAccount :allAccounts){
    Account oldAccount = trigger.oldMap.get(myAccount.id);
    if(oldAccount.Fuzion_Status__c == 'Initial Phone call' && myAccount.Fuzion_Status__c != 'Initial Phone call'){
            Case c = new Case();
            c.Accountid = myAccount.Id;
            c.Type = 'ICM';
            c.Origin = 'SHIP';
            c.Division__c = 'Case Management';
            c.Status = 'New';
            c.RecordTypeId = '01236000000OJLq';
        insert newCases;

Right now i have this Map that checks to see if the Fuzion Status has been changed to any of the other pick list values, i want it to still fire on any of the picklist values EXCEPT when it is changed to "Closed"
if(oldAccount.Fuzion_Status__c == 'Initial Phone call' && myAccount.Fuzion_Status__c != 'Initial Phone call')

Hello everyone,

I am working on my first trigger and I was able to get the trigger to create a Case from a change in the account object but the only problem is, it is only supposed to create a Case if there isn't already a Case in the status of 'New' or 'On Service' in the Account

When i go to a test account, the trigger fires even when there is a Case that is New. I was wondering if anyone could look at my code and help me find out why this is happening
trigger caseCheck on Account (After update) {
        //Get all account and cases.

  List<Account> allAccounts = new List<Account>([Select id,Fuzion_Status__c,(select id from cases where status in('New','On Service')) from account where id in :Trigger.new]);
   List<Case> newCases = new List<Case>();
    for(Account myAccount :allAccounts){
    Account oldAccount = trigger.oldMap.get(myAccount.id);
    if(oldAccount.Fuzion_Status__c == 'Initial Phone call' && myAccount.Fuzion_Status__c != 'Initial Phone call'){
        if(myAccount.cases !=null){
            Case c = new Case();
            c.Accountid = myAccount.Id;
            c.Type = 'ICM';
            c.Origin = 'SHIP';
            c.Division__c = 'Case Management';
            c.Status = 'New';
            c.RecordTypeId = '01236000000OJLq';
        insert newCases;

Hello everyone,

I am trying to write a trigger that checks to see if a case is open for an account. If there is no case open then i want it to open a case with certain criteria. I have gotten the code to not throw any errors right up into the end. I was wondering if anyone can help me polish off my last 2 lines of code so that the Case will be Inserted.
trigger caseCheck on Account (After update) {
    for(Account myAccount : Trigger.new){
    List<Case> openCase =[Select id
                          From Case
                          Where (Accountid = :myAccount.Id 
                                 Status IN('New','Open')) ];    
        System.debug(openCase.size() + ' Open case(s) found');
            Case c = new Case();
            c.Accountid = myAccount.Id;
            c.Type = 'ICM';
            c.Origin = 'SHIP';
            c.Division__c = 'Case Management';
            c.Status = 'New';
            c.RecordTypeId = '01236000000OJLq';
        Insert Case;       

I am reveiving the following errors;
Variable does not exist: c
Variable does not exist: Case

I am trying to complete the installation process for the Force.com IDE, but something keeps happening that is not in the Force.com IDE Developer Guide

When I add the webiste https://developer.salesforce.com/media/force-ide/eclipse45 to the Add Repository dialog, and select the Force.com IDE, i am redirected to the following page

User-added image

Since the Installation guide does not account for this, i am not sure whether to continue on or if i am doing something wrong. If anyone has any ideas on how to fix this issue it would be much appreciated
I need some help embeding a Wave Dashboard on a lightning page. I want the Filter to show the current account that the page is being shown on.

I found some information online and tried to adapt the Json filter to our needs but to no avail! Below is the filter i am currently using, does anyone know why i am getting the following error: "The filter for this dashboard is invalid. Provide a valid filter in JSON."
{‘Claims_with_Cases':{'account':[{'Account__c.Name':['Name'], 'filter':{'operator': 'matches', 'Account__c.Name':['$Name']}}]}}
Hello everyone,

I need some help embeding a Wave Dashboard on a lightning page. I want the Filter to show the current account that the page is being shown on.

I found some information online and tried to adapt the Json filter to our needs but to no avail! Below is the filter i am currently using, does anyone know why i am getting the following error: "The filter for this dashboard is invalid. Provide a valid filter in JSON."
{‘Claims_with_Cases':{'account':[{'Account__c.Name':['Name'], 'filter':{'operator': 'matches', 'Account__c.Name':['$Name']}}]}}
Hey everyone,

I am in the process of writing my first Lightning Component Bundle. It's very simple, i just want to expose some text to some "Read only" users that aren't familiar with SalesForce.

I was able to get the text to work and show up on the lightning page which is awesome but it just looks like this...

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It's a little plain for my liking. So i would like to add something like the picture below so i can give it a more "Lightning" look.

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I would like to use the Custom 83 button

User-added image

Below is my code as it stands now, but when i try to add the icon and title i get the following error:

Failed to save undefined: No COMPONENT named markup://svg found : [markup://c:HealthNetFilterCheatSheet]: Source​
<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global" >
    <div class="slds-page-header">
  <div class="slds-grid">
    <div class="slds-col slds-has-flexi-truncate">
      <div class="slds-media slds-no-space slds-grow">
        <div class="slds-media__figure">
          <svg class="slds-icon slds-icon-standard-user" aria-hidden="true">
            <use xlink:href="/assets/icons/standard-sprite/svg/symbols.svg#user"></use>
        <div class="slds-media__body">
          <p class="slds-text-title--caps slds-line-height--reset">Health Net</p>
          <h1 class="slds-page-header__title slds-m-right--small slds-align-middle slds-truncate" title="this should match the Record Title">Date Code Cheat Sheet</h1>
<div class="slds-text-longform">
  <h3 class="slds-section-title--divider"> Date Filter - Cheat Sheet </h3>
    <h2 class="slds-text-heading--small"> Use these codes when wanting to change the Date range on a report </h2>
    <li>Last Month</li>
    <li>This Month</li>
      <li>Current and Previous Month</li>
    <li>Last Week</li>
      <li>This Week</li>
    <li>Last 7 Days</li>
      <li>Last 30 Days</li>
      <li>Last 60 Days</li>
      <li>Last 90 Days</li>
      <li>Last 120 Days</li>

Can anyone help me expose this icon and give it that Lightning look i am looking for?
Hey everyone,

I am trying to create a simple VF page that creates a Physician's Note on save.

I am having trouble exposing this VF page on the account object since the standard controller is set to Physicians_note__c

Physicians Note is a child to the Account. Below is my code.
<apex:page StandardController="Physicians_Note__c">
    <apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock title="Physician's Note" mode="edit">
            <apex:pageBlockButtons >
                <apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Save"/>
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="My Content Section" columns="2">
                <apex:inputField Label="Subjective" value="{!Physicians_Note__c.Subjective__c}" style="width:500px"/>
                <apex:inputField Label="Objective" value="{!Physicians_Note__c.Objective__c}" style="width:500px"/>
                <apex:inputField Label="Assessment" value="{!Physicians_Note__c.Assessment__c}" style="width:500px"/>
                <apex:inputField Label="Plan" value="{!Physicians_Note__c.Plan__c}" style="width:500px"/>
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I am trying to put the VF page on the account page using the Edit page option

User-added image

Can anyone help me expose this VF page on the account page while still creating the Physician's Note when pressing save.

Thank you
Hey everyone,

One of our developers who is no longer with the company created a VF that would create and contact under an account called "Next of Kin"

The page would then tie the Next of Kin contact back to the Account that the "Next of Kin" button was pressed

As of a few days ago the Account Contact Relationship is no longer being created.

I need help making that relationship happen again. Thank you in advance

Here is the VF Page:
<!--This Page is called from the [Add Next Of Kin] button from the Individual Account record. This page get the input for the Next of Kin Contact infomation and the relationship information 
with the specified individual Account-->
<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="CreateNextofKinContact">
 <apex:includeScript value="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js" />
    <apex:includeScript value="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.21/jquery-ui.min.js" />
    <apex:styleSheet value="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.21/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css" />   
    <apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.stacktable, 'stacktable.css')}"/>
    <apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.slds120,'assets/styles/salesforce-lightning-design-system.css')}"/>
    <apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock mode="maindetail" title="Contact Edit">
            <apex:pageBlockButtons >
             <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!saveDetails}"/>
                <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/>
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="Contact Information">
                <apex:repeat value="{!$ObjectType.Contact.FieldSets.Next_of_Kin_Contact_Creation}" 
                    <apex:inputField value="{!currContact[field]}" />
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="Contact Relationship">              
              <!-- <apex:inputField value="{!currAccountContactrelation.StartDate}"/>
               <apex:inputField value="{!currAccountContactrelation.EndDate}"/>-->
                 <apex:inputField value="{!currAccountContactrelation.Roles}"/>

Here is the Class:
/* This Class act as a controller extension for the 'Create_Next_of_Kin_Contact' page. It will create a contact under the 'Next of Kin' Account and create a relationship AccountContact
relation between the  Individual account and the created contact*/
public class CreateNextofKinContact{   
    public Account currAccount;
    Public Contact currContact{get;set;}
    private Account nextOfKinAccount; 
    public AccountContactRelation currAccountContactrelation{get;set;}
    public CreateNextofKinContact(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) {
        this.currAccount = (Account) stdController.getRecord();
        currContact = new Contact();
        currAccountContactrelation = new AccountContactRelation();
        if(Label.Next_of_Kin_Account_Name != Null){
            List <Account> accountLst = [SELECT ID FROM Account WHERE name = : Label.Next_of_Kin_Account_Name];
            if(accountLst.size() > 0)
                nextOfKinAccount = accountLst[0]; 
    public pagereference saveDetails(){
        if(nextOfKinAccount != Null){
                currContact.AccountId = nextOfKinAccount.id;
                currContact.RecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Contact.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Next of Kin').getRecordTypeId();
                insert currContact;
            }Catch(Exception ex){
                System.Debug('Exception ex'+ex.getMessage());
            AccountContactRelation newAccountContactRelations = new AccountContactRelation();
            newAccountContactRelations.AccountId = currAccount.id;
            newAccountContactRelations.ContactId = currContact.id;
            newAccountContactRelations.IsActive = true;
            newAccountContactRelations.Roles = currAccountContactrelation.Roles;
            newAccountContactRelations.StartDate = currAccountContactrelation.StartDate;
            newAccountContactRelations.EndDate = currAccountContactrelation.EndDate;
                insert newAccountContactRelations;                
            }Catch(Exception ex){
                System.debug('Exception Ex'+ex.getMessage());
            ApexPages.Message errorMessage = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,'We are unbale to find the Next of Kin Account. Please contact the Administrator.');
            return null;
        return new Pagereference('/'+currAccount.id);

Hello everyone,

I am trying to expose multiple notes at the bottom of a VF Page where the notes are signatures. We have to capture 2 signatures everytime we complete an assessment on a patient. The first signature would be the patients and the second would be the care provider.

I have the signature component working, but now i need help setting up a apex class that will help me expose the attachments on another VF page.

The Notes and Attachments are under a custom object titled "Patient_ass__c"

We have a similar Class set up in our org that does this exact function but inside another object. Below is the Class for that object. If someone could help me edit this code to the Patient_ass__c object that would be awesome

public Class ContractDocumentExtension{
    public Contract__c contractDocument{get;set;}
    Public Attachment patientSign{get;set;}
    Public Attachment caseManagerSign{get;set;}
    public String chooserender{get;set;}
    Public List<contact> currContactLst;
    public ContractDocumentExtension(ApexPages.StandardController stdController){
        String parentid;         
        contractDocument= (Contract__c) stdController.getRecord();            
        if(contractDocument != Null){
            currContactLst = [SELECT ID FROM Contact WHERE Accountid  = : contractDocument.Patient__r.id];
        List<Attachment> attachmentLst = [SELECT ID,CreatedDate  FROM Attachment WHERE parentId =:contractDocument.id order by CreatedDate asc  ];        
        if(attachmentLst.size() == 1){
            patientSign = attachmentLst[0];            
        if(attachmentLst.size() == 2){
           patientSign = attachmentLst[0];
           caseManagerSign = attachmentLst[1];          
        if(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('renderAs') != null){
            chooserender = 'print';
            chooserender = Null;    

I am in the process of enabling Skype for Business in Salesforce. When i send someone a message, there is no notification within SalesForce that a message has been received. But if the user finds the senders name and presses the "Message" button, the window will appear and the message will then be visible. The recipient of the message gets a notification in Office 365 and on the Skype for Business App, but again there is nothing in SalesForce to indicate that a new message has been received.

I imagined when learning about Skype for SalesForce that when i sent a message in SalesForce that a window would appear within SalesForce for the user receiving a message (like any other chat program....). Then the 2 could continue the conversation without ever leaving SalesForce. This doesn't seem to be the case, unless i am missing something.

Why when i send someone a message in SalesForce using the window picture below, does the same window not appear for the recipient within SalesForce?

User-added image

When using the Skype for Business App, it does notify you in the bottom right hand corner of the screen that you have received a message but the receiving party has to either

Use the notifying "Desktop app - Skype for Business"  to respond. Which works but seems counter intuitive to have to use 2 programs


After receiving a notification on Office 365 or Skype for Business app, Find the senders name in SalesForce, press the message button, and then the conversation can be continued on SalesForce.

I know there is some cool functionality coming to Skype for Salesforce in Spring 2017 but whats the point of it all if we have to use at a minimum 2 programs to make Skype for Business work?

Is this functionality coming with the new update or can i expect to have the same problem after Spring 2017?

Thank you in advance

I am in the process of enabling Skype for Business in Salesforce. When i send someone a message, they get a notification in Office 365 but there is no chat box that appears for them in SalesForce.

Am i missing a permission here? is this how it is supposed to work? I imagine that the box shown below is supposed to appear for my users as a message gets sent to them but i could be wrong

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Hello everyone,

I have just enabled Locker Service in one of my Sandboxes to try and find any problems.

I have watched some videos and came across 2 methods for testing my org but i am new to development and am having a hard time interpreting what to do next.

The first is this website, which doesn't seem to be checking my org but rather stating components that will break (or not break) after the locker service is turned on. 


The next way is to install an app called Heroku, which to my understanding will check my org for at risk code. I find the Heroku app very intimidating as i have never used such a program.

How would you all go about testing your system for issues caused by Locker Service?
If i am to use the Auraframework.org website, how do i interpret the pages and update my code?
If Heroku is the best way, could someone point me to some publications on how to use Heroku for this particular situation?

Thank you in advance
I have noticed a problem with DataLoader and i was wondering if anyone knew how to fix this problem.

When using the standard "Upload File" button to upload a photo, the file is saved as a PNG File. But when i use the EasyUpload app, the same file is saved as an Attachment. As shown below 

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As you can see, the file icon is green rather than dark gray.

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I am able to pull the dark gray "Attachment" files out of SalesForce with no problem, but the green PNG files do not show up on my export.

Is there a way to pull those Green PNG files out of SalesForce? If not how can i force the system to save PNG Files as Attachments and not Files.

Below is another photo that may help to find an answer to this problem. From Classic, the one that does not export using dataloader is of the Type "File".
User-added image

Hello everyone,

I recently started using DataLoader.io and it seemed at first to be exactly what i needed to get files out of individual accounts.

Here is the issue, below is a photo of all of the attachments i would like to export from the account named "Dorothy". As you can see there are probably 30+ records that i would have to download individually and then send to the intended recipient. 

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When i use data loader,I select attachment as the object, and Parent -> account name -> "Dorothy" as the field. 

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Then when i press next, i get prompted that there will be 0 records to export.
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Does anyone know why this is the case? Is the problem with the file type? 

Hello everyone,

I wrote a nested Query on the Workbench to do cross object reporting, the report works fine when i "View As" a List but when i try to Bulk CSV this report, i get the error "InvalidJob: Unable to find object: HealthCloudGA__Encounters__r"

I read online that workbench cannot export nested queries, i have tried to go to dataloader.io and export my query from there but that also does not work. Can anyone point me to a tool that can export this report? below is ther query and a picture of it working
Select Name,(Select id, HealthCloudGA__HospitalizePeriodStart__c from HealthCloudGA__Encounters__r),(Select On_Service_Date__c,Discharge_Date__c from cases Where RecordTypeId = '01236000000OJLqAAO'  ) from Account where Primary_Insurance__c = 'Health Net'

User-added image
Hello everyone,

I have an object called Patient_Physician__c where we associate Patient Accounts and Physician Accounts to eachother. I have a checkbox on the Patient Physician object that tells us if this physician is the primary care physician for the patient. The field is called Primary_Physician__c

I want to there to only be one primary care physician allowed in this object for each Patient Account, so that we dont have multiple physicians denoted as the PCP. Also a good thing to note, a Physician can be the PCP for any number of Patient's

I am not exactly sure which tool to use for this. I was thinking a validation rule but can a validation rule look at other records within that object and prevent the record from saving? Or would this be some sort of Apex trigger validation rule? 

I would love to hear your thoughts on this
Hello everyone,

I am creating a trigger that should update a field on the account page called Fuzion_Billing_Date__c when there are 3 Communication_Note__c records created with the outcome of 'No Answer'

As of right now the code saves but the Fuzion_Billing_Date__c field is not updating when i test. I haven't written a test class yet, I just created three records on a test account to see if it would populate.

Below is my code, I have a feeling the problem lies between lines 10-15, i do not think i am calling for the update properly. Can anyone help me out?
trigger billingDate on Account (After insert) {
    For(Account myAcc : Trigger.New){
        List<Account> allAccounts = new List<Account>([Select id,Fuzion_Billing_Date__c
                                                      from account where id in :Trigger.new]);
        List<Communication_Note__c> ThreeUnsuccessful = [Select Id
                                                          From Communication_note__c
                                                          Where Fuzion_Type__c = 'Initial Phone Call'
                                                          AND Outcome__c = 'No Answer'
                                                          And Id = : myAcc.Id];  
        If(ThreeUnsuccessful.size() == 3){
            myAcc.Fuzion_Billing_Date__c = Date.today(); 
		Update myAcc;

Hello everyone,

I am in the process of writing a trigger that look to see if there are 3 communication notes in a record that meet a certain criteria.

When the third Communication_Note__c record is created i want it to update a field called Fuzion_billing_Date__c with the date of the third created Communication Note

Right now i am getting an error "Expression cannot be assigned" that occurs at my "If" statement on line 10. I have a feeling it is because my allAccounts list isn't associating the Communication_Note__c object and their records to the account

If anyone has any ideas i would love to hear them
trigger billingDate on Account (After insert) {
    For(Account myAcc : Trigger.New){
        List<Account> allAccounts = new List<Account>([Select id,Fuzion_Billing_Date__c
                                                      from account where id in :Trigger.new]);
        List<Communication_Note__c> ThreeUnsuccessful = [Select Id
                                                          From Communication_note__c
                                                          Where Fuzion_Type__c = 'Initial Phone Call'
                                                          AND Outcome__c = 'No Answer'
                                                          And Id = : myAcc.Id];  
        If(ThreeUnsuccessful.size() = 3){
            myAcc.Fuzion_Billing_Date__c = Date.today(); 


Hello everyone,

I am working on my first trigger and I was able to get the trigger to create a Case from a change in the account object but the only problem is, it is only supposed to create a Case if there isn't already a Case in the status of 'New' or 'On Service' in the Account

When i go to a test account, the trigger fires even when there is a Case that is New. I was wondering if anyone could look at my code and help me find out why this is happening
trigger caseCheck on Account (After update) {
        //Get all account and cases.

  List<Account> allAccounts = new List<Account>([Select id,Fuzion_Status__c,(select id from cases where status in('New','On Service')) from account where id in :Trigger.new]);
   List<Case> newCases = new List<Case>();
    for(Account myAccount :allAccounts){
    Account oldAccount = trigger.oldMap.get(myAccount.id);
    if(oldAccount.Fuzion_Status__c == 'Initial Phone call' && myAccount.Fuzion_Status__c != 'Initial Phone call'){
        if(myAccount.cases !=null){
            Case c = new Case();
            c.Accountid = myAccount.Id;
            c.Type = 'ICM';
            c.Origin = 'SHIP';
            c.Division__c = 'Case Management';
            c.Status = 'New';
            c.RecordTypeId = '01236000000OJLq';
        insert newCases;

Hello everyone,

I am trying to write a trigger that checks to see if a case is open for an account. If there is no case open then i want it to open a case with certain criteria. I have gotten the code to not throw any errors right up into the end. I was wondering if anyone can help me polish off my last 2 lines of code so that the Case will be Inserted.
trigger caseCheck on Account (After update) {
    for(Account myAccount : Trigger.new){
    List<Case> openCase =[Select id
                          From Case
                          Where (Accountid = :myAccount.Id 
                                 Status IN('New','Open')) ];    
        System.debug(openCase.size() + ' Open case(s) found');
            Case c = new Case();
            c.Accountid = myAccount.Id;
            c.Type = 'ICM';
            c.Origin = 'SHIP';
            c.Division__c = 'Case Management';
            c.Status = 'New';
            c.RecordTypeId = '01236000000OJLq';
        Insert Case;       

I am reveiving the following errors;
Variable does not exist: c
Variable does not exist: Case
Hey everyone,

I am in the process of writing my first Lightning Component Bundle. It's very simple, i just want to expose some text to some "Read only" users that aren't familiar with SalesForce.

I was able to get the text to work and show up on the lightning page which is awesome but it just looks like this...

User-added image
It's a little plain for my liking. So i would like to add something like the picture below so i can give it a more "Lightning" look.

User-added image

I would like to use the Custom 83 button

User-added image

Below is my code as it stands now, but when i try to add the icon and title i get the following error:

Failed to save undefined: No COMPONENT named markup://svg found : [markup://c:HealthNetFilterCheatSheet]: Source​
<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global" >
    <div class="slds-page-header">
  <div class="slds-grid">
    <div class="slds-col slds-has-flexi-truncate">
      <div class="slds-media slds-no-space slds-grow">
        <div class="slds-media__figure">
          <svg class="slds-icon slds-icon-standard-user" aria-hidden="true">
            <use xlink:href="/assets/icons/standard-sprite/svg/symbols.svg#user"></use>
        <div class="slds-media__body">
          <p class="slds-text-title--caps slds-line-height--reset">Health Net</p>
          <h1 class="slds-page-header__title slds-m-right--small slds-align-middle slds-truncate" title="this should match the Record Title">Date Code Cheat Sheet</h1>
<div class="slds-text-longform">
  <h3 class="slds-section-title--divider"> Date Filter - Cheat Sheet </h3>
    <h2 class="slds-text-heading--small"> Use these codes when wanting to change the Date range on a report </h2>
    <li>Last Month</li>
    <li>This Month</li>
      <li>Current and Previous Month</li>
    <li>Last Week</li>
      <li>This Week</li>
    <li>Last 7 Days</li>
      <li>Last 30 Days</li>
      <li>Last 60 Days</li>
      <li>Last 90 Days</li>
      <li>Last 120 Days</li>

Can anyone help me expose this icon and give it that Lightning look i am looking for?
Hey everyone,

One of our developers who is no longer with the company created a VF that would create and contact under an account called "Next of Kin"

The page would then tie the Next of Kin contact back to the Account that the "Next of Kin" button was pressed

As of a few days ago the Account Contact Relationship is no longer being created.

I need help making that relationship happen again. Thank you in advance

Here is the VF Page:
<!--This Page is called from the [Add Next Of Kin] button from the Individual Account record. This page get the input for the Next of Kin Contact infomation and the relationship information 
with the specified individual Account-->
<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="CreateNextofKinContact">
 <apex:includeScript value="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js" />
    <apex:includeScript value="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.21/jquery-ui.min.js" />
    <apex:styleSheet value="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.21/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css" />   
    <apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.stacktable, 'stacktable.css')}"/>
    <apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.slds120,'assets/styles/salesforce-lightning-design-system.css')}"/>
    <apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock mode="maindetail" title="Contact Edit">
            <apex:pageBlockButtons >
             <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!saveDetails}"/>
                <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/>
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="Contact Information">
                <apex:repeat value="{!$ObjectType.Contact.FieldSets.Next_of_Kin_Contact_Creation}" 
                    <apex:inputField value="{!currContact[field]}" />
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="Contact Relationship">              
              <!-- <apex:inputField value="{!currAccountContactrelation.StartDate}"/>
               <apex:inputField value="{!currAccountContactrelation.EndDate}"/>-->
                 <apex:inputField value="{!currAccountContactrelation.Roles}"/>

Here is the Class:
/* This Class act as a controller extension for the 'Create_Next_of_Kin_Contact' page. It will create a contact under the 'Next of Kin' Account and create a relationship AccountContact
relation between the  Individual account and the created contact*/
public class CreateNextofKinContact{   
    public Account currAccount;
    Public Contact currContact{get;set;}
    private Account nextOfKinAccount; 
    public AccountContactRelation currAccountContactrelation{get;set;}
    public CreateNextofKinContact(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) {
        this.currAccount = (Account) stdController.getRecord();
        currContact = new Contact();
        currAccountContactrelation = new AccountContactRelation();
        if(Label.Next_of_Kin_Account_Name != Null){
            List <Account> accountLst = [SELECT ID FROM Account WHERE name = : Label.Next_of_Kin_Account_Name];
            if(accountLst.size() > 0)
                nextOfKinAccount = accountLst[0]; 
    public pagereference saveDetails(){
        if(nextOfKinAccount != Null){
                currContact.AccountId = nextOfKinAccount.id;
                currContact.RecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Contact.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Next of Kin').getRecordTypeId();
                insert currContact;
            }Catch(Exception ex){
                System.Debug('Exception ex'+ex.getMessage());
            AccountContactRelation newAccountContactRelations = new AccountContactRelation();
            newAccountContactRelations.AccountId = currAccount.id;
            newAccountContactRelations.ContactId = currContact.id;
            newAccountContactRelations.IsActive = true;
            newAccountContactRelations.Roles = currAccountContactrelation.Roles;
            newAccountContactRelations.StartDate = currAccountContactrelation.StartDate;
            newAccountContactRelations.EndDate = currAccountContactrelation.EndDate;
                insert newAccountContactRelations;                
            }Catch(Exception ex){
                System.debug('Exception Ex'+ex.getMessage());
            ApexPages.Message errorMessage = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,'We are unbale to find the Next of Kin Account. Please contact the Administrator.');
            return null;
        return new Pagereference('/'+currAccount.id);


I am in the process of enabling Skype for Business in Salesforce. When i send someone a message, they get a notification in Office 365 but there is no chat box that appears for them in SalesForce.

Am i missing a permission here? is this how it is supposed to work? I imagine that the box shown below is supposed to appear for my users as a message gets sent to them but i could be wrong

User-added image

At the end of every assessment I would like to create a text field that will serve as a clinical note based off of pick list values selected in previous questions. An example would look like this

"The patients home was (Value for field "Condition_of_the_home__c"). The Patient's ambulation is (Value for field "Ambulation__c")....

Is it possible to create a standardized note such as this in SalesForce? 

I'm looking to hide the label titled "Note" infront of my Text box as circled below.
User-added image
Here is my code for what i have so far. 

<apex:page standardController="Notes_for_the_Day__c">
width: 400px;}</style>
<apex:form >
  <apex:Pageblock Title="Notes on the Day">
  <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
  <apex:inputField Value="{!Notes_for_the_Day__c.Note__c}"
  <apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="save"/>


Hello, new developer here. I want to make a few changes aesthetic changes to my VF page

i would like to hide the field name titled - "Note". Since i have a title that enlightens the user on what the VF page is for, the "Note" label is unnecessary.

Also, I want to shift the text box left so it sits flush with the title and Save button. I already have a style to make the text box larger so i know i will need a StyleClass. Wondering if i can get some help to have the style both shift left and have a width of 400

Below is a picture of the VF page (marked with the 2 things i want done) and the code that goes with it 

User-added image

<apex:page standardController="Notes_for_the_Day__c">
<apex:form >
  <apex:Pageblock Title="Notes on the Day">
  <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
  <apex:inputField Value="{!Notes_for_the_Day__c.Note__c}"
  <apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="save"/>

Thank you in adnvance