• Tejashri
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Can anybody please help me in below query,

My requirment is, There are two objects Goal and related Actions. 
So On vf page I am displaying all goals and all Actions records but I want to give Link to Goal record and onClick of this fetch only related Action records and not all records. How to achieve this on VF?


Can any budy help me in below,

We have one workflow on Case object and there are 2 email alerts on this. 
1st email alert send an email to Supervisor when there is button click(created one boolean filed to do so)
2nd email alert go to Email server: This alert using the email template and this is in format of HTML. So email alert mail goto salesforc server and using Email to sf functilnality it is coming back on the case under activity history. 

Issue here is: One tag added into the email template which convert plain text to HTML format and salesforce doesn't support HTML format. So in activity history record email body is missing. 

How to convert this HTML email to Plain text format.??

Thanks in advance 

Can anybody please help me in below query,

My requirment is, There are two objects Goal and related Actions. 
So On vf page I am displaying all goals and all Actions records but I want to give Link to Goal record and onClick of this fetch only related Action records and not all records. How to achieve this on VF?


Can any budy help me in below,

We have one workflow on Case object and there are 2 email alerts on this. 
1st email alert send an email to Supervisor when there is button click(created one boolean filed to do so)
2nd email alert go to Email server: This alert using the email template and this is in format of HTML. So email alert mail goto salesforc server and using Email to sf functilnality it is coming back on the case under activity history. 

Issue here is: One tag added into the email template which convert plain text to HTML format and salesforce doesn't support HTML format. So in activity history record email body is missing. 

How to convert this HTML email to Plain text format.??

Thanks in advance 

I am trying to display the account record details as well as the related contacts and opportunities for a selected account record through lookup.
I am stuck at the point where I am unable to obtain the record id for the selected account record.
Below is my code. Any help is appreciated. 

VF Page:

<apex:page controller="accountdisplay">
        <apex:pageBlock title="Display Account Details">
            <apex:outputText value="Select Account: " />
            <apex:inputField value="{!con.accountid}"/>
            <apex:commandButton action = "{!getdetails}" value='Submit' />
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="Account Details">
                <apex:outputtext value="{!acc.name}" />


public class AccountDisplay {

    public account acc {get; set;}
    public contact con {get; set;}
    public pagereference getdetails(){
        acc = [select id, name from account where id = :con.AccountId]; 
        return null;

Thank You,
I'm using field set to build our new opportunity view page. The field set displayed in VF page properly and inline edit is working as well. However, when I tried to build the form validation before saving the page, I found I couldn't catch the user input value in the controller or in jquery/javascript(the value can be saved properly but no idea how to catch these values before saving the page).

Anyone has an idea?