• Janice Lu
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Hi, I've enjoyed using trailhead and i'm attending admin basic trail. When I do this challenge :

Users sometimes want a more detailed way to add new Accounts. In order to make entry of new Account data more flexible, add a new global quick action with a new layout and new default values.Create a new global quick action labeled 'New Detailed Account' to create an Account record.
Add the Account Name, Type, Rating and Fax fields to the action layout.
Add the new quick action to the global publisher layout.
Set the predefined value of the 'Type' field to 'Prospect'.

I get this message:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The global quick action was not created or it was not named 'New Detailed Account'

But i'm sure that New Detailed Account exist. How could i fix it? Please help me.