• Sindhu Bandari
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how to display a pdf stored in static resource in a visualforce page

I added custom fields to web to case and the web to case HTml generator has generated Id of the fields I will fail if i go to prod with that I replaced the ID's with !{case.phonenumber} 
it says to give get and set in controller, I am not sure with that can anyone help
Hi, I  need to create a record on a custom object when the new case is created with record type  ombuds_record_type, I wrote the below code for insert trigger, I am getting below error
KSU_Ombuds_Snapshot: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object ()
can anyone help.
thanks in advance 

public  class KSU_Ombuds_Snapshot_Class {

public static void getContactSnapshot( List<Case> cas ) {
       Set <id> cases =new set<id> ();
       for (case caseid : cas)
            if(caseid.RecordTypeId == Schema.SObjectType.Case.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Ombuds_Record_Type').getRecordTypeId())
        System.debug('joke ' +cases);
       // get contact values given contactId, create a contact to hold
       List<Contact> con = [SELECT Id, KSU_CumulativeGPA__c, AccountId, KSU_FinancialAid__c, 
                                 KSU_AccountBalance__c, KSU_EnrollmentStatus__c, KSU_StudentType__c,
                                 KSU_CumulativeHours__c, KSU_Level__c, KSU_Current_Academic_Standing__c
                      FROM contact 
                      WHERE Id in : cases];
    List<KSU_Ombuds_Snapshot__c> snapshotrecords = New List<KSU_Ombuds_Snapshot__c>() ;
        For(Case ombudcase : cas)  
            For(Contact ombudscon :Con)
       // create a new instance of the Snapshot object
              KSU_Ombuds_Snapshot__c cs = new KSU_Ombuds_Snapshot__c();
       // Associate Contact, Account and Case to Snapshot object
               cs.Name = 'Case Snapshot';
               cs.KSU_Snapshot_Account__c = ombudscon.accountId;
               cs.KSU_Snapshot_Contact__c = ombudscon.Id;
               cs.KSU_OmbSnap_Case__c = ombudcase.Id;
               cs.KSU_Snapshot_Cum_GPA__c = ombudscon.KSU_CumulativeGPA__c;
               cs.KSU_Snapshot_FinancialAid__c = ombudscon.KSU_FinancialAid__c;
               cs.KSU_Snapshot_AccountBalance__c = ombudscon.KSU_AccountBalance__c;
               cs.KSU_Snapshot_EnrollmentStatus__c = ombudscon.KSU_EnrollmentStatus__c;
               cs.KSU_Snapshot_StudentType__c = ombudscon.KSU_StudentType__c;
               cs.KSU_Snapshot_CumulativeHours__c = ombudscon.KSU_CumulativeHours__c;
               cs.KSU_Snapshot_Level__c = ombudscon.KSU_Level__c;
               cs.KSU_Snapshot_Current_Academic_Standing__c = ombudscon.KSU_Current_Academic_Standing__c;
                Insert  snapshotrecords;
        catch(DMLException e){
            System.debug('Exception on class: KSU_Ombuds_Snapshot_Class, method: getContactSnapshot, getLineNumber Error : '+e);
I need to have a field on the multiline edit page of opportunity product which calculates the value of quantity multiplied by sale price. This field should have the value before the save button is clicked, That means when user enters a value in quantity and sale price it field should automatically show the value multiplied from quantity and sale Price, how I can achieve this 
Hi, I have set up product scedules in salesforce lighting an enabled default revenue scheduling for 12 months for each product, when I add the product the default scedule comes up but when I edit the product scedue and click on delete button for a scedule all scedule date becomes same and amount changes to same and when I save the row gets deleted and the scedules becomes normal, Is it a bug from salesforce? Do any one have any solution.

how to display a pdf stored in static resource in a visualforce page
I need to have a field on the multiline edit page of opportunity product which calculates the value of quantity multiplied by sale price. This field should have the value before the save button is clicked, That means when user enters a value in quantity and sale price it field should automatically show the value multiplied from quantity and sale Price, how I can achieve this