• Maxence LEFEBVRE
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On this unit : https://trailhead.salesforce.com/heroku_enterprise_baiscs/your_first_deployment
I read 
You're app is alive and well again on the Internet. Phew!

I am almost sure that I am not app, but that my app is alive ;)

Thank you anyway for this great platform !

Hello everyone,

I am currently having some trouble using forcedroid create to bootstrap an application. Probably because I am behind a corporate proxy, I am experiencing a lot of timeouts while fetching gradle or some libraries.

I was wondering if there was a Docker image that I could pull in order to fasten this steps ? Or a vagrant box with the development environment installed on it ?

Thank you very much,

Hello everyone,

The challenge is the following :
Create a Service and Implement a Caller.
Create an Apex class that is a service that exposes a bulkified service method. The service closes and sets the reason for one or more given case records. Implement an Apex REST class that calls this service.
  • Create an Apex class called CaseService that contains a void static method called closeCases that takes a set of Case IDs and a String parameter for the close reason.
  • Create a REST Apex class called CaseCloseResource with a URL mapping /case/*/close (where * will be the Id). Implement a POST closeCase method which accepts a String reason and calls the CaseService.closeCases service method passing in the Id and close reason.
I keep getting the following error when trying to submit my solution on "Apply Service Layer Principles in Apex"
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The Apex service does not appear to be closing cases correctly with the specified reason.

My Service class is the following:
global with sharing class CaseService {

    global static void closeCases(List<Id> caseIds, String closingReason) {
        if (caseIds == null || caseIds.size() == 0) {
            throw new CaseServiceException('You should tell me which cases you wanna close');
        if (closingReason == null || closingReason == '') {
            throw new CaseServiceException('I won\'t close a case without any reason');
        List<Case> closedCases = new List<Case>();
        for(Id caseId : caseIds) {
            Case caseToClose = new Case(
            	Id = caseId,
                Status = 'Closed',
                Reason = closingReason
        SavePoint sp = Database.setSavepoint();
        if (closedCases.size() > 0) {
            try {
                update closedCases;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw e;
    public class CaseServiceException extends Exception {}

And my webservice endpoint (I can't really call it restful) is :
global with sharing class CaseCloseResource {
    global static void closeCase(String reason) {                
        Id id = RestContext.request.requestURI.substringBetween('case/', '/close');
        CaseService.closeCases(new Id[]{id}, reason);

I tried in an anonymous code execution :
Id id = '5000Y000002Vc8Y';
CaseService.closeCases(new Id[]{id}, 'You shall be closed!');
And successfully got the following : 
Changed Case Reason from Installation to You shall be closed!.
Changed Status from New to Closed.

Then, using workbeng, I tried the following request :
POST /services/apexrest/case/5000Y000002Vc8m/close
Payload : {"reason" : "Please close this case too!"}

And got a 200 response from the server as well as 
Changed Case Reason from Feedback to Please close this case too!.
Changed Status from New to Closed.

That's why I am still confused on why the challenge checker is rejecting me ?
Did I miss something the challenge requested me to do ?
Hi all,

So it looks like last year when I created my Dev Org account, I managed to create two. Because I am a genius. This is the first time that it has given me any issues and I would appreciate any assisstance you could give me.

I am on the last of the Beginner Admin trails "Extending Reports using the AppExchange." The problem that I am running into is that the AppExchange continually logs me in to the wrong Dev Org account, which means I cannot complete the trail. I have tried logging out of SF, the Trailheads, and the Exchange, and even had my computer forget all passwords associated with those accounts, but it keeps happening whenever I log in.

Any help that you could give me would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much in advance.

P.S. I am also sending an email to Salesforce Support, but thought this might be a faster way to get a response.

On this unit : https://trailhead.salesforce.com/heroku_enterprise_baiscs/your_first_deployment
I read 
You're app is alive and well again on the Internet. Phew!

I am almost sure that I am not app, but that my app is alive ;)

Thank you anyway for this great platform !

Hello everyone,

The challenge is the following :
Create a Service and Implement a Caller.
Create an Apex class that is a service that exposes a bulkified service method. The service closes and sets the reason for one or more given case records. Implement an Apex REST class that calls this service.
  • Create an Apex class called CaseService that contains a void static method called closeCases that takes a set of Case IDs and a String parameter for the close reason.
  • Create a REST Apex class called CaseCloseResource with a URL mapping /case/*/close (where * will be the Id). Implement a POST closeCase method which accepts a String reason and calls the CaseService.closeCases service method passing in the Id and close reason.
I keep getting the following error when trying to submit my solution on "Apply Service Layer Principles in Apex"
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The Apex service does not appear to be closing cases correctly with the specified reason.

My Service class is the following:
global with sharing class CaseService {

    global static void closeCases(List<Id> caseIds, String closingReason) {
        if (caseIds == null || caseIds.size() == 0) {
            throw new CaseServiceException('You should tell me which cases you wanna close');
        if (closingReason == null || closingReason == '') {
            throw new CaseServiceException('I won\'t close a case without any reason');
        List<Case> closedCases = new List<Case>();
        for(Id caseId : caseIds) {
            Case caseToClose = new Case(
            	Id = caseId,
                Status = 'Closed',
                Reason = closingReason
        SavePoint sp = Database.setSavepoint();
        if (closedCases.size() > 0) {
            try {
                update closedCases;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw e;
    public class CaseServiceException extends Exception {}

And my webservice endpoint (I can't really call it restful) is :
global with sharing class CaseCloseResource {
    global static void closeCase(String reason) {                
        Id id = RestContext.request.requestURI.substringBetween('case/', '/close');
        CaseService.closeCases(new Id[]{id}, reason);

I tried in an anonymous code execution :
Id id = '5000Y000002Vc8Y';
CaseService.closeCases(new Id[]{id}, 'You shall be closed!');
And successfully got the following : 
Changed Case Reason from Installation to You shall be closed!.
Changed Status from New to Closed.

Then, using workbeng, I tried the following request :
POST /services/apexrest/case/5000Y000002Vc8m/close
Payload : {"reason" : "Please close this case too!"}

And got a 200 response from the server as well as 
Changed Case Reason from Feedback to Please close this case too!.
Changed Status from New to Closed.

That's why I am still confused on why the challenge checker is rejecting me ?
Did I miss something the challenge requested me to do ?